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Everything posted by Djey

  1. Always useful to get. Thanks. Now I guess I should write a post-it somewhere before it being drown over lulz posts ! :D
  2. Thanks for the feedback, mate. It's my fault, I believed old TDUMT2 and new libraries would work together. (I have changed my development tools since then). So I have to make a full package instead. Will try to provide one this week ;)
  3. Hi, glad to see you back there ! I'm fine, planning to release a tool to make small adjustments in some parts of xmb files - I don't have time and motivation to write a whole xmb parser form scratch ;) According to first feedback from JorgeModek, not all sound volumes can be affected this way. So I have to make a list of working parameters to be listed in the tool. I will need help from testers, for sure ! Thanks ! :) Wow this file looks to be easy to edit, so I don't think a tool is necessary. For now, I will work on that xmb cwap !
  4. Are these tips applicable to TDU1 also ? You might be posting in wrong thread for this :) (not to mention TDUMT app is not able to do such things)
  5. But.... who would give a single penny (or cent) to Eden Games now ? Personally I would not dare :oook: Looking forward to know which will their partners (editor ...) be, though :p
  6. Complete TDUMT package now available as 1.16.2 ;) It brings the fix I mentioned in previous post. See OT for download, as always.
  7. Looks good ;) I remember it's possible to mimic 'freeride mode' when running custom races. You have to disable time limit, penalty and enable traffic to do so. A tool exists to create custom challenges for multiplayer mode. :) Anyway. I would be glad to test.
  8. Hi, glad to be back here after holidays :) I've finished coding Xmb Mini Editor, this very first version will address sound sample volumes as discussed here : Released Enabled Original Turbo audio /Controlled Volume | turboduck forum I'll be making tests then provide full beta package when ok. Btw, I'd like to know which changes you are used to making in TDU/TDU2's xmb or cpr files so that I could add even more features to this tool. :) Thanks in advance !
  9. Yeah, that's a limitation of BNK Editor. Btw this tool has not been maintained for about 5-6 years You could use TDUMT2 to repack BNK files - works for TDU1 and TDU2 (link in my sig) Your feedback is also welcome ;) Note: if your audio BNK is larger size than original one, consider using a magic map, else TDU woin't accept it...
  10. Did you try to remove the // in front of last entry ? e.g FORCED_OFFLINE_WEATHER = 2
  11. It is, of course ! --- Edit : Repack fix is ready for beta ! It should solve repacking some files, as fx/vfx_car.bnk. Get it here : <removed file> ... or download attached file :) Note : This ZIP does not contain full version of TDUMT2. - Close Mini Bnk Manager - Extract contained file (ModdingLibrary_2.dll) then replace file located in your TDUMT2 directory. (be sure to replace existing file with same name) - Use this for testing purposes, at your own risks. Thanks!
  12. OP update with roadmap and some adjustments ! WIP Djey : TDU Modding Tools II [Release] | turboduck forum
  13. So weird, but I'm not surprised there would be the only solution they found. Btw, some cars are (were?) very unpredictable when in mid-air still, especially at high speeds ! +1, here is a TDU feature I miss (fun, albeit a little overpowered imo :) ) Will try to post a link to this sound, it sounds like gear change with classic cars in TDU1. Definitely not realistic ! lol For example, when you stop car in 5th gear before entering a spot, you will hear the gear changes automatically 5th->Neutral during the cinematics. Ridiculous. I may delete / make it silent in game files for the sake of myself. lol, I forgot that. I have not been playing this game for 2 years :D
  14. Has anyone figured out why the wheels seem to block when the car is in the air ? We can also hear a strange noise, same as blocking brakes :) I think it would be great to remove this awful gear change noise, 'clanking' with a high lag. Do you see what I mean ? It's very present in cinematics as well. Switching sound in cockpit is good though.
  15. Just a heads up, issue with vfx_car.bnk seems to belong to the past now :) At least, entire file can be unpacked then re-packed. Using this new file, game starts. Beta version coming soon!
  16. I could write a tool to change this part of the XMB, I think. It seems simple enough with a naive code approach. :)
  17. Cars modding ? No sorry :) It takes too much time and energy. I also have plans for other racing games currently. As TDU2 is now back on my PC, I'm going to fix some bad BNKs repacks first !
  18. Hi people, now I have time to work on modding again, and I will put TDUMT2 as WIP back ;) (considering fellas who 'get the balls' to enhance it whatsoever). :bacon: So... let's go : :bacon: - please continue reporting here issues about Mini BNK manager and I'll try to fix them. - you may also ask for tool / features, which would help you as a modder -please note I will not make a TDUMT1 or TDUPE tools like, as stated ages ago- Some BNKs can't be repacked properly I remember, and maybe it's the first thing to look after for now :) :bacon: Later. :bacon:
  19. Great job xarlith, this patch made me reinstall TDU2 :D I've restarted game from very beginning thus I can't see all the new cars ... they look brilliant in pictures already. Thank you StarGT !! Hoping for more, and I'd be glad to help if I can ! My biggest expectations are about physics and wheel dynamics btw :)
  20. 1.66 patch and/or megapack (recommended!) are requirements to install patch 1.68b, indeed ;)
  21. Tested on Audacity 2.0.3 (Ubuntu Linux) In file -> Export dialog, choose 'other uncompressed formats' for file type then click options button. finally select : - Header WAV (Microsoft) - Encoding Microsoft ADPCM.
  22. I might test it this week end if I get time to ... ... but ! Massive bug spotted in 370z cockpit, speedometer is totally wrong : needle acts as kmh whereas unit is mph (max : 180) :D (typical bug in TDU)
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