The Crew Now Free on PC, Heres How to Get It - GameSpot
Are you familiar with Colsters' Mystery Tour™? No? Well listen up then.
Each person joins a regular cruise with a pre-selected destination that they keep to themselves. One person sets their GPS to their secret destination, and everyone cruises there. Only one person knows where they're going. Once everyone arrives, we might take a small chat break and then the next person enters their secret destination.
Since TC enables players to change cars without leaving the session, I'm suggesting that we start off with full stock cars with average performance, and then change/upgrade each time we reach a destination.
Note, when not leading the way, you'll need to disable your navigation HUD elements (ribbon + minimap as crew members will see the destination otherwise).
The Crew [PC] - Saturday 17 September
New York: 7.30am (DST)
London: 12:30pm (DST)
Melbourne: 9:30pm
The Crew [PC] - Saturday 4 April
Los Angeles: 2:30am
London: 10:30am (DST)
Melbourne: 8:30pm (DST)
Starting position will be determined later, but will probably be near a railway station or airport so that everyone can meet-up quickly. Please ensure you have a variety of cars, your port-forwarding and other settings are in order, and be prepared to record video/screenshots.
1. Ryzza5
2. Ozzmcom
3. Ahautz
4. Brian_O-cnnr
5. Dux
6. Robik94
7. Scott (softie)
8. Ghost