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Everything posted by RobikV3

  1. Got this nasty little bugger recently Also got some nice skins for P51 and F4U
  2. Nice! always a pleasure to see new TDU modder welcome!
  3. So how much powahh does the Pug generate? Kind of rare to tune Peugeots to me at least
  4. And also the S7 TTC spoiler is blurring at higher speeds its kind of annoying
  5. I have GTS450 its not so good for HD monitor :/ about overclocking i dont know i never overclocked any of mine gpus but if its running at normal temperature then it whould be fine if you clock it a bit
  6. I dont really care caue i dont like celicas that much not this gen at least but if it was rx7 or Skyline GTR then i would bother me
  7. And he also needs to stop mounting cheap suspension parts so they wont bent haha
  8. Well you can use packed version but its very limited you wont get new cars etc
  9. Yes it works online and servers are working for me atm
  10. And for now we still have 6 people with 0 votes...
  11. No problem Hmm I think yes, but just to be sure i would first move them to somewhere else and see if they game is working and then delete them unless you are 100% sure your game runs on unpacked files for instance if mods are working then yes you can delete right away them :)
  12. A version without that ugly splitter maybe?
  13. The whole folder no go into it and theres backup folder created by unpacker you can delete that on it contains all the BIG and MAP files the game was unpacked from
  14. RB25DET comes with R32 Skyline im pretty sure
  15. Oh man :eek: Im gonna test it instantly
  16. Lol there is no settings for keyboard and its not settings problem but the broken physics
  17. I really really like what im seeing from this game awesome cars with proper sounds even better customisation everything placed in big open map with beautiful graphics. Looking forward to it and hope my crappy PC will be enough
  18. Sure it was good in TDU 1 but it was only useful when you needed a certain class car for a race and since the races in TDU 2 are boring to death i dont think its that much needed and i dont think its possible without source code or developers tools of some sort
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