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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Or maybe you're just not smart enough. Didn't think that was possible. :hmmm:
  2. :welcome:
  3. Maybe you're just too intelligent for TV. You're a dying breed of smart people!
  4. Why? The link works fine.
  5. Thread locked. Author can PM me with new links and I'll update and open the thread.
  6. Looks quite good. *waits for blah blah blah it's scripted, wahh wahhh :sulk: people* :cheeky:
  7. The only advice I think I need is to pay more attention thus resulting in less 100mph crashes with walls. :hmmm: I learnt how to race on GT1 thanks to my dad showing me how to and it stuck with me ever since and got better.
  8. :hmmm: Yea, the TV in my room is the biggest in the house. The one in the living room came with the house and it's not used very often. Housemates thought I was putting my TV in the living room. Ha! Argh! :eek:
  9. Pah, Canada is just like another state. :leaves:
  10. Xbox: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Max Payne 3(Maybe PC) Mass Effect 3(Going to finish ME2 first) Hitman Absolution GTA V(If it's released this year) Ghost Recon 4 Borderlands 2 Devil May Cry HD Collection PS3: Final Fantasy X HD remake(If it's released this year) PC: GTR3 By no means will I be getting them all though, especially not on the release date. I think I missed a few too. :hmmm: There are other games I have my eye on too like Ressy Evil and Silent Hill.
  11. Safe to say this thread can be :locked:.
  12. You can fix mine when I inevitably break it!
  13. Great work, good luck with the rest! +rep
  14. Do not post links to sites in which you need to either register to download from or pay to download from.
  15. Locked because the download link no longer works. Author can PM me to open the thread and edit the link.
  16. Locked because the download link doesn't work. Author can PM me to unlock and edit the link.
  17. :welcome:
  18. Locked because the download link doesn't work. The author can PM me to unlock this thread and update the link.
  19. Very special...
  20. Any will do I imagine. Not many people bothered getting their photos off the Xbox because it's too complicated for most people.
  21. He probably nearly took his mirrors off several times in the making of that video. :cheeky: I recorded 2 today, but I left my phone cable at the other house. So when I've uploaded them to YT from my phone they will be here! May take about a year though. I wasn't speeding much at 4:40, I was almost within the 10%+2 limit! That road is so fun, shame it's not very long when you go a bit quick. :( E: Added vid
  22. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
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