so I've just completed the demo, The game design is fantastic as usual, I did hook up my G27 with the cronusmax device to try it out with a wheel. For those who don't know cronusmax is a little device that basically converts your wheel to a controller. There is no forcefeedback apart from centering spring force, it is almost impossible to counter-steer and clutch pedal is a button not actually a pedal. It is very much like playing The Crew with a wheel :cheeky: . Anyway I've got the h-shifter working with it too which was a lot fun. You are handicapping yourself a lot by using a wheel as a controller so It took me 4 tries to come 3rd in the last race. The graphics are definitely a step down from horizon2 perhaps because of 60fps which I don't really care for in a racing game of this state. But overall I like it, I wish it had a proper wheel support but oh well, it's better than a controller. The game itself is pretty challenging with all assists off and simulation handling. They're obviously not meant to be turned off by controller users (hint hint camel). If you're playing with a controller I suggest you have stability management assist on at all times. As for icy-no grip physics I don't know what you're talking about it seems perfectly balanced to me.