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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. Words cannot express how much hatred I possess towards scooters/mo-peds.
  2. I was actually thinking about posting about a few cars. I don't see the harm in it as long as the amount of information is kept to a minimum and important details are mentioned, not just a list of every change made to the car in it's production time. Hell, you might find out something interesting about a car you wouldn't necessarily go on Wikipedia to find out about. Infact I don't go on Wikipedia (or any website for that matter) to find out about cars at all.
  3. Rubbish beading.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00029.jpg Some of the Alfa from quite a few months ago. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00025-1.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00018.jpg Golf reflection... http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00019.jpg Hadn't buffed the Golf up properly and the paint's pretty rubbish anyway. I haven't done any before and after type things, I might do the next time I clean one of the cars.
  4. Album: Songs for the Deaf. Track: 8, according to LastFM. http://www.last.fm/music/Queens+of+the+Stone+Age/Songs+For+The+Deaf
  5. I start to give up once I've washed the car to half way down the doors. Routine is as follows: Rinse whole of car using hose/jet-wash. Use said jet-wash to remove dirt from wheel arches. Start off on the roof. Using a sponge + bucket of warm water + car shampoo. Rinse. Continue by applying shampoo to just above the window line to the bottom of the window line. Rinse. Continue by applying shampoo from the bottom of the window line to half way down the door. Rinse. Continue by applying shampoo from half way down the door to the bottom of the car. Rinse. Rinse wheels again. Use alloy cleaning brush plus alloy wheel cleaner to clean the wheels. Rinse. Get drying-up cloth to soak up most of the water so that water-spots/lines cannot be seen once car has fully dried. Wipe door sills down using drying-up cloth. Throw drying up cloth into the corner of the garage. Get annoyed with the hose pipe/jet wase because it wont go back tidy - Leave it in a pile in the back garden. Throw unused water/car shampoo into the road and watch everyone try and drive around it. Admire work. Go out driving and get the car dirty again. Tar remover/wax gets used every couple of months. I have some awesome-sauce photos of beading which I'll post in the next couple of days.
  6. I've never been a fan of this style Fiesta, although I hear they're a very good car. My main (and probably only) gripe with them is the styling, especially on the inside. The exterior styling has grown on me a bit, though. It's just not to my tastes. But I am a dull person. Have fun, y0.
  7. Fml. As soon as I consider getting an iPhone they bring out a new one.
  8. Only the person who's number is 28 shall get in. All other numbers are meaningless.
  9. Two very different songs have caught the attention of my ears today. The Progressive Trance option: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8TvDPxgcwc and The Instrumental Metal option: The Quo Vadis instrumental is an amazingly beautiful piece of music, in my opinion. No, Metallica fans, the Orion instrumental is no where near as good, sorry.
  10. I always liked the E30 M3 V10 on there, and the 1000HP E34 M5.
  11. To be fair I'd hate anyone taking a photo of me in my car anywhere unless I'd already agreed to it before they got their camera out. Obviously, it's their free-will to take photos if I did have a car which was a bit more extravogant than a Peugeot as long as I wasn't in it, and they blocked the number-plates out. I guess most 'spotters' are just lucky for the most part that an owner hasn't got out of their car and asked for the photo to be deleted, or at least be seen.
  12. Mmmmm, wedge. So far I think the manufacturer who's vehicles I will be spending the most time in will be Audi.
  13. Downloaded/Installed Crash Time 3. *Launch Game* "I'm sorry. There appears to be a problem loading the game". Update DirectX.. *Launch Game* "I'm sorry. There appears to be a problem loading the game". Seeing as I didn't pay for it I'm not even going to muck about trying to get it to work. Graphics drivers up to date, DirectX up to date, everything is up to date. Capsule installed properly, the game itself so say installed properly. Uninstalled the game and the program. I'll stick to Steam.
  14. I'm bored of the UK. I'd prefer an island with some snow and mountains on it. Or one of the Canary Islands. Seeing as I'm going to Tenerife in July.
  15. I see what you mean. From my point of view it's easier to see in the Audi garage picture. It does look quite like where windscreen wipers have wiped but it definitely doesn't follow the shape they should make. Maybe a work in progress.
  16. Crash Time 3 for me too. I looked through all the games and the only other one I considered was Infernal. Thanks for the heads-up.
  17. I'll repeat what some people have said about and say that colour is brilliant. Looks so subtle (for lack of a better word) for what it is/will be, this is what I like modified cars to be like. Loads of power, but looks pretty much standard on the outside, give some people a nasty suprise.
  18. Great write up. I was suprised by the tractor and you saying we wont be disappointed by the selection of cars only teases me even more. I had to laugh when I got to the bottom of the page to find 12 members and 31 guests viewing the thread - Almost a record from my point of view. Ha ha.
  19. GFWL. Meh, I predicted it in a thread on here during the first month we got TDU2 information. Don't think I've ever used it properly anyway.
  20. I wish mine still worked. It was a good console when it worked properly. Warranty runs out some time soon so I'll start hacking it apart to try and fix it myself.* *expect to see a YouTube video some time in future of me throwing it out the window and swearing at it alot.

    A dream...

    Awesome car. I really must get one when I'm older.
  22. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/36610615-4.jpg
  23. If I remember correctly both my dad's Fabia and Golf have Eagle F1s on. I hardly ever go anywhere in the Golf so it's pretty hard to tell if they made a difference to grip but it's very noticeable in the Fabia. Just swapped the fronts to the rear on the Fabia because the rear ones had hardly any wear at all and the fronts were nearing their limit.
  24. The BMW E30 M3 is awesomecakes. Nice photos.
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