I think the exact opposite tbh. The scratch made models are made by an independent person, other than existing game models, which had required millions of dollars for the license - just to bring them in the game, also these models are ripped of from games, which is highly disrespectful to the game developers of the models, and which also could cause a legal argument between the two developers. It's like turn10 will sue Rockstar games (i can't take Atari, as it's not sueble for me), and telling them "our models are in your games, seriosly what the heck?"
Can you follow me?
I mean as you may know I made a car model from scratch and converted it to TDU. I hardly doubt Atari would make the effort to stop me, because they can't get anything from me. Other than Turn10 from Atari (okay, they can't get anything from they anymore aswell, but you know what I mean). That's why Atari would stop the pure converters, because they don't want a legal war with another developer.