Not big,but impressive,at least for me.
I can't remmember ages of first ones,but anyway here I go:
Zastava 750 (first car in familly)
NSU (I don't know the full name)
VW Beetle 1200 '73 (Was grandfather's,but he gave it to me in 2007)
Volvo 740 GLE '84 (First proper car in the familly.Stolen in '94)
Zastava 101 '94 (lasted 'till 2004,when parents got their new jobs,and grandfather died,leaving us his money)
BMW 760Li '04(car that we shared with my uncle,before giving it to him at summer 2006)
Mazda 2 1.3 '08(city car)
Mercedes-Benz E220CDI '10(new uncles car)
And still waiting for these two:
Range Rover Sport 5.0 HSE (Mom wanted it)-coming in July 2010
Audi R8 4.2 FSI (My 18th birthday present,I'm sooooooo lucky *******)-12th July 2010
Note:This is small car list,because mom was only driver in familly until I got my licence few months ago.