I am English. You may be Welsh or Scottish, but we're all British. When this place was Great Britan, we were proud of it. Cutting-edge technology invented by great minds from Great Britain allowed for the creation of all industry and world commerce, which revolutionised the whole world and made it like it is today. A while later Britan was united during the wars, but from there I think we have all started to fragment. Britain is slowly becoming like Scandinavia, united only by geography. I'm not nostalgic enough to lament that, the romanitic ideal of Great Britain is nice but it is of course the 21st century not the 19th.
So, the sooner Gordon Clown and his Scottish pals in the Labour party are out of Westminster and begging on the street corner, the sooner the Scottish independance refferendum happens, the sooner Scotland becomes independant, has a massive party and gets dog-boilingly drunk and stops spending English tax payer's money on making Scotland a better to live in than England (and pays off its £450 million over-budget parliament building), the fairer it will be for everyone.
Sorry, but I couldn't make that any less political. British politics is strange and very, very wasteful...