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There are loads of mod cars that I would really like in the game to drive, but I cannot find many in the forums.

So I was wondering, HOW do you create your own mods and then use them to drive in the game? e.g. what software, how do i actually make the cars, how do I use the files?




Guest MrLolololXD

First you need to create an executable BAT file, open note pad and copy and paste the exact following text into that file:



Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7″)

Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection


if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then

For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1



For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1



End If

wscript.sleep 100




Once you have done that, save the file as: modunpacker.bat


Then close notepad and open that file, it should open up a simple 3D modeling software built into your PC, it will have step by step guides on what to do and will also have downloadable game database things so you can mod TDU2 with it.


Hope that helps :) And welcome to the forum!


Hmm it doesn't work

when i try and open the Bat file a command box appears for about half a second then closes :/


--- Post Updated ---


Thanks for the help anyway though :)

First you need to create an executable BAT file...


I can't stop laughing at the moment. :toof: Too Cool! hippo.gif


@Miccy10: Do you really think, that it is so easy to create the mods? If that would be the case, you would find every known car here at the forum and probably dozens of modders. ;) You have to mess with 3d-models and do have knowledge of certain 3D-moddeling-programs (e. g. zmodeler).


I don't wanna say it's impossible for you to learn how to create mods, for the fact i don't know you. What i'd like to say is, that it is more difficult that you maybe think at the moment. Good luck in learning how to produce mods. Maybe we will see a future modder here.

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