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And ?

Is the ocean glowing on at night ?

That bodyparts glow, i can't change yet.

It is the same setting that is letting the leaves glow.

What i told you see a little time, if you press the map button, is only, of course, the mapweather setting.

It is not causing the glow at night.

I set everything to almost complete dark in there, and when pressing map, nothing was white anymore,

but the glow at night stayed, and the map was black, except the street exploring lines where like allways.

Looked like the TDU2 gps.

So i set the map weather back to normal, and the search goes on.

I wrote so funny, because i searched all night long for the reason why your game looked too coloured,

and why there is too much glowing at night. ( roadsigns, carlights )

And then you told me, you use another fx.



lol i didnt make a backup of the plague... Can u zip it to me? The koenigsegg bodyparts glow at night 0.0


Edit : i got it! Thanks anyway


Im using your FX for sure. The one that came with your mod. I will post more pics showing ocean for you (the original one). Im waiting for your latest release though. Take your time, and thanks! FOR EVERYTHING







Thank you for 20000 views :-). Very special for me... .


As the full version is letting waiting for itself,

i decided to release the summergreen addon.

It is the original plant textures, colour adjusted, and contrast set up to :-) 13%.

It works independently from the weather, so i gave it an own link.

Now i really can make realistic lightning,

because i don't have to use it for making the plantgreen less bluish anymore.

For installation description read the textfile.

Also included by myself, is a reflection amplifier for the ocean.



Releasenjoybutton :


File-Upload.net - Sommergruen.rar



normal resolution



comparison dark bluishgreen wood / juicily summergreen grass & wood






When you edit the texures with (idk your program) . You should be saving in a DXT5 Format with generate mip maps[ON]


edit ,, try saving with paint.net :: great program


Tnx for spotting. I save in the exactly same format and mip map count as the original files are.

Sometimes they are dxt5, sometimes dxt1a.

I guess i took the wrong fileheader on this one sort of tree's distance texture. Not a problem at all.

Just tell me where it is, or show me this tree from near, because that is only in distance right ?

In the near this tree should look normal.


When you edit the texures with (idk your program) . You should be saving in a DXT5 Format with generate mip maps[ON]


edit ,, try saving with paint.net :: great program


In the releaseversion i found no bug like that.

Acevt, i guess you have the prereleaseversion.


Yea right, i forgot to put the fx, setgrass, and setbush, file, inside :-).

I've done this now.








Also included by myself, is the reflection amplifier for the ocean.


Read my pixels : I , CAN , FIX , THAT ;-) ... .


And if it'll be a special version just for you,

because you've done a gt2 spoiler for my f430.



I doubt it's so easy fixable.

Ok. It was just an attempt being a little bit cool.




Now i can go on with the thread.

I had the idea to combine a bigger moonmodeltexture with stars,

so to say, a bigger picture with a little moon inside,

and the picture sized bigger, for spreading the stars all over the sky, so i tried it today.

If someone finds out how the sun, in this case then the moonmodel, can stay permanently,

and not allways disappear, when an object comes between the model and the viewer,

then we would have beautiful stars in the game.

Look here :



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