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Everything posted by MephistoRacing

  1. I suppose, but couldn't you just give yourself full diamond armour/weapons with TMI? That would kinda take the fun out of it :P And show the arena, I need some inspiration to redesign mine, it's just a big platform of cobble in the middle of the ocean right now :P
  2. Ah, cheater :P Why bother with Too Many Items if you can use creative mode though?
  3. Looks great, I'm guessing all the stuff is legitimately aquired? IE; not creative mode? All those bricks must have been painful to get :P
  4. Rather liked the Jag review's voice-over, sounded a bit like you were trying to over-pronounce though, but not much in a bad way, since it'd be for multilingual types :P If you do moar, you have at least one steady listener ;D
  5. Even though I don't like any Zelda made after Ocarina (Never played Majora's Mask, though), I want all of that.
  6. Gran Turismo 1/2 is where I learned everything I know about staying in the racing lines, when to brake, when to turn in, apply power, etc. It's a good little resource :P
  7. God, no. Even us Canadians know that we're just another American state
  8. Where are you buying from that only gives you 7 days? The shop I go to has anything from 15-90 day direct replacement period, no questions asked... I've even brought a fan back there that I dropped on the way home and it got run over by a car and they replaced it
  9. As I was scrolling up through the Aston shots, I thought I was in the "What you saw recently" thread that I have open in another tab, then I saw the guy standing behind the Beetle and I realised it was GT5 :p Great shots man
  10. I ALWAYS forget about that site when it comes time to find references, I'll have a look, cheers EDIT: A couple decent angles of the front/back there, but the lighting/quality isn't too great so I can't really see the angles of the plastics, and the rest are just fairly bad angles for what I need :P
  11. I'm having trouble finding close-up shots of some areas of a car I'm modeling, since you guys are all car fans/epic photographers/always manage to see exotics, and this is a common one, I figured you may be able to help. I need either high res shots at the right angles to see the parts circled in the image well enough, or reasonably close shots of the areas Car is a 2008 Audi R8, I'm sure someone here will have at least one shot that shows each area reasonably well, any help is appreciated ;D Click to enlarge http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_audi-r8-2008.png
  12. My god you guys are pro at making simple things uncomfortable. @Clarence - Each of those points could explain it. Still though, living there till you were 6, and then Texas, I'm surprised you aren't in SOME sort of plaid attire :p
  13. All it really is is a desperate, pathetic power move. If it passes they'll have a hell of a time enforcing anything with all the backlash they'll get, and if it doesn't pass it'll just show how weak they really are and other countries will still take a note from it and make their own little power moves. (Keep in mind I know nothing about this :P )
  14. If SOPA passes, I'm gonna make a bunch of Blogger accounts dedicated to pirated music and games, simply so I can get Google shut down. "Policy analysts for New America Foundation say this legislation would enable law enforcement to take down an entire domain due to something posted on a single blog, arguing, "an entire largely innocent online community could be punished for the actions of a tiny minority."
  15. But... You don't look like the typical northern Ontario slag... Something fishy's goin' on. :p
  16. Saw a Suzuki Alto Works(?) yesterday Never seen one in person before, best thing ever
  17. Interior mesh looks a bit messy in some places. Wish I got CAD stuff to use as reference though :(
  18. I usually have the fans at 50% or off aswell, but my fan controller decided to break a little while ago :(
  19. Kids, get PC cases with filters. And don't have hardwood flooring throughout your entire house. It's only been a month or so since I cleaned this. Click to enlarge. http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_DSC00623.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_DSC00624.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_DSC00625.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_DSC00626.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_DSC00627.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_DSC00628.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_DSC00629.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/th_DSC00630.jpg
  20. Well, I'm out, pretty much regardless of when it ends up being held. My son decided to be born and is stealing all my time :P
  21. Which winter mod is that? It looks great D: Also, I lovelovelove the ricky gervais show, been watching/listen for like 2 weeks straight :P
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