Hello all. It's that time of year again and my friend has managed to book some time off work for me to fly down and stay with him for a week. I will be flying down to Gatwick tomorrow and will be staying in Surrey as my flight is at 6.25am or so and that means I have to get up at 3am, oh the joy! :(
For those of you "Londoner's", I plan to spend two days in London, being Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th December and would like some people to meet up with if at all possible, although I don't know if you guys are busy with Christmas and New Year related stuff, so yeah just get in touch via email or PM as I can check this on my mobile. :D
For everyone else, you may see me browsing the forum occasionally, although I won't be on as often as I will be going places with my friend and not spending so much time on the internet. I will return on Monday 3rd January in the evening and will be back at my home then. Hope nobody misses me, although I don't post much now so have probably lost a bit of my reputation around here. :cheeky: ;)