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Everything posted by tomsolo

  1. Hola Senores! :) Here is my tiny suggestion: an restricted subsection or thread - like Modders*** only (r/w). The main reason: in some cases, it would be a good place to talk like ermm... reverse enginering or similar things what not a good idea to do it publicly but it is very tiring to write some of the private messages with similar contents. Bad idea?
  2. Well, this is the 667th post and Hazardlights working again - online too. :) The last things was before I dropped the whole game, wearable bike cloths in car and vice versa... but I can't promise that will be enough time (to be honest I did not thought that the game will still work online - see Atari's bankruptcy ) . If you are a modder** and interested this stuff - maybe you have plenty of time developing a better* custom tool - send a private message for me, and I give some instruction and things on this weeks - like a SOURCE code :D - what and how. * I like pointer hunting, and never had the patience for writing an AOB scan - otherwise Cheat Engine is indifferent in the most case. **Why only for modders? 1. Because I don't want to show too much for the cheaters. :P 2. I give a simple CT table and some instructions, and need some basic proffesional. (I don't want to make the final public stuff).
  3. I think, currently is my stuffz the smallest problem in the whole TDU2 universum. Otherwise: I standing before at your House and can't add to friend list -.-
  4. Refresh Camera Pack to latest version: (pls patience still WIP)
  5. Hello guys, I just make little break the more than one years pause. Congrat for Xarlith an others for the second Community Patch, great job, great guys. Now I played with the game - need some retrospective feeling :) - few minutes, everything is same (and shame) as I looked in last year. The hack detection is great innovation, unfortunately bypassing this was less than 10 sec. I tested my some older things, everything is worked fine*** *** currently I don't have idea, what will I do with this :)
  6. Instructions here.
  7. Enchanced weapon holster test :) Dashie, please patience I working this stuff... :)
  8. Hi there, I playing this game - with a hexeditor and this unpacker(thanks to Rick) - and Haoose the first mod :D - and plan making an (ultra)realistic mod. Some feature is working/testing, some feature is planning - currently I use mainly a memory editor: - no minimap, no hud (only required elements visible) - currently testing in memory and - replace minimap to a simple compass - holster any weapon - working - hold knife - i hope - create/modify medikit recipe to food recipe eg. 2 green leaf + pig leaf :) - seems possible - starvation (declining vitality - need food to stopping) - seems possible memory tested - use medikitless healing aimations - for both healing - and use normal animation for eating (use medikit) - seems possible memory tested - normal timelapse 1 game minute = equally 1 real minute - testing - realistic damage values - need more time etc. Videos is coming. :)
  9. Hi all, sorry for the long offline, unfortunately I don't have time for TDU2. Another thing, how I don't care about the game, thanks to the attitude of Atari.

  10. IMHO, the first person plural is much better: Therefore, we cannot agree with you, but we hope that our example will spread widely because it is very important to us.
  11. I have remained 2 key - thanks for the TDU2 FRANCE community - if need, just send pm for me and i will send one.
  12. Try 0.1 version, this work with extracted game. Seems Eden use a very simple check what running in background (window title? :D)
  13. try rename to UpLauncher.exe :))) #Edit: not enough, but frank solution is work. (... and some older version work too) another way use normal Uplauncher validate all files but before click the PLAY button need move/copy .big .map .cpr files.
  14. The new update coming with Atari's 'superb' anti-cheat methods, examples: 1. If use any illegal DLC items - you got "DLC HACK detected" message. (Acceptable) 2. If you play extracted game - use any mods - you got "Cheater Detected" message. (Idiotism). If you got similar messages: your profile is flagged and no more online play. Currently NO ONE should try to play online with extracted game.
  15. Hi there. Is possible disabling autoplay feature the random youtube videos on headline? It's very annoying - now TDUC like an old, flash webpage with music* in 2004. *If this is not possible, I would like to request Narwhal, Narwhal...** song and sent to all admins. :D **of course the 10hours long version ;)
  16. FeaturesPack will close automatically, if: 1. TDU2 not run 2. TDU2 run with a renamed TestDrive2.exe (eg GamerTestDrive2.exe - like Knyazev's unlocked exe .) Start TDU2, then if profile is loaded, run FeaturesPack.
  17. Pls patience. I need little time for updating current release. DLC2 v028. Download link disabled.
  18. And all other things is ok? Like DEP or bios settings. If enabled you can adjust Headlight and Dasboard light values.
  19. What operating system do you use? XP?
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