today after a doctor appointment, went to the bookstores in the city
It seems like due to Japanese yen price drop or whatever reason, magazines and some books have price reduced by 15%
so I went to check the latest release of Dengeki(電撃) G'S like usual and found that each one has a note under the plastic wrapper
it prints "The attached figure can not be sold in the US due to law restriction"
unfortunately the store doesn't allow photo taking, else I would take a picture
here is this issue's image taken from their site
now, I can guess the reason why it can't be sold in the US is not because it is a little buster's naked figure
but the naked figure looks like a child
(you probably know the majority Japanese drawing styles make characters look like low age range (especially genre: loli) which caused quite some problems with other nations (we being one of them) who take child rights seriously)
anyhow, even the store drop the price for this particular magazine for 20%, I still didn't buy it (see how important the attached gift is for magazine buyers)
Dinner: ramen + beer (because they have a special price when purchased with ramen) + nikuman (肉まん)
here are the stuff I bought today