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I Gotta Feeling, that tonight's gonna be... [July 2009 Stats]

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a good night, that tonight's gonna be a good night. Man I love that song, really get's you pumped up for a night out and makes you feel good, I mean really good, you know the kind of good when you've just done something really good and it feels good, that's the kind of good it makes you feel.


Aaaaaaaaaaah JLS Umbrella, screw that *hammers radio off*


Right anyway, why are we here? Well scientists believe that a Big Bang happened a good few billion years ago and this in turn created the universe which then expanded out over the many many many many many many many years and created galaxies, solar systems and of course planets. Or if you're religious, your God did it.


Regardless of that, I have a question for you, yes you, don't look so surprised it's just a question. Did you know TDU (on X360) is 3 years old a month this very day? (5th Sep in NA/8th Sep in PAL). Well it is and yeah I know the PC was in February the following year but also did you know it was around this time last year when TDU modding really started to get interesting and the tools and techniques were trickling out into the public domain and spreading like wildfire, well it's true and you would think with the game being this old and the modding scene well and truly alive and doing well that activity and such would possibly dwindle, right? Well not really, you see recently I have been sweating buckets watching the daily stats never mind monthly, before it used to be 1,000,000 hits at the weekend now it's a 1m hits a day! So yeah you can imagine how I worry about this place but alas let's stick with the good, and not just any good but the good that song gives you as I explained above. And you want good stats, well they are I Gotta Feeling good!


Just have a gander at these folks!



40,882,606 hits

160Gb Bandwidth

4,211,393 Pages Viewed

134,159 Unique Visitors

1640 new members


Yes you read that right, 40,000,000 hits! Unique's ever as usual climbing and climbing high at that. Honestly never in my imagination - and you know how weird and out of the box that thing is - would I ever have imagined this at this time. As the game gets older the stats get higher, how does that work? Either way as always I am very grateful, thankful and of course full of appreciation to all of our staff, modders, supporters and of course members. Without you guys this place wouldn't be able to run as it has done since the beginning when it was just a small little talking spot in the corner of the internet and now look at it, new members join up daily by the load and the lurkers look over, grab and then run away into the hills laughing like Santa Claus on Helium while pedalling an underwater space hopper.


Peace out guys.




TDU Central Staff


:thumbsup: :nuts: :excited: :monkeydance: :D :oook: :lol: :drool:

That is awsome. I'm really glad to be a part of something as successful as this.



Simply amazing stats as usual. Still amazed by the interest this game draws to this day.


Diablo, your intellectually superb humour never ceases to amaze me.


Nearly 41 million hits... That's something to be proud of. Before long, I'm sure Google will start offering you things to eliminate competition ;)


As always, I'm honoured to be a member of this ever growing community


swish! well done all, glad to help but I registered years ago so i dont count to the figures :P


also diablo, you've now made me imagine a spacehopper full of helium and the associated epicness of bouncing a fair distance thanks to the lighter than air properties xD

Haha I'm surprised people actually read what I type as it does gets ABSOLUTELY AND CRAZILY CRAZY.


Edited for accuracy :p



Well done Diablo, i bet its like cradling a new born baby...






















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