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Should this video be banned?


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lol, this is hilarious!!!!! Jesus wasen't even born at day 25. Theres no actual proof of that and the "evidence" he pointed out on the vid is nonsense. You know whats worst of all? An atheist member posting stupid video threads. The world has so many crazy theories today, it makes it hard to belive in God. Thats why God told us to have faith, in other words, belive in the unseen or belive in something without any proofs or evidence. People wants proof about everything about God these days, I don't blame them, Satan has been working hard. But its just funny to think.. Before, people belived in many gods, now people belive in no god at all. Truth is that the world always refused to belive in the true God and it will continue like that or even worse. This a forum for car enthusiasts, why post things like that anyways? It just proves that you want to start some flame war. You're mature enough to know that things like this cause many negative disscussions and makes this forum a bad place to spend some time out. Very immature of you imo. =/

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General Chat section. ;)


"Anything going on in the world you want to talk about? Or if you just want to banter for a bit, this is the place."


Satan hasn't been at work at all.


They are figments of your imagination. They only exist in peoples heads.


Here is another video you might want to have a gander at. ;)


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Nipper, why don't you respect people's belifs like anyone else? Quit it already. If you don't belive in any of what the christian religion says, then okay, thats your frikin problem. Don't go all "wohoo, I'm gonna prove to everybody that God doesn't exist and they will surely belive me". You're not gonna convince anyone of nothing being stupid like that. Oh and yeah, general section, just don't brake the rules. :locked:

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LMAO I'm sorry but looking at this guys record for being out there and not being of this world I would have to say you would have to be completely moronic to believe what he is trying to perpetuate, I mean come on this guy is a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist loon! I'm not saying that what he says in his videos is lunacy but if the video was by someone other than that social outcast then it would hold more weight for sure.


I don't mind people having their own views and such but Nipper I have to ask why you are so against anyone believing in this stuff and having to prove them wrong, it's as if you believe everyone should only believe in what you do. I saw you do it in the What if...? thread also and watched to see how that panned out, thankfully noone took the bait so to speak but seriously if you believe it's all a lie then so be it but leave others to have their own beliefs, faiths, wants, hopes, realisations without trying to sour them because they differ to your own.


Should the video be banned? No, should it be believed? Well that's all upto the individual watching it.


The real question is why did you post it though, we know you don't believe in this sort of thing so why start the pot on the boil, what do you intend to get out of this? What do you expect people to say? And more importantly what have you got prepared or in mind to say to those who will reply?


This is the reason I hate allowing religious or political discussions in forums as it just results in arguments and then the typical if we can discuss X then we can talk about Y and Z.




Why won't God heal amputees?


I got one:


Q: Why doesn't God make all those who try so hard to make others not believe or prove them as stupid believe?


A: Free will? Learn for ourselves? He likes a laugh? He doesn't exist.


If you said He doesn't exist, prove it to me, ah but you can't can you but then I can't prove he does so who wins?


A: Everyone wins because it is the not knowing that makes life so interesting. Whether God is real or not it can't be proven so really the real question is; Why should we care either way?


Take care of yourself and each other. :D

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Should the video be banned? No.


Thank god someone actually reads the title, eh? ;)


Youtube keeps removing that video for whatever reason, probably cos they don't want the vatican hit squad on their asses.


Posting it here was merely asking, should it be banned? Nothing wrong with that.


Even if the guy is a loon, what he is saying makes a hell of a lot of sense. ;)


I myself did wonder where and how all the religions started, this helps to explain it for me. Thought I would share it in case others wish to know too.


Astrology is a wonderful thing. :)

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Nipper what this guy is saying has been proven false in many ways by science. And the fact he is a loon along with the rest of NWO is going to get us and the Illuminati etc (hell one guy said that new Ford Fiesta advert with the TV's had Illuminati written all over it? WTH!!)


The fact of the matter is for every video proving it's not, there's a video saying it is and for that video there is another video proving that that is not is video that proved it's not actually is. Make sense? :confused:




BTW just to throw something actually believable in the mix, there is a hypothetical but scientifically real possibility that we were put here by some extremely intelligent life from this universe or the multiverse or whatever, it's way out there but thinking of it does make some sense more than religion believe it or not.


Crazy I know but then you normally believe in certain things due to occurrences in your life, if nothing has happened to change your outlook then you can't really have a justified and impartial view from both sides.

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You lost me..


Anyway, something you can try at home for yourselves. :)



Why are people even getting pissed off about it anyway? I am not pissed off that people believe in god. Believe what you like. I am gonna pray to a jug of milk for example.


I really don't see anything wrong with this thread.. If it offends people.. Well, I don't know. :)


Also, don't they always say there is a fine line between being a genius and a loonatic?


What the hell is ("NWO is going to get us and the Illuminati") the illuminati? /me goes to Google.

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No the video shouldn't be banned. He puts forward his views pretty clearly, ok so he holds no prisoners, but there's nothing wrong with that.


There are videos supporting many things on Youtube and the internet in general, it just seems that whenever it's about religion everyone becomes so touchy, which seems unnecessary as it should be open to debate as with everything else people discuss.

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No the video shouldn't be banned. He puts forward his views pretty clearly, ok so he holds no prisoners, but there's nothing wrong with that.


There are videos supporting many things on Youtube and the internet in general, it just seems that whenever it's about religion everyone becomes so touchy, which seems unnecessary as it should be open to debate as with everything else people discuss.


Thank you for your rational thought out post. :)

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As I have already stated, I am not trying to make people believe what I believe.


I am minding my own business, how am I not minding my own business by posting a video and asking the legitimate question, "Should it be banned?"...

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Oh my God LOL.


Ok, I'll cooperate with your small mind.


But first of all, I'd just like to say that faith is the opposite of rationalization so this means that this vid is contradicting and stupid. again.


1. God performs cures the way He wants to, Obviously, if every amputee guy gets his leg/arm or what so ever back, people will start beliving in God for it's seen miracles and not faith, which is a major error.


2. God lets men suffer their own consequences, meaning: He doesn't interfere on whats gonna happen on the world. So if you decide to heat the world up to 900000000 degrees, God will let u do it, it's your free will, but you'll just kill yourself. Common question of atheists. ps. Look at Africa's history plz, more specificly Eygpt. You'll see that they're not that innocent.


3. Easy one! The rules that God aplicated to the humans DOES NOT aplicate to Himself. And Deuteronomy is on the Old Testment in Anciet times meaning that noone does that anymore. Do Catholics still toture homosexuals? No. Read the New Testment and you'll understand better. After Jesus came, God changed many of his deadly strict rules.


4. This guy has no frikin idea of what he's talking about lol. He has no sources of all those things he said against the Bible and even if he had, I know that science normally proves what the Bible says by accident lol. As I said before, we live by faith, not rationalization, so it may not make sense to you but... who are you to say that? you're just a poopy human :cheeky: our human minds and intelligence are poop comparing to Gods'.


5. Again, God does what He wants, He's God. IIRC the slaves pointed out in the Bible were God's enemies, so God decided to do justice on them. It can seem strange and unfair to us but not to God. The Hebrews were slaves of Eygpt and weren't God's enemies, but yet they were saved by God, thats why He sent Moses.


6. I noticed that this guy runned out of information lol. Why do bad things happen to good people? Many reasons for that.. God can be testing a person's faith or other things, God can be warning a person making something bad happen so that the person realizes that something is wrong.*sarcasm* Maybe He has fun with that *sarcasm* God is God!


7. He didn't? I don't have any sources and can't be bothered to search but I'm pretty sure that theres some small proof that Jesus performed His miracles, again.. proof. WE LIVE BY FAITH. We don't need any proofs, something that you'll never understand I guess.


8. -_-" LMAO ROFL OMG LOL. Jesus is your Lord, not your servant. You can't just expect Him to come anytime you ask lol. It's not like: *click* Jesus, I need you, APEAR PLZ! No, Theres no need for that anyway, If you have a problem, ask Him to resolve the problem, why does He have to come personally anyway? Doesn't that mean that you don't have faith enough to belive that He's actually among us and need (once again) proof?


9. Dude... Moment of silence.. For this guy's hipocricity... When, just when did Jesus ever say that? HE SAID IT REPRESENTS HIS BODY AND HIS BLOOD, NOT THE ACTUAL THING!!!!!! It's symbolical. It's just a comparation, His blood is curing and powerful and his body is holy and strong. Just a comparation, jeez. You have to read the Bible correctly if you want to criticrize it.


10. Ahh, Good one. Read Romans, Corinthians 1 and 2, Galatians, Ephesians and any of those books writen by Paul. He explains that you shall not divorce, only if your husband/wife cheated on you or practiced any type of immorality, and before divorcing for those reason, you should try to forgive each other. Christains are still humans, and as humans we fail sometimes, including marriage fails but that leads me into talking about how you found your perfect one in the first place. If your wife/husband was in God's plans for you then the marriage is most likely to go well for all of your life but if it wasen't then your just desobeying God resulting in marriage failure. It is correct to say that God won't let ANYTHING ruin your marriage, execpt for.. Himself. Once again, God is God, He does what He wants, He just doesn't contradict anything He said on the Bible.


I'd just like to remind you atheists that rationalization is the opposite of faith, Yes, we rationalizate math, science, Pysics, Biology, History. But we totally, never, DO NOT rationalizate God, ever!


I feel bad for this kid, really. It's sad. God have mercy on him.


Peace, Teh Baltomanzzz

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Right, I'm not going to read through all the atheist crap in this thread, but I will say this:


This what Nipper has posted is not general banter, it's an assualt on religion more specifically Christianity. It's one thing to discuess normal subjects, (I.e. "What should I get for my b-day?", "What music do you like?" "Obama is President now") but to start a thread about a video you know will offend people, following it up by basicly saying "Your religion is false, and your an idoit for believing in it.", and then proceeding to post 3 more videos criticizing Christianity, is another. It's uncalled for and unnecessary.

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just leave it, as balto said, believers have faith (in a badly translated, thousands of years old book that has been edited countless times)and no amount of rational thinking will change that.


i claim belief in flying spaghetti monster. all who oppose me shall perish in hell. (and hence miss out on the volcanoes of beer and the stripper factory in heaven)



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The most sensible post thus far.


Right, I'm not going to read through all the atheist crap in this thread, but I will say this:


This what Nipper has posted is not general banter, it's an assualt on religion more specifically Christianity. It's one thing to discuess normal subjects, (I.e. "What should I get for my b-day?", "What music do you like?" "Obama is President now") but to start a thread about a video you know will offend people, following it up by basicly saying "Your religion is false, and your an idoit for believing in it.", and then proceeding to post 3 more videos criticizing Christianity, is another. It's uncalled for and unnecessary.


I'm sorry you feel assaulted. Kind of odd that you do as I didn't mean it like that, but there you have it. :)





This just in! I have seen the light!



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I'm sorry you feel assaulted. Kind of odd that you do as I didn't mean it like that, but there you have it. :)



How did you mean it then?


"Your a moron for your believes, which I'm going to insult at every possible opportunity, but no hard feelings, right?


I feel sorry for you Nipper, you feel so insecure about your lack of faith, God, and purpose in life that you need to make a thread to prove how right you are. Very sad indeed.

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