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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. So what do we think now guys? It's 2013, basically 2 years after the release of the let's face it atrocious TDU2, so has the bitter taste worn off now and we're ready for the hype and want of a TDU3? As we know Atari are delving deeper into the realm of mobile/tablet and online games and of course Atari owns the TEST DRIVE trademark, but that doesn't mean that a TDU3 couldn't happen as they could allow another developer use the name and thus we get a TDU game developed by maybe someone competent but with hardly any Atari involvement. :hmmm: This could be a good thing actually! Imagine an open-world racer on the level of Slightly Mad Studios' pCARS or check out impressions and media from our own members [iURL=http://forum.turboduck.net/forums/150-Project-CARS]here[/iURL]. What say ewe? :D
  2. Don't know why but at first glance I read the title as 'TDU 2 Mod Staircase'. :oook: Anyway! Cool vids sir and thanks for joining us here at the duck. I will be your waiter for this evening, the toilet covers are over there >>>>>>> ___ = |
  3. I was thinking you could maybe make a race out of it. Top Gear style! Even better if you could stick lookalikes of James and Hamster on it somewhere. :p
  4. Haha that's brilliant, we have headless crossover shifting, hitting warp speed and someone so relaxed they never realised they put their head through the window. Class! :lol:
  5. あけましておめでとう(´・ω・`)
  6. Haha that was nuts! Very apt though with a clear message.
  7. Just a pity there is no F40 battling with it, that would be the image right their if so. :nuts:
  8. There was a few made in the early 90's iirc so maybe he could just say it's that 959 and be fine. :D
  9. OMG the captions on that video are brilliant, seem to mention "phones" a lot for some reason. :hmmm:
  10. *Fixed a permission issue with Media system, you can now able to view/add at http://eudemon.org/page/media.html +Add feature that allow to share a single post
  11. Nice one mate, well done on the new year message. I'd like to add something to this.... This is really crazy but believe it or not this is now the SIXTH New Year that we have welcomed and brought in with you guys our members (past and present) and I know I seem to say this a lot but I never ever in a month of Blue Moon Sundays, would have believed this day would come. We've been through some really good times and of course some god awful ones too, the game series we were originally so involved with and adored has become a distant shadow of what it once was and is ridiculed for it but that's not to say that if there was mention of a new one we wouldn't be somewhat interested. :oook: However, we are indeed fast approaching our sixth year of being online and over these years we have hopefully maintained our priority values of being an insane, fun and enjoyable community. Yes that word right there; community that is what it is all about. We value and appreciate every one of our loyal and active members and those of you who have been here for a long time know that we never forget that a community is NOTHING without it's MEMBERS!! Sure myself, the staff, tduck and bob do stupid things and maintain this place but it's you guys who make tduck what it is and for that I thank you and hope that the future continues to promote being stupid responsibly for many years to come, and that you come with us along for the ride.... swim. :duck: As always we encourage you to give your feedback and tell us what you think we are doing right, wrong and wtf, as we don't know unless you tell us. :D Ultimate Best Wishes to you all. turboduck / tduck team
  12. 164 downloads

    Story: 主人公・千歳春樹の日常は至って平穏なものであった。 携帯落とせば水の中 無くした財布は数知れず 自転車漕いでりゃ事故に遭い、街を歩けば絡まれる ………たとえ他の人からすれば不幸と呼べるようなことだったとしても、この程度のことはトラブルのうちに入らないのが、彼にとって『普通』の日常である。 そんな、尽きない厄介事と折り合いをつけ、平和(?)に暮らす春樹の元に“ソレ”は訪れた。 ある日、突然届けられた宅配便。 宛名もない、差出人も書かれていない『生物』というシールだけが貼られた荷物。 いかにトラブルまみれの日常を過ごす春樹であっても、それは予想できるような中身ではなかった。 まさか“女の子”が配達されてくるだなんて……。 これこそが、春樹が手にした『新たなる不幸』…………ではなく『初めての幸運』であり、波乱の幕開けであった。 春樹の不幸を拭うために来た! と言う少女は自らを“神様”と名乗り、彼をトラブルから守る名目のもと家に居座ることになるのだが……。 彼女の行動が新たな問題を引き起こし、小さなトラブルはいつの間にか周りの人間も巻き込んだ大騒動に! そんなハチャメチャな毎日の中で、春樹が手にした『幸運』は一体何をもたらすのか? 神様と名乗る少女の目的は? 春樹に付きまとう不幸は消えるのか? 答えはそう、これから始まる騒乱の日々の中に!
  13. New Year limited time giveaway, share something at http://eudemon.org/files/ and receive free 3 months V.I.P subscription

  14. Cool theme, look forward to seeing what people enter.
  15. 初夢は何もありませんでした (´・ω・`)
  16. Egoist! love their music done for guilty crown haven't listen to their other work yet, definitely gonna check it out
  17. .quote { font-size : 13px;color: #AC7CBF;}.big { font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold; color: #333333; }.text { font-size: 15px;}.smallertext { font-size: 14px;}.note { font-size: 11px;}hr{ height: 1px; background-color: #D8DDE8; border: 0;}.highlight { font-weight: bolder; color: #990000; font-style: normal;}.content { width: 940px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #CAD3DE; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; padding: 10px; padding-bottom: 6px;}.content a{ text-decoration: underline;}.right_img{ float: right; padding-left: 5px;}#img_pad img{ padding-top: 8px;}.outer{ color: #333333; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #EBF0F3; width: 970px;} Follow us: Hiya {member_name} (Click to View) 中文翻译请点我. すみません、日本語の翻訳はまだサポートされていません This message is subject to change without notice, to view / reply the most updated announcement click me (or machine translation over 53 languages) Happy New Year / 新年快樂 / あけましておめでとう(有隱藏贈品哦) 本來打算在新年之前完成所有預定更新, 但是趕不上了, 所以分開兩批發布 +視頻系統 建立在我們的內容數據庫系統(即將發表) 可以讓所有會員分享視頻通過直接鏈接或者embed代碼 ?提問 我們把原先的support板塊改成了Q&A包含了以下新功能 可以讓會員點擊 '問題解決' 來選擇最佳答案 現存皮膚: !部分已經更新來兼容最近的系統升級 我一有時間會繼續更新剩下的皮膚 (因為這是個非常耗時的過程) 聊天欄已經添加到所有已更新的皮膚, 你可以用這個來區分皮膚的更新狀態 此外, 部分皮膚外觀也已經改善 默認皮膚的背景圖已全部支持HD顯示(1080p) +聊天服務 已增新的淺色外觀來襯托大部分皮膚的外觀&感覺 +新皮膚 Bulletin: 清晰簡單的皮膚以泡泡式背景承托其個性 新皮膚已經開放讓我們所有的博客主使用 +網盤服務 兩個新的分類 (保存數據 & 輕小說)已增加 所有上傳會自動在我們的新Direct Download板塊生成一個留言跟幫助主題 此外, 我們關閉了所有網盤區(Download)的留言系統 +更多小界面改善來提供更好的導航跟控制 例 (包括但不局限於) 編輯器改善: 可選擇默認粘貼方式, 代碼框可選擇格式 圖片打開效果改善: 更快的讀取速度 !另外我們還提升了博客文章跟博客自定義區塊的大小by 50%, 和允許兩倍的圖片數量在任何單個網站帖子/文章 !所有通知設定重設回默認 你可以在你的個人設置裡面隨時修改 節日贈品, 啦啦啦~ 為期一個禮拜 (1/1/2013-1/7/2013) 在我們的網盤區發布任何有效的資源 (見分類說明) 我會PM你一個三個月免費V.I.P的優惠碼 祝你節假日快樂 (╹◡╹) For many other small changes that are not mentioned here you may check the change log* Best Regard, Eudemon Administrator of Eudemon.org Symbols: !change/improve *fix +add -remove ------------------------------------- You've received this news letter because you've either signed up at Eudemon.org or one of our child sites ------------------------------------- Handy Links ------------------------------------- Community Address: {board_url} Log In: {board_url}?app=core&module=global&section=login Lost Password Recovery: {board_url}?app=core&module=global&section=lostpass ------------------------------------- How to unsubscribe ------------------------------------- Visit your email preferences and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the community administrator' is unchecked and submit the form
  18. .quote { font-size : 13px;color: #AC7CBF;}.big { font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold; color: #333333; }.text { font-size: 15px;}.smallertext { font-size: 14px;}.note { font-size: 11px;}hr{ height: 1px; background-color: #D8DDE8; border: 0;}.highlight { font-weight: bolder; color: #990000; font-style: normal;}.content { width: 940px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #CAD3DE; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; padding: 10px; padding-bottom: 6px;}.content a{ text-decoration: underline;}.right_img{ float: right; padding-left: 5px;}#img_pad img{ padding-top: 8px;}.outer{ color: #333333; display: inline-block; padding: 15px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #EBF0F3; width: 970px;} Follow us: Hiya {member_name} (Click to View) 中文翻译请点我. すみません、日本語の翻訳はまだサポートされていません This message is subject to change without notice, to view / reply the most updated announcement click me (or machine translation over 53 languages) Happy New Year / 新年快樂 / あけましておめでとう(secret giveaway hidden somewhere) Was trying to finish up all updates by New Nya, but couldn't catch up on time. I guess I will do two separate announcements +Media System Built upon our content database system(releasing soon) Allow members to share videos by direct linking or embedding ?Ask a Question We have changed our support board to Q&A with new feature that allow members to 'mark solved' to select best answer(s) Existing skins: !Some have been upgraded to be compatible with recent system upgrades I will continue to upgrade the rest of them once I have time, as this is a time consuming task Chatting service has been added to upgraded skins, you may use this to differentiate the statuses of skins In addition to this, some skin layouts have been improved as well Default skin backgrounds now support HD display (1080p) +Chatting Service: New light Theme to match general look & feel of other skins +New Skin Bulletin: A clean, simple skin that is easy on the eyes with a nice chat bubble aesthetic that gives a dose of personality. The new skin is available for all our bloggers to use +Hosting Service Two new categories (Save Data & Light Novel) have been added All uploads will automatically create a new support & comment thread in our new Direct Download board In addition to this update, we have disabled all comment on the download site +More options added on small part interfaces to provide better navigationand control e.g (included but not limited to) Editor improvements: select default pasting method, format select for code box Image light box improvements: faster load speed !For your convince, we have increased the total size of blog entry and block by 50%, and doubled amount of allowed images for single post across the site !All notification settings have been reset back to default You may change it anytime in your account setting Holiday giveaway, yeah yea~ last one week (1/1/2013-1/7/2013) Contribute to our download site, at least one time with qualifying upload (see category description) I will PM you with a 3 months free V.I.P coupon code Enjoy your holiday (╹◡╹) For many other small changes that are not mentioned here you may check the change log* Best Regard, Eudemon Administrator of Eudemon.org Symbols: !change/improve *fix +add -remove ------------------------------------- You've received this news letter because you've either signed up at Eudemon.org or one of our child sites ------------------------------------- Handy Links ------------------------------------- Community Address: {board_url} Log In: {board_url}?app=core&module=global&section=login Lost Password Recovery: {board_url}?app=core&module=global&section=lostpass ------------------------------------- How to unsubscribe ------------------------------------- Visit your email preferences and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the community administrator' is unchecked and submit the form
  19. Eudemon

    media item page

    From the album: Eudemon

    where you can share embeded videos
  20. Eudemon

    blog theme

    From the album: Eudemon

    create your own blog, with tons of settings, layout and skins to choose from
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