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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Nope, you can't rent them or buy them more than once unless you buy them off of trade.
  2. Just ignore some of the lyrics. :p
  3. :fp: XD
  4. Source So there you have it, the new and improved Xbox controller! And it only took them 5 years to design and make and then for them to charge you silly amounts for it because it's new! I think I'll pass on this one.
  5. It is sad that there are people out there that do these sorts of things to animals. It happens far too often and most of the time nothing is done to stop them or punish them afterwards.
  6. This, thanks to Ryzza's post here. >.<
  7. Any Foo Fighters song is brilliant. :p
  8. Thread moved. Only threads regarding TDU Central should be posted within the TDU Central Questions and feedback area. Thanks.
  9. Atari don't seem to be bothered about TDU2, so sure! Go F1 2010! xD
  10. They do but I think you get a choice out of a few that they choose and they are usually the ones that not many people buy.
  11. :welcome: to TDUCk!
  12. When I used this it was v0.8.8 and was separate from the HD mod. But all you need to do is edit the FX.ini file and change some of the settings and they'll work fine together.
  13. Nice shots. The dents on the front of that Puma make it look sad. xD
  14. It's not really a rip-off if you order the 12 month code off of a none M$ website and it can work out at 8p a day. And that's not much for people without jobs or kids. Or it's about 11p a day if you buy a year straight from MS which still isn't exactly extortionate. And the money, or most of it will go towards a somewhat stable environment for your Xbox online. The servers barely ever go down and whenever they do for a day or two, M$ will usually compensate you with a free arcade game(however crap it may be :P it's still worth more than a few days XBL). And connections to the Xbox Live servers are usually quite good depending on your own internet connection. You only see other people lagging when they have a poor internet connection at the time. Compared to the PSN or PC I see a larger amount of people lagging all over the place. Paying a small amount of money each year for an overall better quality of service is fine by me. Doesn't Sony also offer a PSN premium service for £50/$60 a year now?
  15. "Stunning new feature :drool:" I like the sound of that. :)
  16. Nice work, looking good so far.
  17. Have you tried reinstalling it again? You only got the problem since you did a clean install on the clean OS so maybe a file corrupted during installation. Installing it or a second time on this OS may solve the problem. I've never seen this problem before though so I doubt many if any other people have had it.
  18. We've been using them for years now because they last longer and use much less energy. But I don't think they ever bothered me apart from being very bright as soon as I turn them on. That only really bothers me at night though when someone turns them on unexpectedly. Mine are quite yellowish, a warm yellow though. Works well in my room.
  19. GTAMADDOG for me also.
  20. Thread moved. Please don't post support threads in the released mods section. Thanks.
  21. He suit should be this pattern.
  22. There had been rumors and speculation that it was him for the last few years. I do wonder what they will do with the new stig, whether they'll just try and cover it up or if they'll announce the new one.
  23. Shurrup. :p That's the point, it feels like a new island. Most of the places out of towns I can't recognize anymore. I keep getting lost. :lol:
  24. Played Mafia II, finished Mafia II, very disappointed about how short the game is and there is no re-playability what so ever and no free mode without using mods. Looks great but as a game it was crap. xD
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