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Everything posted by Who

  1. you want to take everything after 'watch?v=' first so the first video code should be uWgzDNkZmQ secondly, the tags are not 'youtube' instead just 'tube' so you should have (tube) (/tube) (obviously square brakets, not normal ones) making (tube)uWgzDNkZmQ(tube) and the result is... [tube]uWgzDNkZmQ[/tube]
  2. hahahahahahahahhahahhaahaha i am such an unbelievable child XD
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg1PEoQ_cq8 addictive, although i had it in my head all day today. people gave me funny looks when i started singing it in college :p
  4. you can still go on live, its just an update. the downtime is monday
  5. *ancient kick* you could have a hide and seek mode and call it G-Spot :p
  6. Title says it all really, happy birthday mate, enjoy it. :p
  7. ouch, i think i may have just torn a muscle in my eyebrow, im not sure if raising it to the levels reached during nige's posts is safe...
  8. im gonna sign up but im not getting GTA IV till after may 1st, mainly caus ei have literally, no money after ive paid all my stuff bikewise. anyway, i have a DT project with a deadline for may 1st so i want as little distraction as is physically possible.
  9. we dont mind praising the yanks efforts at good cars, its just you ear-rape us with 100% fanboyism most of the time. we would do the same if someone mentioned that VAG was the best every other sentence. you have an obsession mate.
  10. haha :p although i stand by my hardcore comment. i play for realism, and CoD does that brilliantly in hardcore mode, although im going off that aswell now, both me and my mate (both RL gun nuts) are now preferring to play rainbow 6: Vegas due to the fact that the recoil (lack of) in CoD is a chuffing joke. seriously, standing, a LMG will make you start dancing/looking at the ceiling, and the moment someone who is running pulls the trigger they will end up on teh floor. same goes for the snipers, the barrett 50.cal would fracture your shoulder if fired from standing. the firing on a desert eagle is simply impossible, the guys in the game hold it loosely and in real life the pistol would either fly out of their hand, or hit them in the face. the recoil on them is insane and it takes a good 3 seconds between shots considering time it takes to reload. frankly, its rediculous. anyway, gun property rant over, i still prefer HCM over normal mode, and RB6 over that :p
  11. i believe that the logitech one infact does not do teh same as the microsoft one, the microsoft one employs effects programmed into games, and if memor serves correctly the logitech one offers force feedback based on your imputs, regardless of game feedback.
  12. the 360 worked, but a veyron? not gonna happen, it will look fugleh
  13. oh wow, hopefully this is true!
  14. CoD4 is only good in hardcore mode IMO :p
  15. i can speak english (obviously) hefyd dw'in siarad sbwreil cymraeg (however i speak rubbish welsh if memory serves correctly)
  16. i'm not getting it, i'll just get my mates to come around and we can play as a real band :p if one of our frinds agrees to sing for us then we will start getting a set ready for gigging...
  17. 1. Getting hurt by love 2. The fact I always let myself down 3. when my closest friends are at 'that time of the month' 4. being described as 'nice' 5. people discriminating against those who are different 6. the fact that its so rare for me to find love 7. over the top political correctness 8. the fact that I never know if i am a a happy drunk, or a sad depressive drunk (hate it when i start crying drunk :( ) 9. people that drive SUV's to bully road users, and who will never intend to take the car offroad 10. chavs 11. alchopops (alchohol for people that cant handle it if it doesnt taste like pop >.>) 12. my hair's ability to cover my eyes and not move 13. nothing goes to plan 14. syphoning petrol and getting a mouthfull *blech* 15. the fact my metabolism has drastically slowed and i have put on over a stone in the last few months 16. the price of everything theres more, much more, i just cant think of them, or i dont want to dwell on the most annoying things in my life
  18. that was absolute crap, i see what you mean about 2D TV minus teh goodness...
  19. hahaha, thankyou very much, ive allready got a thread but it's nice you noticed :D
  20. thanks all, had a great time :P and yes, the bike is a slow 'un, but i like them retro :p its 26 years old, adn it'll do me till i get my full license (y)
  21. i saw an Evo X outside wrexham on the A483 phone battery was dead tho :(
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