There has been a discussion about Djeys modding tools in a private forum with all the staff and Djey. We came to the conclusion that the performance changes that can be made with Djeys tools are negligible. They can be used online without people being banned for it and.
The hacking which you are referring to could potentially get people banned from the Atari servers. If a member or lurker actually uses the hack that they found on here and it got them banned, they would most likely kick off on the forum and blame the staff for letting people do it.
Members or lurkers that don't speak good English could manage to follow the instructions on how t hack the game and they might not be aware that they could get banned for it.
And anyway, it's not as if we removed the hacks from the internet is it? No. You can still go and find them yourself elsewhere. I fail to see everyones problems about it. We've explained before as to why we won't allow hacks here. Yet some people persist in arguing with us and trying to get us to allow it.
On a side note, RX_37, change your sig so it doesn't break the forum rules. 500x130.