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Mod discussion


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First of all, i´m not a much known member of this forum but let me tell that i visit the forum every day since quite some time now and that i´m very much enjoying all the mods.


I also can imagine that this sub forum isn´t the right place to start that discussion but i think that most of the modders can look right into this thread and that´s what it´s all about.


I start this topic because of the recent happening with reaper´s and tool´s undercover car pack thread which strangely got out of control.


I would like to state my opinion on this, as a background i´m just a regular TDU player which loves the game and also enjoys every released mod and appreciates the hard work. On the other side i´m on a mod team myself for another game (in this case Armed Assault) and i know what it takes and how the community can be in demanding things and so on.


First off all, there´s my opinion as a general TDU player and fan. I think we all can agree that we love this game. Why? Because we all love cars and love the possibility to drive around in them which we can´t do in reality. One of the most natural things to happen now is, since it´s possible to make addon cars for the game, to think about possible additions and dreams of other car types which could become true. Everyone has his favourite car, i´m sure. Now there are some very talented individuals here that can create new cars for the game and they do it.

Now it´s a very natural thing that people come around and start to ask (in some cases demanding, which is not okay) for all kind of cars. Why do they do that? Because they wish to have their personal favourite car in game.

I think that in 90 per cent of all cases no negative attitude is behind this, in the end we all are suckers for new car models, aren´t we?


On the other side i know of the problems this can cause to the modder himself, personally. But in the end the modder can decide for himself what to do and what not to do. Result is, that no matter what you release, people will be happy. Some will not, but you cannot make something for everyones taste, we learn that in our life everyday.


Now there is one thing which i can hardly understand:

The modder puts hard work into a new car and release it. There are A LOT OF people here which love it and are very thankful for it and appreciate it.

As everytime there are also a few (really a few) people which don´t like it or start making requests. Why can one person affect the mind of the addon maker to actually quit everything??

I mean the ratio between positive and negative statements could be 9:1.

Modders please don´t let get you down because of some stupid comments. You have to think about the majority of players out there which are fans of YOUR work. This is, what counts.


Now i would like to hear some other opinions about this.

I also would like to thank all modders here, don´t want to name anyone (you know who you are) and ask them to stay cool and continue their work if it´s fun for themselves.

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Guest RB26DETT

first of all welcome to tdu-central. ;)


and dude, we share the same opinions about the modding. everything you just said is 100% what i see regarding the modding scene.

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Yep I agree with what you say. The mods are very appreciated by people. I think the problem occurs with the responses. If people like the car they just go off and use it and very few leave any written thanks for its creator, taking the mod for granted if you will. Then when something is slightly wrong or they can't figure out what to do they come back and post in their droves.


So to summarise the number of people who appreciate the mods outweighs those that don't, sadly those that do appreciate the hard work seem less vocal.

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So to summarise the number of people who appreciate the mods outweighs those that don't, sadly those that do appreciate the hard work seem less vocal.




I do usually post a screenshot of me being a nutter in the modded car though. :lol:


Also, I don't really request / demand cars because I don't know what I want, lol. Any mod is good for me.


Keep it up modders, because I know nothing about 3d modelling! :thumbsup:

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Yep I agree with what you say. The mods are very appreciated by people. I think the problem occurs with the responses. If people like the car they just go off and use it and very few leave any written thanks for its creator, taking the mod for granted if you will. Then when something is slightly wrong or they can't figure out what to do they come back and post in their droves.


So to summarise the number of people who appreciate the mods outweighs those that don't, sadly those that do appreciate the hard work seem less vocal.



true, i also dont get it why people dont +rep modders. I mean the most say very nice, and test the mod than go back on the forum to complain about the bugs. I just say thanks add some respect, download the mod and test it.

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I agree with the Topic Starter.


I myself have (like he said, everyone has cars they want) requests for various cars for this game but i post them in the Request Section and don't whine about it in every other thread because i know that's not how you do it.


But i can't understand either how modders can care that much about ppl that doesn't like their work. _IF_ i was a modder and ppl would say:


Guy: You got a pretty ok mod but i don't like (this and that).


I would just say: I know that those parts are bad and im trying to make them better but that is all i can do for now.


And not like: omg i quit this project now and start something else just cause 1 person hate it...

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It's not cause 1 person may hate it though it's the constant barrage of "You should make XXXXX" and "I would love to see a XXXXXX" and also the Private and Profile Messages. It would really get on your nerves. You don't always want praise either, you want people to enjoy what you have created but you also want to hear what they think about it, the good and the bad!


You post you're working on an Audi S8 and all of a sudden people are saying why not make the S5 instead or noone is making this car and that car. After this can you make XXXXXX.


We have a modding section right now but no real modding community as the community isn't respectful of what these guys are doing or helping this section grow, in fact some people are doing the opposite and that's not good for anyone. If it comes to it we will have to start banning people from this area and also hiding it from the Unregistered/Lurkers which is not something I really want to do but if this nonsense continues then it will be done.

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Well Diablo, if you do so, you may not need to pay for so much bandwidth.

Thinking back, i may have said "Ban the request section totally" but thinking about it now, its not such a great idea. I think we should let them work on a mod at a time, maybe they can have a list on what they want to do which is available for reading to let us know what they are currently doing, what they plan to do and what they DONT plan on doing so that the "n00bs" will stop bugging them.

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Thing is the modders want to make what they want and that's fine and you actually end up with some crazy and a good variety of cars from Lada's to Bugatti's. If your car isn't available and you can't do it yourself then by all means learn to do it, don't annoy modders by asking in every thread for it.


Just wait and be patient, someone will eventually make the car you want.

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I agree with a lot of what was said. We make a thread showing a car that we are working on, and within that thread, there are requests for totally different cars.


Also, if you request a car that I don't like, I will not make it. Why you ask? I would have no motivation to do it right. If I don't enjoy the car I'm making, it will become work; and I hate work that I don't get paid for.


My suggestion is to make the threads with the beta, wip & release prefixes locked from get go and have the original poster the only one who can post in it. Maybe give these their own section?


Then have a sub section where the discussion threads about that car can go.


Also, maybe give the modders rights to moderate their own threads (i.e. delete posts that request different cars in a thread I start about a specific car :thumbsup:) This will only be in threads we start, I don't want us to be able to moderate other peoples threads. That's what moderators are for!

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If I don't enjoy the car I'm making, it will become work; and I hate work that I don't get paid for.


maybe give the modders rights to moderate their own threads (i.e. delete posts that request different cars in a thread I start about a specific car :thumbsup:) This will only be in threads we start, I don't want us to be able to moderate other peoples threads. That's what moderators are for!


I sooo agree with all that. Although your point about threads being locked till released sounds abit harsh imo, i do like seeing people comments saying 'Great work' etc etc, don't like the bad ones though like "I don't like this car" and stuff something along them lines. :)

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Tool, what I meant was having one section for WIP/BETA/RELEASE versions that are only for downloading and updates. Then having a sub-section for a general discussion about that car where everyone can put their input and such.


One WIP/BETA/RELEASE thread per car and would only contain 1 post that would be formatted like the first posts in our RELEASE threads with all of the info about the car.


The sub section will have threads about the cars in the main section, but the sub will be open for anyone to post in but we would have the power to moderate our own threads (just in this section) to remove the requests and such.


Sock, I figured that it wasn't possible, or at the least kinda hard to do. The modders would have to be given moderator rights, which could get ugly :twisted:

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I'm going to keep this as simple and straight to the point as I can: "I agree..."


But something I would like to comment as well, is that modders are suppose to mod because they enjoy it, not only because they can. What is the point of doing something for the pleasure of others and not your won benefit. It may sound somewhat egotistical, but its true. Its like going to college and studding law because your father wants you to, and you do so to please him, when what you really want to study is culinary arts.


Modders you guys do an awsome job, and you shouldn't take other peoples thoughts into consideration, given the fact that you started your models just because YOU WANTED TO. The best way to live life is to live and let live, but you will always find people that try to invade your own personal space by nagging and nagging. The solution to this dilemma es simple... Just ignore the ignorant and egocentrical individuals and carry on with your life as is. Sometimes its nice to hear other peoples opinion, but when it starts messing with each and every ones personal peace, that when we have to learn to shut off these people. You can't escape these people, but you can learn how to live/deal with the. Anyways... Awsome thread topic. Good thoughts and opinions. Alot talented people here... Always a pleasure. :)

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Modders can now Close and Open their own threads. Don't take advantage of this in situations it isn't needed though, it's mainly for the use of keeping updates and posting progress even if it's to say project on hold, closed or whatever. Whenever you close or reopen your thread post saying why.



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