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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Nearly died when I saw that white F40! Now I wish July(probably) will hurry up.
  2. ^^ I've been listening to that album over the last few days. Why do I like it!?
  3. Your family gets through a lot of cars. :eek:
  4. I'm sure my MSN hotmail account won't notice the extra spam email occasionally, it gets about 50 a day as it is. :lol: Thanks to somebody who used to be on here.
  5. :hmmm: Not bad for free I suppose. I'll get it, even if all it does is sit on my external waiting to be used. Maybe not, doesn't work.
  6. Shame he didn't lose it. :lol:
  7. 2004 Vauxhall Zafira 2006 Mini 2008 Mazda 3 2012 Ford Focus And then whatever car I buy later this year if I get one this year.
  8. Links no longer work. Thread locked. Author can PM me with updated links and the thread will be opened again.
  9. *cough* Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends - Car List *cough* :p
  10. I would if I knew which cars I haven't been sent. I got the xmas ones, the Joss and the Shelby 427. All of the others I received are the ones for getting to level 50 in FM3 and stuff like that. Do you know what the reward cars were for the last KOTTs?
  11. I'll probably not even bother with this. Haven't received any of the other cars and sending that email did sod all. :rolleyes:
  12. twitter TDU2: RT if you're pumped for all new bikes! http://t.co/rqX82otl
  13. *puts fingers in ears* lalalalalalalalala. Still going to wait till it comes down in price and finish ME2 first. Still haven't found it though. :( But on a scale of R to 87, how much better than ME2 is it?
  14. Flo, stop deleting half of your posts, it's makes threads hard to follow and annoying to read. DeBleuchamp gets my vote, liking the creativity.
  15. You know when you randomly start choking on nothing for no reason, I did that while giving a presentation. :( I felt like a complete tool before I started choking. :(
  16. Wow, that looks great. Also looks like it fits in well with TDU2.
  17. :eek: indeed. :eek:
  18. Hello there! :welcome:
  19. Camel


  20. Camel


  21. There will be another 6/7 episode season around July probably. He mentioned on the radio that they're still doing 14 episodes per year. Which is actually up on the 12 for the last couple of years. :hmmm:
  22. He has. :fp: :p
  23. Sorted?
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