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How to: Convert Online Savegame to Offline following TDU1 Server Shutdown

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This guide is similar to the one written by Iced_Bullet back in 2008 but hopefully it will be easier for you to follow.


[headline]What you need[/headline]

* Your online TDU1 savegame folder

* Hex Workshop (free download)

* TDU1 installed and in working order



1. Locate your online savegame (Documents\Test Drive Unlimited\savegame\...) folder and copy it elsewhere as a backup

2. Launch TDU1 and delete your online profile

3. In TDU1, create a new offline profile using the same player name

4. Start the new game, and complete the tutorial (buy a house & car, win the first race, drive back home, then exit your house).

5. Exit the game

6. Make a backup of your new offline savegame folder before you start editing it



1st folder: New offline profile with tutorial completed (destination savegame)

2nd folder: Backup copy of the first folder

3rd folder: Backup copy of old online profile (source savegame - doesn't show up in TDU)




1. Open Hex Workshop, and press Ctrl+K

2. In the Source file box, select the playersave file from your backed up online profile (in the playersave folder)

3. In the Target file box, select the playersave file from your new offline profile

4. With the Resynchronizing Compare option selected, click OK




5. Click inside the left file window (where all the hex information is) to give it focus, then press Ctrl+G

6. Select Dec and From Beginning of File, then enter 50 and click Go




7. Press Ctrl+Shift+End to select everything from this point to the bottom of the file

8. Press Ctrl+C to copy the selection

9. Click inside the right file window (where all the hex information is) to give it focus, then press Ctrl+G

10. Select Dec and From Beginning of File, then enter 50 and click Go




11. Press Ctrl+Shift+End to select everything from this point to the bottom of the file

12. Press Ctrl+V to replace the selection with what you copied in step 8.





Click Yes


13. Press Ctrl+S to save the target file



[headline]Tidy up[/headline]

1. Copy your newly edited playersave file from the playersave folder and paste it into the playersave2

folder, overwriting the existing file therein



v v v


The commondt.sav file is not edited and is kept 'as is' from your new offline profile


2. From your online profile folder, you may wish to copy your Bookmarks, Photos, and Radio folders to the new offline profile folder

3. Launch TDU1 and test to see if the profile loads correctly with all of your saved progress.






Maybe if a few of us get it up and running we can have a forum comp to see who can get the best Millionaire's Challenge time (with screenshot proof).


Say perhaps with a yellow Lotus Esprit (Stage 3 tuning) to start off with (use the Hardcore mode glitch with No Driver aids).

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