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Anybody Flight Sim on here


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You can have a co pilot in your aircraft, but if you use addons which have more complex programming, such as PMDG, which is a must-fly if you want to do it seriously, shared aircraft will bug. I am willing to teach you VOR/ADF/ATC should you be interested.

Mind you I also need to re learn somethings as it's been nearly 1 year since i last touched FSX.


If we were all to join an existing VA I would recommend one not from the US, nor from the UK. Most of us are european, therefore an european VA would make sense. I am not aware at all with the US flying rules, they have some different atc protocol and some different units. If I am not wrong, they also have a little difference with ATC in the UK. I am aware of Non UK European ATC comms.


Anyways, If there are financial possibilities, a brand new VA would probably be the best way to go, given some of tduckers would have to spend some time learning some things, that includes me as I have forgotten much.


Some must haves, nonetheless, are PMDG addons, and air charts. Air charts are obligatory if one wants to use ivao/vatsim. Ivao is better imho due to more ATC coverage in Europe. Charts are not hard to interpret, specially Jeppesen charts. Actually very easy.

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Before starting a VA or something similar, we should organize some group/training flights for those who are not very used to instrumental flying. Btw, some of us are not from europe (LATAM, Australia...). So maybe we can know others GMT times, eg. mine is GMT -3

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GMT +11 right now, soon to change back to +10.


I know nothing about Euro flight rules but would expect nicer scenery around there compared to USA and UK. Just the UK VA looked quite good and they cater for newbies and offer one on one training, and only require you to take one flight job per month to stay a member.


I might go fly tonight (roughly 10am UK time iirc) if anyone wants to do some multiplayer (if I can remember my Gamespy password). That said I might also fly a bit after lunch (roughly in 90 mins from now)

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I'd have to re install my FSX and my nearly 100gb worth of addons for this. Will do if there is enough interest in this probably. Would be glad to teach one or two the basics of navigation and atc. Can't do it for all though, need time to study too.


/offtopic Time flies, in a few months I'll be in uni :yay:

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I setup a free IFR flight plan test flight from Christchurch to Invercargil in New Zealand (was looking for a short flight with nice scenery, didn't end up with either) in the AirBus A321, hopeing to establish what I was good at and what I need to work on, or be taught. Endeavored to use the radios as well.


Was hoping not to start on the runway and taxi there instead, not sure where the option for that is. Got ATC clearance and took off. First Q was when they said change radio frequency... no idea how to do that. All I did was keep using the ATC controls to check for nearest airports until I was close enough for IN to show up, then requested a full stop landing and got clearance.



The route showed up on the GPS and OVR which was fine, wasn't able to tune the AP to it though. I also struggled to stick to my assigned altitude of 8000 ft even when modulating the throttle and using the trim controls, and engaging AP made the plane climb very quickly, up to 3x the height at one point. So before joining a VA I need to work out a foll-proof method of sticking bang-on my assigned altitude.



NZIN ATC later told me go left of the airport and land on runway 4 (my heading was 201 so pretty much had to do a 180 degree turn). The route on the OVR and GPS vanished and left it all up to me, I didn't line up properly but still could've managed it, but the TOGA switch kept going on automatically, so it was impossible to land with full throttle engaged, and using my throttle slider did nothing. This happened 3 times (my approach wasn't perfect, but still) until I gave up and quit as I was tired.


Given most RL pilots only fly the plane for about 4 minutes (take off and landing) I also have to work out the waypoint and auto-pilot systems better.

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actually that indication of how much they fly it can vary a lot and is not accurate :P

Ok this is a good sugestion, stick to it if you wish, but it's really for the best. To learn basic AP commands, chart reading and radio navigation, use the default propellor aircrafts, such as the 172 and the grand caravan. They are great for QDM, QDR, Radial, VOR, ADF, DME, practice etc..

With those mastered, you can ditch the GPS, unless you wan't to know where you are on the map, but you can ditch it for navigating.

A great route planner I use is RouteFinder (free access area)


After you get the hang of those, practice in addon jets such as pmdg 737 ngx. There is no decent bugfree airbus addon, yet (I think).

Practive the use of FMC first, and Auto pilot. Then cold & dark startup, overhead, other systems.


Standard and non standard hold patterns, hold pattern entries...All that must be learnt.

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Surprisingly, most Flight Sim users start wanting to learn how to fly airliners with computers and all the stuff. As you get bored you start going backwards, I mean, start hand flying, tuning radios, making VOR to VOR flights and such things that leads you to learn how the complex airliners systems works.

So as patch said, start with the C172 is good for getting an idea on how radio nav works, and learning to keep an eye various things at a time as the landscape moves slower that in a A320 or B737. Once you get used to the plane, give a try to the GPS with the default flight planner just to start, later you'll find it pretty much useless.

So to sum up... do what patch said, then take the leap to the airliners. Of course if you get bored give a shot to the airliners, but you'll find them a bit more difficult (talking about a default one, addons such as PMDG 737NGX or LH MD-80 are much more complex! )

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Trying to set my FSX to run properly and for the life of me can't get it to hook onto my main monitor properly.


When i first run FSX it loads up Full Screen on my secondary monitor which i don't want. So put it into window mode and drag it to my main monitor and maximize it but not put it in full screen.


If i quit out like this and re-launch it comes back to this state but when i try putting it into full screen it will go weird and sit between the 2 monitors?


Anyone got any help on this as would like to run full screen as i hate running it in window mode!

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So GameSpy for FSX was shutdown by Microsoft without warning in December 2012, but it's not all over


FSX Beyond GameSpy: Your Source for Information about the Future of FSX Multiplayer


Some websites still maintain dynamic lists of running servers showing location, number of players, etc. You just select one, get it's IP Address and type that into FSX in Multiplayer > LAN > Direct Connection


Reaper and I joined a German one tonight - FSXTools.de


Our only problem was that there were a bunch of commands to use that we haven't learnt, as the BOT requires players to abide by ATC clearances. Our downfall (but also fortune) was that we were flying from Geneva when the ATC and all other players were in Frankfurt. The good news was that there was no-one to crash into, the bad news was that we suspect we were tuned into Frankfurt ATC and didn't know how to switch to Geneva via the server chat commands.


I've since found a reference for the BOT commands - Bot Commands


Another site to look into is FSopen Multiplayer FSX sessions


If you're interested familiarize yourself with these websites and their information and then we can schedule a proper multiplayer flight next weekend or whenever.





New Users Intro

"HippyHappy Germany" Multiplayer FSX Community


FSX stands for "Microsoft Flight Simulator X". This server was founded in 2006 and has a large user base nowadays. You will meet here real pilots, hobby pilots and new pilots from all over the world. You do not need to be an expert in order to join our server. Don't be scared :) However basics can be learned on FSX learning center.

HippyHappy Germany is a dedicated, 24/7 FSX Multiplayer Server:


This Server is running on Windows7, Quadcore CPU, 8GB Ram and a 7GBit leased internet line. Some say this is one of the best FSX servers you can find ...


It is completely free! No registration required, nor spam, fees or backdoors. Anyone can join anytime.


All you need are these things:

* Flight Simulator X (Microsoft).

* The Service Packs SP1/SP2 or Acceleration (an Addon which includes the Service Packs by default). In case you find FSX requesting a password to log in you have one off the above options missing.

* A headset and joystick if you plan to perform a more realistic flight experience.

Internet connection :)



0. Connect to HippyHappy Germany FSX Server:


You can connect server either via Direct IP (LAN) connection (GameSpy is unavailable)











1. Your first day:

Choose a plane to spawn in game at some gate. All aircrafts are welcome but gliders. Also some add-on planes can cause problems and you will be automatically kicked from server. If you experiment these problems choose the default fsx plane for checking if the plane you were using is multiplayer friendly.


Now it is time to choose the starting position. DO NOT SPAWN ON THE RUNWAY!! Spawn at the gate, ramp or in the air, just not on the runway. Why? Because there are other players departing and landing and they will be crashed if you suddenly appear on the runway. Real planes don't spawn on runways, too.


For NOT spawning at the runway, you need to follow this example Setup in the Server's Lobby:




Then you can select your starting position: GATE





Now you are almost ready to go. This basics may not differ from other servers but when it comes to taxi and other operations that's where you will find differences as we mainly operate under a BOT ATC (=Air Traffic Controller). This system works with commands written in the chat box. (to open chatbox in game press ENTER and the chat window will pop up).


Tip: Type !help to check the commands list (all commands start with “!”). Scroll down further for more commands.



The Automated ATC ("Bot ATC")

Taxiing/Taking off:


The BOT ATC system is guarding several airports. To get the list of the BOT-operated airports type: !atc

In order to taxi for takeoff you will need to use the ATC BOT commands (!taxi / !takeoff / !land) in the chat box and not your microphone (mic usage is not allowed on BOT operated frequencies by non-admins).


In the chatbox you type either: !taxi or !takeoff. Remember all BOT commands begin with a <!>.

Now you will hear the BOT voice using your callsign or nickname, giving instructions to taxi (type !callsign to check/change your callsign). You will be approved to taxi to a specific runway holding point and wait there until the BOT is coming back to you (wait your turn if other planes are in the line and don't enter runway unless you have specific permission). If you miss the message, don't worry, you can check it again in the chat using the command: !repeat. This will allow you to reread the BOT message to you inside the chatbox). Once you are in the right place further instructions will be given by BOT ATC.


You note that you do not need to re-type !taxi or !takeoff, right? The BOT is contacting you all by itself again once that you are in his ATC list. Easy, right? :)

If the BOT fails to contact you even though you waited for several mins already at the holding point, make sure you are at the correct holding point of the indicated runway. Waiting at wrong runway and such is the most often reason ...

Remember taxiing is not a race so watch your speed (usual up to 30kts is ok).


In cases where there is a real player as Air Traffic Controller (human ATC), you will need to contact him. Use chatbox or mic for this (remember to set your radio on the right frequency; typing !atc will let you check which frequency you need for your airport). A 10,000 points minimum is mandatory to be an official "human ATC" on this server. Please do not play as human ATC otherwise.



For Landing:


The process is similar to the takeoff. Type !land on chatbox and follow bot instructions. It will guide you to the active runway and clear you to land. Use !repeat if you miss any call. Using ATC for taxiing/taking off or for landing will always give you some bonus points! Good to know ... :)



2. After a few days:

Now that you are fluently enough with the basics and after observing how the chat works lets explore more features. It's soooo easy! Just read on:

The Chatbox is like the "commando-center" for our automated machine, called the "=Bot=". Bot will react to commands users type into the chatbox. All commands start with a "!" as a trigger, for example you can type: !help


Now the Bot will reply and print out a list with all commands available. Play around with these commands, type for example !points or !info or !weather or .... whatever you like :) Certain commands can be followed by someone's nick or an ICAO. Explore by yourself.


* Flying gives you points. Where do these points come from?

* You gain 1 point per minute just for flying on the server. Cool, right?

* You lose points for crashing and disrupting others.


* You gain again points if you fly (not too easy) jobs for the Bot. How? Simply type !job into the chatbox while you are flying or parked at some airport. This will give you a random destination as an answer on chat but if you want to fly to a certain place add the airport ICAO behind the command: !job< ICAO>. (example “!job EDDF”) If you succeed, you gain between 80 and 500 points. If you fail, crash or disconnect you lose the same amount...There is a time limit to perform the job. It can be checked typing !status. Job's speed is limited to 500 GS (Ground Speed.)

Other job types:: !propjob !cargojob !jobliner !vl (Virtual Arline). Type then on chat and check the BOT answers for more details.

* Jobs can be cancelled typing: !cancel This costs 20 points. Jobliner and VL differ from this rate wether you are on the ground or flying.


* You loose 20 points each day.

* Certain countries air spaces will bill you a little amount of points if you don't have the current license required to fly inside them (such as the U.K. and Russia). A voice and chat message will advise you. To get this license you need to pass exams on server. Check forum for further details. Each license costs 2,000 points and you have a month to pass the exam.

* Type !points to check your actual account situation, rank and license.


* Different airports, different towers. If you want to land or takeoff from a different airport than the default one check !atc list. Set on your radio as active com1 the proper frequency for the destination and type into the chatbox !land <icao> or !takeoff <icao> (don't write the <> symbols on chat). You can also choose a desired runway between the actives !land LEPA 24L for instance or !taxi LEPA 24C. You can add new ATCs via the !addtower command. ATC contacts you at around 40nm from airport therefore there is no need to add tower until 60nm from your destination.


If you want to be cool, you can plug in your microphone. It's fun to talk with others (keep the capslock key pressed while talking. Also make sure the chatbox is not active while talking via microphone, because otherwise it will register your keystroke for the chat and NOT transfer what you say into your mic). But do not use frequencies used by the BOT ATC (i.e. 118.75) - check the !atc list for frequencies already in use and therefore not operable for voice chat. A better way to communicate might be some Teamspeak server, there you will not disturb anyone.



3. After a week:

You are ready now to setup your BIOS profile on the homepage. It is in the multiplayer menu. Just create an account and fill the bios, it's free :)


4. After 8 days:

You may call yourself an EXPERT by now :) Experts ask their questions in the Forum or in the Chatbox during the FSX server session^^.


5. Other things:


The following things are unacceptable behaviors:

* Spawning on runways

* Not using ATC

* Ignoring ATC

* Ignoring Admins (check the chatbox sometimes, we do alot of communication inside there)

* Landing against traffic

* Taking off against traffic

* Swearing or any other offenses

* Mic use on ATC freq.

* Cheating in VL or Job

* Spamming the Chatbox

* Spamming the Mic

* Dangerous Flying

* Ramming others


Doing any of the above may result in your temporary or even permanent removal from the server.


In opposite we like you to do these things (= acceptable & welcome behavior):

* Be curious and willing to learn from the experienced people we have here!

* Be patient - Noone is ignoring you or your questions in the chatbox by bad purpose. Some patience is helping alot :)

* Always watch the easy and fair rules: No spawning on runway (spawn at the gate!), be polite (no cussing and such), do not use your mic on active BOT ATC frequencies. Ah yeah, also watch the other DO-NOTs above ;)

* Be human, as we all are humans... Everyone can make mistakes and we know this (and do some ourselves^^). If you get kicked or banned, check what you did wrong (i.ex. check the reason in the online banlist on this homepage or ask for the reason of a kick in the chatbox, if you do not know it already). We know that most people don't do wrong things with a bad purpose. Just being such a big community is requiring us (or our automated BOT) to stop some behavior - by purpose or not - disrupting a smooth gameplay.

* For further help check the forum or ask in the chatbox. To check latest news read the Home page section or the Forum.



Helicopters are allowed BUT…. using ATC while flying a helicopter is not required, it is recommended to avoid spawning/using the host airport due to the heavy traffic there. Avoid crossing runways or active approaches, flying low over the airport or close to other users. Just takeoff and exit the vicinity of the airport to the closest safe area.


Enjoy the flight and respect others :)


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I will definitely need more practice when it comes to FSX! Installing some of my scenery addons and plane addons before i try and learn though! :)


That server was interesting but it wasn't made clear that they gave us taxi clearance to runway 25 when there isn't a runway 25 at that airport! :/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Think I've read more about VATSIM, not sure if I ever registered there (I just used the link I posted earlier in this thread to fly online).


Where - somewhere interesting,

Which planes - I think the Learjet was popular last time. Unless you want to post some aircraft mods in the shed

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