Dear devs, two things I want to talk about:
Idea: online leader board for your game
Many of you might already know, we are going to provide free file hosting, modding space, and gallery for your game
but I want to take this a step further, let me know if this is in your interest:
Given enough interest, I will develop dedicated area for you to register your game profile, this will provide an online Leader Board for your game, (alone with more feature in the future)
in which you will get a token and an endpoint (RESTFul API), you can choose to call that endpoint in any of your game event (say player finished a round),
push token, player name, and score number to that url
then my system will automatically store and calculate top players
Idea: what can we as community help you with the game?
while we would love to have your game released within the community, I understand it is natural to go with Steam for broader audience reach,
with that said, what would you like to see from us that you won't be able to get from Steam?
like dedicated group for your game discussion? like what I have mentioned above? please let me know how we can help you