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Started and pretty much finished a new project today.


Will keep a secret so that we get to witness the initial reactions of MadDog and/or Reaper when they sign in next (make sure you're recording, and if you spawn at night time don't go straight to bed like you usually do) :)


Oh dear ryzza i will try and log in tomorrow and capture my response or thursday.

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Guest MrLolololXD

It's a giant killer robot controlled via remote by Ryzza, it's about 6 blocks high iirc, I'd suggest keeping at least 10-15 blocks away from it :eek:

Guest MrLolololXD

The only thing my roof is good for is falling off and scoping out what evil plan you're hatching next over at your tree house Ryzza :p


Had this afternoon off work for numerous reasons so I ended up on Minecraft.


I'm going to turn my tower into a twisted tower with loads of lava and glass. I've got the first twist finished which wasn't anywhere near as complicated as I expected. I still don't know what I'm actually going to fill the place with besides empty rooms though. Maybe as the twisted section of the tower has quite a large empty room in it I might put another condenser in there at some point unless I can think of another way to fill the space.


So I take it you saw my... completed project? (you couldn't possibly have missed it) :p



You seem to be describing my evil lair inside the volcano with a ladder on it (twists, lava, glass) :dontsteal:

So I take it you saw my... completed project? (you couldn't possibly have missed it) :p



You seem to be describing my evil lair inside the volcano with a ladder on it (twists, lava, glass) :dontsteal:


I did, but I don't really feel like recording any videos at the moment so you will have to wait for Reaper's reaction to it :p



Truth be known I logged back on to the server after it told me I had ran out of memory and I could see through parts of the landscaped and see what was underneath so I caught a quick glimpse of what you're hiding in the volcano. I've always wanted to do a twisted tower though, even on single player, so I thought I might as well try it with my second house to see if I can make it look less boring.


There's an entrance to it on the other side (facing the forest) - just have to remove one or two blocks near the top that keep mobs out (although they probably spawn inside it now)


Hate how I say I can't think of anything to do one week and then the next week (now) I'm building a port and finishing off the minecart entrance at my second home.


Puerto Del Maddog is almost open :p


Once I master how this Blutricity factory and piping system works I'll probably build a bigger factory somewhere else. Also want to build some mini-game infrastructure (possibly after mass-producing MFSU's, HV Arrays and Teleporters)


Nice work on the latest video MD (although the tutorial at the start was pretty boring, think I skipped a bit of it).


Just waiting for Adam's next one.


im close to finishing my house, once thats done, i want to start a filter system where i can just put all my junk from my inventory into one box and it will sort it all out for me. Thats the grand plan how close i get to it however is completely different


If you follow the river past khev's house south-east you'll find two weird maze sky walk thingies. One over a bunch of trees (practice) and one over a lake (official league).


The name of the game - Last Man Standing.


The way to get others to fall into the lake (who have moved their flying ring out of their hotbar so they don't cheat) is to throw snowballs at them, while avoiding the snowballs coming at you, without falling off while running around. To that end I've just built a perpetual* snowball generator that will fill up a large chest for everyone to stock up on at the beginning.




*Pending World Anchor placement


Right for some reason today the server started crashing badly to the point where it now wont let anybody in, currently cant get hold of the servers help desk, so have shut the server down for the time being. will try and get it back online as soon as possible.






I blame whoever stuck water top of it. khev was there at the time and will be able to affirm this. I've also relayed warnings of not having power-cable loops.


If my cube was as bad as you suggest don't you think it would annoy me more than anyone else since I'm the one living inside it and going in/out all the time?


Im hoping for the server to be back online soon, im currently working with the server support team to get this sorted as for the damage of the current world i dont know as of yet, but will try my best to get it all sorted, but have been warned that some items could be missing, so IF we get the world back and you find that something is missing let me know and i will try and return as much as possible.



As for why this has happened i don't know yet, but will be investigating, i have my suspicions that it could be that the world is bigger then i ever could of imagined and may need to upgrade to a bigger server as the current one is struggling under the strain of all the machines





After about 3 hours working with tech support the server and our world is back, but its not 100% but its playable at least. As for why this has all happened nobody was quite sure but i have sent them the files to investigate further and i will report if i find out.



One thing that was brought up was the fact we are using old tekkit which is now no longer supported so finding an answer if the server crashes again is not as easy, so outages like this weekend COULD happen again, and maybe next time we might not be so lucky.


Now im quite happy to carry on with our world and do my best to keep it running, but after talking to the support team, i think at some point we may have to think about moving over to either tekkit lite which is being supported and is easier server side to maintain, or we could go in a different direction completely and try something else. I'm open to either and would like to know your input.


I want to keep this little MC community going for as long as people want to come online and play, i have no intentions of shutting it down yet




any questions or suggestions please let me know





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