Well, i don't know. Before i post the Del Sol i had a bit of thought about that... and, a game is a game, after all. This competition is to choose a Driving Game screen, which will end up in the banner. It doesn't ask for a high epic beauty screen, just a driving one. So, it could be any driving game. And for a banner, well, not all banners are just good looking, some can contain messages and pass feelings.
I believe this GT2 shot, at least to me, is more than graphics... because it brings me memories, good ones, by the way. Reminds me of the hours of joy i spent on the PSOne, playing that game. It gives me good vibes... so... i think it's a valid entry in a Driving Game Screen of The Week competition, even being about it ending on a banner. ;)
tl;dr: It doesn't have to be good looking because it's not in da rules! :lol: