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Need help with Telemetry for X-Simulator Motion Software

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Hello TDU2 community, I hope that someone can give me some information to help with my motion race pit.


One of my favorite driving games is TDU2 but unfortunately there is no plug-in for the motion software that I use (see x-simulatorDOTde).


To create a plug-in I need to know how the feedback telemetry is sent from the game.


To be honest, I have no real idea how to do this but I do have examples from other games and know several people who are extremely helpful and usually willing to lend a hand. If I can present the information that is needed I could probably get a plug-in made and share with the rest of the community.






Thanks in advance


Thanks Diablo, I really wish I had gotten into racing games sooner. I am sure I would have enjoyed both TDU games during their launch phases. Right now it feels like I have to get as much driving in as I can before they drop the servers. ;)


I love the open world that TDU2 gives. The other day I drove (in TDU2) past the house that we rented on Oahu, the houses were completely wrong but the road was almost perfect, lol. Most of the other roads are off by a lot or not there at all in real life, etc but it cool.


If anyone is interested in DIY Motion racing rigs X-simulator is a great community to look into.


I am hoping the Crew might also have the open world fell that TDU2 has.


Would this be more suited to needing a mod to result in what you're wanting? As I think moving this to the Mod Support forum would get more attention from those who may be able to help. :)


Here's a list of titles that have built-in support for exporting the data you probably need.

SimXperience Supported Games


Perhaps another app could hack into the game's memory cache somewhat like how a trainer cheat works but I honestly can't see anyone doing this due to those who would have a motion simulator probably not liking TDU2 much at all.



However you may be in luck next year with this:



Hi Ryzza5, thanks for responding.


The web page that you posted takes you to a list of plug-ins that Bernard Villers created for use with his own motion software solution SimCommander (also for use with transducers such as the ButtKicker hardware). His is a commercial software to control not only motors for motion but also as mentioned sound devices for vibration. Good software but proprietary where it comes to motion devices.


To make a plug-in for the SimTools software, which I am using, I need to find out exactly how Test Drive Unlimited 2 outputs telemetry, such as that which is used for force feedback. I had hoped that a modder from the TDU2 community might be familiar with how this data is output. The type of data output for various games is; memory hooks, UDP, memory map variables, or even custom dll files. I did search for the dll files in TDU2 directories but did not find anything that would correspond.


Yes, as I mentioned in a previous post, I too am looking forward to the release of The Crew. The video shows a Joyrider type motion platform, which has two degrees of freedom (2DoF) roll and pitch. My platform is similar but it uses a center pivot with rear mounted motors to give pitch and roll. I am just completing my platform, taking care of the little details so to speak but it is fully functional. I will soon start on a 3DoF platform for flight sims which will include heave (up and down) as well as pitch and roll.


TDU1 or TDU2 data can be accessed via mem hooks.

Tomsolo has a map of this iirc, getting larger and larger, btw. He also knows how to make tools to read and write values, allowing to alter game behaviour.


Those games seem to be telemetry-friendly:


- Asseto Corsa. But it would need a python script to export data to a collector :)


- Project Cars : provides shared memory.


Hi Djey, that is exactly what I need. I will do a search and PM Tomsolo. Thank you very much!


We already have plug-ins for Asseto Corsa and Project Cars but thanks for the extra information.


Thanks again.


--- Post Updated ---


Woops, it seems that I need more posts before I can send TomSolo a PM.

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