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Paul Hell-yer (:lol:) a canadian defense minister says on 1feb 2014


"in 1961, more of 50 big E.T spaceships fly from south russia to europa"



"at least 4 aliens species been visiting Earth for thousands of years"


never believe in politicians or humans in earth because they are 96% liers (+stupids) :nods:


etc etc etc there are millions talks about these kinds of facts ;)


edit, look at this, too => " Mais en plus de ces trois rocheuses, HARPS-N a également déniché, bien plus éloignée, une planète géante (de type «petit Saturne») à deux unités astronomiques, qui tourne en un peu plus de trois ans autour de l’étoile centrale. Ce système a donc la même configuration que le système solaire avec des planètes rocheuses proches de leur étoile et des géantes gazeuses bien plus lointaines.A seulement 21 années-lumière de la Terre, existe donc un système cousin du notre"


"This system thus has the same configuration as the solar system with rocky planets close to their star and gas giants much farther, At only 21 light years from Earth, there is a system cousin of our"




2 solars systems with same configuration in our near sector = 100% of probabilities ;)


and for people who know reading religious books, it writed since hundreds and thousands years:nods:


I think you'd have to be nuts or extremely religious to believe we are all alone in the universe. The numbers make it impossible. Is there intelligent life like us out there? I would say yes. Hell they reckon the Big Bang happened 14.7 billion years ago and earth is about 4.7 billion I think. That means there was 10 billion years before us for stuff to take shape and evolve into something in the same way as we did. Now let's say it takes a planet 4 billion years to develop into a life-serving environment. That still means out in the whole entire universe there are planets that have a 6 billion year head start on us on our planet!


There are a few things that worry me about other life out there based on our own events.


  • if there was life out there did they die out due to the time?
  • if there was life out there did they destroy themselves?
  • if there is life out there did they manage not to destroy themselves but are intent on destroying others?
  • is there a super predator species?
  • is faster than light (FTL) travel or warp and other sci-fi space exploring means completely impossible?
  • are we too far apart in time and technological terms to detect and contact one another

The Fermi Paradox makes for some enlightening and yet frightening reading and so does The Great Filter.


Then there is the even more out there thinking:


  • are we some alien species' experiment?
  • are we actually living in a simulation of some kind? :eek:

The last one would be completely damning but, also kind of reassuring in a way, as it could lend real belief to an afterlife within the confines of the simulated reality.


Sincerelly, when I listen or read scientifics who tell that they know age of Universe when they can't be able to go out the Earth, I'm really scared about all theses stupidities they said, so I prefer ignore scientifics or historians or politicians like that (they have absolutly 0 proofs for the 14,7billions years for a big bang, and they totally ignore the size of Universe)


But 1 thing is sure, there was extremely complicated lifes since many severals millions years in here, and it cannot be the first thing and the best intelligence who's created in Universe,


We greatly risk to have hundreds millions years late after others extra terrestrials technologies and civilisations (and what we really are is writed in (real) religious books)

  Stories said:
(they have absolutly 0 proofs for the 14,7billions years for a big bang, and they totally ignore the size of Universe)




they have proof buddy, scientists act on data serving scientific method.

After E.Hubble discovered the expansion rate of the universe, the measurement was used to reverse the expansion rate to conclude the age. The paper was peer evaluated and accepted by almost all astro-physicists within the year it was published which is not common for radical theories such as the big bang.


hum, I read the firsts words... "After E.Hubbard discovered the expansion rate of the universe"


the question is : "how discover the expansion of something he can't really measure"


expansion, definition : fact of expanding or gaining volume


=> if you don't know the volume of the total Universe, you can't measure his expansion ;)


if Universe is 1 and become 1.2 later, we can tell that his expansion is +0.2, logically we will okay on this fact

but if you doesn't know the real size of Universe, you can't measure his real expansion because you measure something you don't know originally and in totality so you can't value his expansion, or your measure will wrong because you had measure a part of something you can't know in totality


in fact they maybe have calculate the expansion of a Galaxy (and it need real proofs because they doesn't know exactly what is our Galaxy "la voie lactée") or simpliest the expansion of a solar system who's generate différents ladder théories to Universe.


try to think about a real thing = imagine you can see/study with telescope or travel with a space ship in each day in each solar system, then you will need + 400 000 000 000 000 days (= like 400 milliards of years) to understand what is really the Universe. (and with littles actuals théories about the réality, 400 milliards solar system per Galaxy, in 1000 milliards of Galaxies...fatally theses values are false and they really probably never know what is a Galaxie in reality as much is bigger) :eek2:


donc if you had 1000 spaces telescopes or space ships, then you need to have to travel with it meanwhile 400 millions of years to begin to know something right (with actuals value of 1000 Galaxies in Universe, then if there are 100 000 Galaxies in Universe, then you need something like 40 000 milliards of years with your 1000 spaceships or telescopes :lol: )


and imagine too, the fact of the Universe is maybe infinite, because never somebody had given a real proof of this opposite idea (because in something who's infinite = no end ; how measure his expansion ? :para: )


conclusion : il ne faudrait pas que ta vie, il faudrait Toute la Vie


well aside from the fact that my head hurt from trying to understand what you're trying to say,

no, it is a pretty simple concept. Expansion rate has nothing to do with the size per-say when people talk about the universe they often mean the observable universe which still isn't relative, It is measured in account to the redshift of the galaxies, unfolding the true speed of expansion, reverse the time and you have a point in which all of the matter was concentrated at one point. Now if you claim there was a time before singularity that is another argument perhaps another dimension, but as any astro-physicist would say you are not allowed to ask that question since we have no data past that point.


then, i gone from their théories to know exactly what it "expansion" for them, so...


Expansion de l'Univers — Wikipédia (translate to langage you prefer plz)


1- "The expansion of the universe is the theoretical solution found by Friedmann to account for the fact that the universe has not already collapsed under the effect of gravitation."


2- "The expansion results in an increase in the wavelength of the light emitted by the galaxies: it is the phenomenon of shift towards red. This shift is not homologous to the Doppler effect, which is due to the displacement through the space of the observed object; This is the expansion of space itself. We speak of cosmological spectral shift.


3- "The correct physical interpretation of this red shift is given by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes the dynamics of the universe as a whole"


4- "The expansion of the universe is manifested by the observation of an apparent recession (distancing) from distant astrophysical objects. If one can not detect any displacement of their position or their apparent size, Remoteness is very slow on the human scale1, we observe a shift towards the red of their spectrum (that is to say of the light that they emit)"


so their théory is : because the light change to the red when a galaxy move more far (in distance and time), the galaxies are moving in a constant expansion Universe :rolleyes:


I disagree because if the Galaxy do his "révolution" around something (like all planet around a star do), she willl moving far to red, but she will recoming maybe in a différent color, they can't know it because the revolution period is very larger than the period they can see :para: (maybe a revolution period with some millions years)


and if there is a revolution for the Galaxies, they have their own gravity, so they don't have to be collapsed by the effect of gravity :nods:


that's why I try to tell to you = to understand in totallity, you need to know was is the totality in the subject


but it's not because a Galaxy is moving in space, than she moves in an expansion Universe, she can simply move in their orbit in his time ;)


etc etc etc have no time to try to tell more


you seem confused about facts and you're mixing them with your uneducated thoughts which are based on pure false speculation. The redshift has nothing to do with the color spectrum emitted by the galaxy stars or the revolution of the galaxy itself.


I would advise you to gaze upon articles that explains concepts such as Hubble's constant and Hubble's law in a simplified manner which could be understood by scientifically illiterate people. Even though you have listed overly simplified points for redshift you seem to deny the facts?


These are universal formulated laws that are used by modern astronomy to this date. They are not speculated thoughts and are proven to be supported by mathematical foundations that is applicable universally.


Yeah you talk about their théories but it can't be verified, and thèses théories were built in less than 10 years near 1920 without actuals spaces tools,


so we can see that the Galaxies have their own gravity schémas (alone and in groups), and when we're turning around in an island like Oahu she's not in expansion cause of us :), so absolutly nothing says that when the galaxies turning around the Universe it cause expansion of the Universe.:lol:


so, the colors of items don't really mean their caracteristics and we actually not really understand their Nature, because the more far galactic group called Abell 1835 is actually unknow and undefinied, it can be a simple group like a mega group or a new Universe extremelly far = nobody in here can tell the truth because nobody have a real totally view with it


"The object is now considered as a variable object whose nature remains unknown"




so their arguments about the gravity or the colors and Nature of objects can't be really know actually, we're only in theories from 1920 with these things ;)


edit : so you'r right, I'm not an astrophisician and maybe confused, but I can't believe this kind of unbelievables facts :para:


thanks to you too mate :ytwh:, but boring about your quitting because I had some things to say about the "1920's christian's big bang théory" too, it's seems really funny :nuts:


If it is observable then it can be measured. You just need to find out how to do so. Take a simple example like Archimedes and the gold crown. He observed the water level changing when he stepped into the baths and used this to work out that the gold crown was in fact not fully made of gold.


Same principle in space. Fire a signal, laser or measure how long light takes to reach a point and you can work out how far away and therefore aged it is. You can of course dismiss all this stuff as you like but the computer you are using, the phone you have and many other basic everyday things are based on these same ideals. In space it is just put into a much grander scale.


You're never going to convince someone who has resolutely made up their mind and will ignore the facts or proven techniques despite these same principles being in effect in the stuff they use without thinking. And that's more on them than anything else, but just like flat earthers and our planet only being '000s of years old believers, they are out there and it is best to leave them to their own devices.


"If it is observable then it can be measured. You just need to find out how to do so. Take a simple example like Archimedes and the gold crown. He observed the water level changing when he stepped into the baths"


yeah for sure, the problem in Universe, that's we never saw really what it is in totally, so it can't be measured, so a real expansion with real facts can't be agreed ;)


and it same with Archimede, he saws all the bath, so he had seen all the différences in the bath subjected, but again, it impossible with the subject Universe that probably infinite :nods: (+in a infinite bath, Archimede didn't knew the différences)


"Same principle in space. Fire a signal, laser or measure how long light takes to reach a point and you can work out how far away and therefore aged it is"


yep, in théory I agree, but remember that our Galaxy is ESTIMATED with 100 000 year-light board to board, so you cannot do the real experience with your light or your lazer to have a real value of a reality because you need wait like 100 000 years light (maybe 80 000, maybe 120 000) to have a real solution about the real size of our Galaxy


that's why I don't agree the theory of the expansion = nothing is sure, there are only théories about a kind of light and différents Natures in a total environment unknowed, and Georges Lemaitre (the big bang théory guy said...)

"A homogeneous universe of constant mass and increasing radius" = he had absolutly no proof about it in réality :nods:


Georges Lemaître — Wikipédia


and remember too that the Pluton planet was scientificly discover in 1930, but Pluton was knew since antiquity times philosophicly ! :nods:




science follow philosophie ? or maybe science need philosophie to be right in réality ?

--- Post Updated ---

plus : about the light, the Nature, the age, or the distance...


they accoutumate to tell that the red is older and hotter and the white/blue is younger and colder


so, basicly think about the blue/white Moon or Venus, and red Mars planet and do your own reason : who is the hotter ?


Venus = blue color and +470°C

Mars = red color and average - 53°C


Try putting your finger into a blue flame and see if it is colder. ;)


I remember hearing back in school something about how the atmosphere of Venus makes it hotter than Mercury and gives it a blue appearance. Space is amazing but the science and investigations into the how and why tend to bring out the answers as to the why. :)


I tried nothing, just seen what are their théories in totality dudes :lol:


their théories have like 150 years, but they already know the age of Universe and his (eventuel not really proved) expansion when we listen them = it makes me smile


--- Post Updated ---


but we're still luckiests = 49 years after have discover the big bang théory and the expansion of Universe, they put a foot on the Moon !!!! :eek2:


ahah :nuts:


They know these things because they have detected them and their traces. I get that you don't care about the expertise of these people, their knowledge and their findings but when you read up on the subject it does piece together well. And the theory and thinking is way more than just 150 years old. A lot of science in relation to astronomy was kept quiet for fear of the religious zealots not being able to handle what they had to share. I mean look at the Mayans, they knew an impressive amount for their time alone.


Should note that it is called The Big Bang theory, as in it is merely a theory and there have been a number to come out and question it and Universal Expansion, but only that. Not so much the age of all the cosmic bodies that reside within it. :)


After all, we've found rocks or should I say precious stones dating back over 4billion years so we know how to measure this sort of thing.


big bang théory => catholic priest in 1933


expansion of universe => friedmann in 1922


discovering Pluton => 1930


a foot on the Moon => donald in 1969 :duck:


for sure it wasn't since 150, this kind of intelligence since near 90 years old :)


I've just seen a "serious" documentary about civilisations probabilities, and they talked about the Drake theory,


Équation de Drake — Wikipédia (drake was in the documentary and explain his equation, with the result of 50000)


His answer in 1961 was 50 000 advanced civilisations per Galaxy who gotta capabilities to communicate with us in our Galaxy (near 400 milliards of solar systems in it = 0,0000125% have capabilities to have civilisations like us)


A poor result from really great things :hmmh:


Yep they just estimate with an equation the probabilities to have a contact with another civilisation like us (same technological level or more), so this 0,0000125% is about 1 luck in 10 000 000 solar systems listened with the SETI experience,


So they need to listen 10millions in all the sounds frequencies to find 1 civilisation: in these conditions and with a seti started in 1999, they think found something serious between 2020 or 2025

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

TRAPPIST-1 system:




- The system is 40 lightyears away; with current rocket technology, it would take 1,5 million years to get there.

- The star is roughly the size of Jupiter and can live over a thousand times longer than our sun.

- The star is a red dwarf - this planetary system discovery is 'shocking' because almost 75% of the stars in the Milky Way are red dwarfs... you do the math on habitable exoworlds.

- The system is so compact that it should be compared to the Jovian system than the solar system: even the outmost planet is closer to the star than Mercury is to the sun.

- There are 7 planets orbiting the star, all rocky and not much larger or smaller than Earth (density 60<>117% of Earth), and 3 of them are within the habitable zone.

- It is named after its discovery tool, the Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) in Chile, but considering a Belgian guy found them, they like to say it's named after trappist beer and the planets will be named after beers.


Source: NASA Telescope Reveals Record-Breaking Exoplanet Discovery | NASA


Awesome find this and I get giddy when I read about the views people would see if they were to set foot on some of the planets. Sci-fi has always made me envious of those who will get to in the future see that sort of thing. Hell the Earth viewed from the Moon pics are stunning enough. :cool:

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