Congrats to Timmy boy for winning last week!
* Stick to the implied theme (look for technical loopholes, if you find them don't tell anyone). Send a PM to the person who chose the theme if you are not sure about your noodles cooking temp.
* Images must not exceed 5MB, and be at least 1280px wide by 500px tall.
* Each person who enters must cast as many votes as they like as long as it is no more or less than one vote. You absolutely must not vote for yourself. Voting infringements may lead to disqualification in the event of a tie.
* Winner picks the next theme, unless winning consecutively, in which case the runner up decides.
* Winner has 48h to create a new thread/theme or until Ryzza reminds them.
* Competition is limited to games on all platforms of any age that are classified as driving/racing games. (i.e. FPS games that have cars in them are not eligible). Please mention what game your screenshot is from if not obvious.
* Minor non-enhancing editing permitted (cropping, addition of your name, etc) is permitted, as long as the actual screenshot isn't tampered with. Just like all the other photo comps before.
Week 57: Liveries (ENTRIES CLOSE 18/SEP/2014)