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Why is forza 2 so popular?


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but forza is just yea a good racer with all plusses while GT didnt have them (like online Lambo's Ferrari's and stuff like that) but it also feels much more realistic than GT IMO


And for the drifting in GT it sucks drifting is not sliding and in GT it was sliding although it looked really good it did suck.


well this all has been said before but i dont care xD


oh last thing in FM2 you can have alot of fun with the S or U class cars using the Nurburgring to hit eachother at 240

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In arcade mode on GT didn't you have to choose betwen race and drift but in GT mode you couldn't?? Didin't that change the way the cars handled?? I can't reallly remember as I didnt really play arcade mode alot.



Which has the better representation of race circuits like Nurburgring GT or Forza???

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As to the real future of cars who knows, GM is now pushing on the Fuel Cell/Electric technology and wants to have full blown cars on the road by 2010! They believe the Combustion engine must die and that Hybrids are just a stopgap and not the solution.




This is true but then the likes of BMW are going for Hydrogen cars that should be in Mass production by 2020 the latest and betwen then they reckon the likes of Lexus and Prius's Hybrids are the stop gap.


I doubt we would have electric cars it just doesn't seem pheasable as when you plug it into the wall you are technically still polluting the enviroment because that electric is coming from a power station chucking out smoke so that defies the point imo. The same as that stupid electric car in london that isn't classed as a car because if it was it would not pass the NCAP safety test and also you could imagine the claims of people tripping over your extension lead whilst you are charging it especially if you have to park on road.


Hydrogen is the way forward but the trouble with hydrogen is when the car it powers is left for a while i.e. you go on holiday for 2weeks and leave the car behind, something happens to the hydrogen and it explodes so hydrogen so iits not that good.



Anyways back on topic, did GT4 have a car that basically looked like a horse drawn carraige but had an engine or am I just loosing the plot????


Hydrogen cars can be either combustion engine (so burning it like petrol/diesel) or used as a fuel cell and making electricity

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Hydrogen cars can be either combustion engine (so burning it like petrol/diesel) or used as a fuel cell and making electricity


BMW are going down the combustion route as the engine they have made can run on hydrogen or petrol. When hydrogen is more widespread then they will probably do away with the fuel tank.



1. Fuel tank, holds approx 8kg of liquid hydrogen at -253C

2. Petrol tank, with 74 litre capacity </B>

3. Pressure control valve

4. Internal combustion engine, uses petrol or liquid hydrogen


Source: BMW



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just stick to the normal methods of making a car move, why change?


the earth aint gona get messed up, not so long ago (about 15-20 yrs) a scientist predicted that by 2000 we will be in a full blown ice age, so i doubt very much what the scientists say

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ah, but the ice age is out of our hands, when the earth tremours and does its thing to freeze us all we can't do anything about it, apparently we're something like a few millenia overdue for the next one anyway...


but yeah, hybrids arnt really the answer if you ask me. no more efficient than diesel, and still use fuel which is running out fast. Now if there was a diesel hybrid which could run on rapeseed oil then i might be more convinced.


as for the point about plug in cars comming from 'dirty' power stations, what about Wind or Nuclear? Both of which are clean for emmissions.


Hydrogen, Yes there are 2 options, the one which uses combustion, which emmits water, and the 'power station' one, personally i'm in favour of the power station one...


have any of you heard of 'Air cars' though, basically, they are cars which run on very highly compressed air, compressed to an extent where it does infact combust...


Hey, what happened to tommorow's world? I used to love watching it...

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IMO BMW have the right idea (I can't believe I have said that), Hydrogen IMO is the way to go give it around 10-20 years they will be as effiecient, powerful etc etc has a petrol car of today !


BTW I think Global Warming is a total lie ! I do believe that we do need to find alternative fuels because obviously fossil fuels aren't gonna be around forever but are we damaging the environment with cars ?? I don't think soo and we have the proof aswell but its these politicians who are jumping on the bandwagon and telling the public we need to do things about it and everyone else is accepting the bull**** coming out of their mouths (nothing new there then lol) !!!

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Phew... I go away for a few days, and this is what happens?


First off: Flying cars in 2025?


Try this.


Secondly: The alternative-to-fossilized-fuels debate is huge, and here comes a huge post.


Three factors have a large impact on the way that we as people perceive the combustion engines future as dependant on oil. One is a shortage on crude oil in the future. Second is Carbondioxide emissions and the third is pricing. In this particular debate, whilst one and three might be dependant on each other, I am leaving it out for simplicity's sakes. (Let's just assume, that we all know that when there is no more oil, the price will skyrocket.)


1. Shortage: Some say 100 years. Others say 35. Others again are even more pessimistic. Whatever the actual number may be, the time can never be too soon to begin fiddling with alternatives. It's not good enough if we have a solution ready, but insist on using all the oil that is around first. If the people who claim that we have 100 years of oil left, lets start using the alternatives to fuelling powerplants so we may be able to stretch it to 200 or 300.


2. Carbondioxide emissions: Everyone and their mother knows that CO2-emissions cause Global Warming.

And this is some very scary stuff. Even if it IS exaggerated, noone protests the consequences. It's all about WHEN not IF. So if we know it's a fact that we have a possible way of reducing this then we are fools to not utilize this. This area bursts the limitations of mere transportational needs for fuel. The production of heat and power far exceeds the CO2 emissions than what is let out daily by motorists. Luckily a lot of governments are agreeing on cutbacks on CO2 emissions through the Kyoto-treaty. But sadly enough, the list of countries that work on changing the climate for the better lacks one very important customer. 5% of the worlds population, America delivers more than 25% of the worlds CO2 emissions, and they are NOT on the list of countries.

Nipper. All due respect. It scares the living crap out of me, that you disregard scientists altogether, due to faulty calculations. The opinions on when and how much are many, but they all agree on one thing. Some day, we're all going to feel it.


3. Pricing: Of the worlds oil producers. only three places on the top ten are filled by middle eastern countries, and still what goes on there has a direct effect on global oil prices. Of course, other factors can affect the price of oil.

Elementary business mathematics shows that supply and demand dictates the prices. So it must be safe to assume that more alternatives to the crude oil would automatically have a beneficial effect on the price of oil. This in turn would keep cost on greener alternatives down as well.


So where does all this leave us? Well firstly the fact that we are running out of oil forces our hand a rather great deal. The fact that we are now able to measure, what was in the 70's written off as horror scenarios is also giving alternative energyforms a HUGE boost, and finally people are sick and tired of lining the pockets of the oil-men

, corporate heads, and war-mongers of this planet.


This means alternatives. So what are there.


1. The hybrid: Definetely not the best choice since it still relies on oil. But it's a start. If all cars were hybrids, we would be in one third of the problem we are in now. However, the power must be produced by green sources as well, for it be fully functional. So here we could use Wind-energy, solar, wave and whatnot.


2. Hydrogen. A solid choice, but expensive and still very much in the babystages. It'll evolve I'm sure, but for now we're still dependant on using energy to make the Hydrogen available.


3. Electric cars? Double the problems of the hybrid, with power having to be produced, and then add to it, that we're still nowhere near finding a way to store enough power in a portable powerconductor to make electric cars comparable to a decent car. As such they remain a novelty with prospects for the future.


4. Biologically manufactured diesel and ethanol-mixtures. Beans, palms, rapeseeds and more and more kinds of vegetables are every day used for food. But science has made it possible to develop bio-diesel and vegetable-developed ethanol for fuelling cars. As is, ethanol cannot be used purely to run cars, but mixed with ordinary gasoline it makes a lighter emission and consumes less fossilized fuels. Bio-diesel on the other hand can be used as is, without loss of performance. Pricewise it is about the same as ordinary diesel, but the problem is, that the spending of biodiesel for transportation is far outweighed by using it for heat and power instead. So untill production levels are so up ahead, that we're sustainable in those areas, transportation will be forced to be left second place.


As such cars will flounder around, kicking up a fuzz with the eco-nuts and being hated by everyone who has a bike and means it.


My point, you ask?


Well it doesn't really matter what the end result is. Crude oil is the main source of fuel because it is simple and we know how it works. But never underestimate alternatives. The results in electrically driven. hydrogen based and hybrid areas are a lot better and more positive than what we saw just ten years ago.


So for the love of all that is holy, keep investigating before cars are permanently banned.


So there.

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Extremely good post Baxie alot of valid points in there.


nige7 With this Global Warming thing I personally don't think its Rubbish, more logical that something will kick off soon be it an Ice Age or what ever it is. In the film "Day After Tomorrow" it shows it extremely well and this has been said by scientists aswel that if Ice caps keep melting it will bulls up the gulf streem as there will not be enogh salt in the sea causing major climate changes, will it be an Ice Age like the film or will earth become a vast ocean with the only land being deserts who knows, but something is happening you can tell this easily as we don't have seasons anymore.


Anyways is it just me or has this thread gone a bit O.T????

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