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Hull ISP cuts off suspected file sharers


Ian Williams


Humberside internet service provider (ISP) Karoo has started cutting off customers suspected of illegal file-sharing, as part of a 'three strikes' policy aimed at cutting piracy.



According to reports, customers disconnected by the provider have been sent a formal notification, and must sign a document admitting guilt and promising not to do it again in order to be reconnected.


Users continuing to illegally share and download content could face permanent disconnection after a third violation.


The move has been slammed by the Open Rights Group (ORG), an organisation set up to preserve and promote 'digital rights'. The group pointed out that there is no legal procedure or right of appeal taking place, and that there are no other telecoms companies in Hull, limiting the option of moving to another provider.


"People are being found guilty by a Kang-Karoo court," said Jim Killock, executive director of the ORG.


"Internet access is crucial for freedom of expression in the digital age. It's also how people do business and gain an education. A monopoly like Karoo cannot be allowed to arbitrarily decide when to limit our fundamental rights. Only courts can do that."




Well to be honest I think its fair enougth. How on earth is not being able to break the law agaisn't our rights?? You have warning, its in the Terms and Conditions and it will help everyone out in the long run. If all ISP's did this it will solve a big problem.

Hull ISP cuts off suspected file sharers


Ian Williams


Humberside internet service provider (ISP) Karoo has started cutting off customers suspected of illegal file-sharing, as part of a 'three strikes' policy aimed at cutting piracy. customers.



I thank god BT doesn't cut people off for those reasons. :D

Amen to that!

File sharing is not always illegal though :confused:

Take Nine Inch Nails' Album for example! But however lets be honest, it is probably to be 99.9% illegal. Or even higher!

File sharing is not always illegal though :confused:


They didn't say file sharing, they said illigal file sharing.


The thing is music is so cheap now, you can listen to most of it for free at we7.com or other sites like it. If you like it 90p per song tops, most cd's can be picked up for a few quid. Most stuff people download they don't listen to, just get it to ger a 'bigger music collection'. People are looseing jobs over people who don't want to pay for the things they use.


This is stupid how they are still doing this. Innocent people have been cut off and iirc a 70 year old woman got her internet cut-off due to suspected illegal file Sharing.


So they must be spying on you then, to see what you are doing on the internet. Encrytion is the way forwards. Or using stupid neighbours unprotected networks.


it´s sad, but they get only the "normal" people which download a few songs over filesharing-programs and let them in their upload-folder because they had no idea what they do.



if somebody knows a little bit about computers, they take one-click-hoster and maybe after some time more effective ways like ftp-pubs and so on.



all the hosters where the mods are available made their money with illegal content.

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