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Everything posted by Djey

  1. A few more feedback with a few hours of new carreer game : - Convoy missions : short freezes (seconds) making it very hard to achieve at all :D . I should try with offline profile and unpatched game though. - Sometimes, when I go to from free-ride to map, the game crashes and sends back to desktop. Will send dump via PM.
  2. I had a short but great online session. I made a profile and started from scratch. Here is what I noticed: - everything working as expected :) - fuel jauge does not hide when entering 'ESC' menu (no prob in pause menu). May it be fixed? - fuel jauge sometimes disappears (after cancelled top model mission I think). Solution : ALT-TAB to desktop, then back in game would make it appear again. - encountered messages 'server not available at the moment' while playing the introduction tutorial, and after first race. Moreover no one could be seen on map and in game. Solution : exit or change profile then log in back to online profile. Thanks Speeder and Lean ;)
  3. - TDU without its imperfections IS NOT TDU :D - TDU with online back IS TDU :nuts: - Rest is just bonus. So, enjoy.
  4. I must admit I have no idea why you encounter such an issue :eek: Generally, investigating these probs require time and investment I can't afford. That's why I did not answer your MP (among many others', from months).
  5. That's the point, Dux :) On the other hand, nothing would prevent other developers from building eye candy apps to mod game files (as with TDUPE). Main fact is I can't work on 'pretty' and 'under the hood' aspects at the same time. Tons of work remain under the hood btw :D
  6. Fiddling with wheel sizes does not require a patch, but tools. I'm afraid I can't do anything more on modding tools at the moment :( Biggest issue here is that way of things have been coded. I'd like to rewrite many parts from scratch as they are limiting now. Maybe open source will be a solution, with the help of other programmers. Could be posted to Github/Bitbucket ?! At best, don't expect eye candy or idiot proof things from me. Nothing comparable to TDUMT. Should be only libs for developers or command line executables for advanced users. If I can. So first job is removing this dust from unofficial patch. If success, then maybe I will move on new tools :) Thanks for your understanding.
  7. Hi, thanks for feedback. Il will add it to a 'potential' todo list. ;)
  8. :think: thinking of bumping a pinned thread could be considered as a proper bump or not .. ...whatever. :D I can't assume, but if TDU Paradise mod is as brilliant as it seems and online back for good, we might work on enhancing this patch. There's no source code available, as it only consists in modifying game files, I'm not skilled enough to re-program TDU. lol. In order to modify them, we had been using the same tools as those publicly provided here. Not more, not less ;)
  9. Hi. By reading your post, I have no idea sorry. But ... if you send me bnk file and post contents of .log file maybe I'll be able to tell what it did happen.
  10. To be honnest, I can't give a date as I should free a whole week at least to work on it. Mission:Impossible :) As latest bugs ans issues lead me to think that it's time to rebuild BNK management from scratch. Current way is a legacy from TDU1 and is way too hard to handle without braking existing code. And I'm not talking about new features (XMB, ....) obviously. The sole thing I could advise you, is to enjoy TDU1/2 with current modding features without expecting anything. Sorry about that, but I'm confident about new teams (Unofficial Patch and independent modders) to go on with the awesome ;)
  11. Zoqqer's Huyara comes with physics, indeed. The install must be done with the autoinstaller Pagani Huayra.exe to get all settings applied. If the autoistaller has come without errors, maybe an issue with bad set of game language ? Please provide logs files. Btw you should always post in official thread to get support from author and help people having the same issue as you. Sounds more logical and efficient :) Released TDUZoqqer: 2012 Pagani Huayra | turboduck forum
  12. With every mod ? For example ? Some install physics, some don't. Just 3D model :)
  13. Vehicle Manager in TDUMT may help you with locating F308 GTS ;) (-> dealers tab)
  14. Unfortunately, not. I know there are a few changes and testing to do still, but I miss spare time at the moment. Moreover, GTA V has arrived at home, so .... :p
  15. There's no obvious method to do so, all is in the database files DB.BNK->Brands.db, which has to be unencrypted, edited, then encrypted back. By looking at corresponding table in TDUMT's Database editor, you'll see role of each value in Brands.db file But, there seems to be a game limit, that's why we could not add so many brands with latest patch. Good luck, and make backups before ! ;)
  16. Hi, a possible cause is the fact TDUPE and TDUMT may not use the same resource files. That's to say, TDU provides one resource file per game language. The changes made by TDUPE have been made well, but not on the same language TDU is set. 2 solutions to try : - if you can change language target in TDUPE (dont know if it's possible though) - in TDUMT, try to repair your database with DB Editor, there is a check feature. It displays what's wrong and provides you a way to insert missing resource. Please keep us informed ;)
  17. TDU1 or TDU2 data can be accessed via mem hooks. Tomsolo has a map of this iirc, getting larger and larger, btw. He also knows how to make tools to read and write values, allowing to alter game behaviour. Those games seem to be telemetry-friendly: - Asseto Corsa. But it would need a python script to export data to a collector :) - Project Cars : provides shared memory.
  18. Finally ! RC1 (beta) full package is available here: http://bit.ly/16X4Eo7 or in attachment. Have fun! :hi:
  19. I have to admit you got a huge point here ;) But I'm curious about what gets this file corrupt, still ... as BNK format is the only thing I could understand correctly in TDU2 :D
  20. is the default_bike.bnk file corrupt?? it might be possible to fix it :confused:
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