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Everything posted by khevolution

  1. whats wrong with the link, or am i being a bit dim
  2. P45 Top gear style Warning its a large image
  3. I do think MS are going to Blu-Ray, im sure i read that somewhere
  4. i joined this site at the very beginning of the sites creation, and it has sat in my bookmarks folder ever since, i may not be on here very often, but i do like to pop my head in every now and then. Well done to Diablo and the rest of the community for keeping this place alive! and more then anything else this gives me an excuse to have a few drinks tonight to celebrate!!!
  5. i dont think im able to afford rent a server at the moment, buts something i've wanted to do for a while, so will get round to it when funds allow obviously. so i think a temp server might be the best solution at the moment.
  6. Just a quick question, could we get a list of all the people who would be up for this, as I've done a bit of research and am pricing up how much it would cost to rent a server
  7. TBH im not fussed what ever one gets chosen. I was just stating my preference
  8. another vote here for tekkit, be good to have, but if people dont want to use it, the standard game is still there
  9. is there any chance of having a central area just for building, then anything outside that area would be for a PVP, so players can choose
  10. installed it anyway. Let me know the details whenever there ready.
  11. its a start, i say go for it What is this hamachi all about?
  12. just given it a go, must say im very impressed, just wished we had more unlocked cars to test, and i saw the game had an old school BMW and got excited only to find you have to pay for it. I really like the hill climbing stage though
  13. So has anybody bought a server for this or what, i could do with a decent minecraft/tekkit (tekkit prefered) server to play on
  14. i'll give this a go, not got a wheel though, but interested non the less
  15. im gutted, i was doing well, qualified 8th and was in 4th place in one point, got greedy and ignored 1 request for fuel, and so i ran out. hopefully lesson learned
  16. quick question, how do you view the timings in quali?
  17. look forward to the challenge already have learning from my mistakes, gone through all my tests runs, but the weather was wet, not realizing the changes, so my car is now set up for a wet race. Here is hoping to a wet race in Turkey, not holding my breath though
  18. Well i personally cant see my team scoring many points for the rest of this season, think of my team as the HRT of this league, i'll be using this time just for experience, and if it looks like i would be getting an advantage for the next season, i could always create a new account and start from scratch, to make it fair for every one
  19. if im honest i did even know there was going to be a next season, my current prep has only been on this seasons car, but i understand your concern, is there no admin controls for whoever is hosting the league?
  20. I know im very behind on this, but this looks like a bit of fun, i would be up for losing a few races
  21. thanks to this game i was late to work today, i bought it on a drunken whim last night and remembered about this this morning, thought i would do 1 drop off then, i would go to work, i managed the delievery fine, but then i just had to start another one... always a sign of a good game
  22. is anybody playing this with a keyboard?
  23. i would like to buy this at some point on PC, but being held back because i will have to run origin, and i really dont want to do that if i can avoid it.
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