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Interesting :) Thanks ! Gonna try it.


If you want a website full of datas, Here you go: http://www.automobile-catalog.com/specifications.php


This one is Extremely complete ! Very accurate. Enjoy ! ;)


I've used that one too, but forgot to mention it in the read me. Regarding the One-77 its gear ratios simply don't exist, which is the most important part missing of the pack


This is what we need !


Thanks !


You're welcome, I'll try to post one or two more today


For your One-77, the gear ratios are the same as the 2013 Vanquish. I'm 200% sure of that because I use to work with an Aston Martin Racing team and they told me the gearbox there were using is pretty much the same as the One-77 and the new Vanquish. The only difference is the final drive ratio who's set to 3.538 for the One-77.


AM Vanquish Gearbox:


ZF 6HP26

Transmission type: automatic with Touchtronic 2 manual shift mode

Number of gears: 6


Gear ratios (overall):

I: 4.171 (14.43)

II: 2.34 (8.1)

III: 1.521 (5.26)

IV: 1.143 (3.95)

V: 0.867 (3)

VI: 0.691 (2.39)


Source: Automobiles-catalog.com


> One-77 Specs

The only difference is the final drive ratio who's set to 3.538 for the One-77.


Almost got it right, I think I used 3.5.


This is the most helpful, I'll update it tonight


I'm having some issues...


I set the Top Speed for Jag XK-RS as 300 km/h but it still goes well beyond it...



Any ideas?


EDIT: 1st post updated, Aston Martin DB5 is now released


Alright, I've read that post and re-started messing around with the AM One-77.


- Increased Downforce to 0.625, in Hardcore Mode the car doesn't fly anymore, it jumps and wobbles but that's normal when above 200 kmh

- I've been playing with Gear Inertia, Drag, Acceleration and Grip to try and achieve a reasonable setup for a 0-100 in 3.6~3.8 seconds, and top speed around 360 kmh if pushed to the absolute limit (this is, almost impossible in TDU).


The thing is: it's incredibly hard to get 3.6 s in 0-100 lauching in 1st gear. I've been trying in Hardcore mode, Driving Assist maxed (I suppose they did it too in AM, kinda like a launch control) and the gears take way too much time to be switched. Engine inertia should improve this, but not enough. The 300 milisecond shifts of so many supercars are much longer here, at least 1 full second. Regardless using manual or auto shifting this always happens.


If I launch in 2nd gear (the gear in which One-77 achieves 100 kmh) I get a much better time (3.75 seconds versus the 4.68 seconds of 1st gear). If I use automatic gear changing the time goes down around 0.1 seconds (for the 1st gear launch of course).


What am I missing? Can someone with a wheel and pedals test this?


--- Post Updated ---


So... I've been playing with Gearbox Inertia values in AM DB5, while keeping everything else the same. Higher GI = less wheel spin on launch. It's like the car has an intelligent torque distributor. Lower GI = the cars revs up to the redline almost immediately, and spins all over the place. So for this car I'll keep the GI high and counter balance it by reducing grip. Note how it is the opposite of what that thread says.


The Engine Inertia seems to be as that thread explains.


Regarding the DB5 once more: I got it to behave as I would say it should, using a keyboard it's difficult to achieve good 0-100 times due to the lack of progression but I think it can be done properly with a set of pedals. But it accelerates too fast, it reaches 200 kmh after 24 seconds and should be more around 33~34 seconds. I can lower the Acceleration value to compensate, but then I would have to either increase power and/or grip or mess with the gear ratios to have a nice 0-100 time again. I won't be touching the other two Inertias any more as they are fine, so the DB5 will end up getting to Top Speed faster thean it should.

If you need even more precise settings, torque curve (in btrq file) will be adjustable soon.

Stay tuned :)


Won't hurt, but what I really want is these two miracles: decent braking or at least a correlation/formula between the Braking/Weight/Grip/something-else-relevant and the ingame Braking distance, and a way to adjust acceleration dinamically, this is, setting Acc as 100 for the early gears/revs and 90 for the upper gears/revs, for example.


EDIT: Now that I've read what you wrote correctly, it might perform my 2nd miracle. Looking forward for it :nods:

  • 2 months later...

Great news everyone! :excited:


I've been messing around with TDUPE and BTRQ Editor to creat physics for the Tesla Roadster Driver:TDU is currently making. This is how the graphs are supposed to look:




And this is what I got:




It WORKS. Before editing the btrq it kinda worked... Using the gear ratios from Tesla website I had to use 0.1 in drag and 150 in Acceleration in order to achieve satisfactory, yet still unrealistic, results. Why? Because no matter what you do in TDUPE, the cars will only rev up to how much it's specified in the btrq file. More: if the rev limit is lower than the btrq limit then the car will bounce off the rev limit, like a petrol car. If the btrq limit is lower, the car will rev up to that number and the needle will stay there, there is no cutting.


Following the way those btrq graphs are they fall in the first option, so, for an electric car, it sounds terrible. After achieving top speed it will remain bouncing up and down around the rev limit (I used 13k rpm just for testing, maybe with 14k it won't do it) and the sound will behave accordingly (it's almost hipnotic :D).


And even better: as the car now expands it's power much better, and achieves higher engine rotation speeds, the 150 Acc and 0.1 drag are now way to much, so there isn't the need for absurd values. Who would say TDU could cope so well with 1-gear electric engines?


In summary: a realistic physics pack for Tesla Roadster will be here tomorrow.


Excellent news and amazing work you did there :) Woaw ! Can't believe how unlimited TDU is when it comes to modify the game :D Can't wait to try your physics because it looks very promising for an interesting engineering work :nods:


Btw, thanks for your Audis and Hennessey physics.


Thanks fot the support. It is almost finished.


I have but one problem, that didn't happen in the Tesla. I was using the btrq editor to make a more realistic Alfa Romeo Montreal, but after editing the Power graph, if I edit the Torque graph, it will change the Power to those values. It's like both grpahs are linked to each other. This didn't happen with the Tesla.


Maybe this happens because the btrq I edited for the Tesla was a stock one, and the one from the Montreal was modded previously? I don't know, but I'll give it a try with a stock file and see what happens.


--- Post Updated ---


Well... I edited acopy of the Tesla btrq to the Montreal values and it still did the automatic correlation. No idea why. So I closed the program, re-opened it, and did the exact same thing I did for the Tesla, but with the Montreal values. It worked.


It seems like we have to edit the Power first and then the Torque, otherwise, if you edit the Torque first, when changing the Power it will overwrite the Torque settings.


Btrq file only contains one curve, that is torque (Y axis) vs engine velocity (X axis).


I think mcv100 will tell you more about it :) You should post in the BTRQ tool thread.


I will, but the editor lets us adjust two curves... Although that thing you said actually makes sense. If the btrq only has one curve, the Torque, it expains why Power changes it. As there isn't a Power curve, the Torque adjustments can't change it.


Anyway, I'm not the best to talk about all this stuff, so I'll stick with what I know: it works :D


Tesla Roadster Sport and Alfa Romeo Montreal released, check the index for the links.


I'm now accepting suggestions. Please be aware that I'll not accept every single one of them, for various reasons.


Reb, You are genius ! :D Just tried your Tesla physics with your btrq file. Feels very realistic. Everything is well balance and the settings are very good. Great job ! :) +rep


Now let's wait for the model and a quiet sound mod. :nods: Normally I hate electric cars but I love play with science :D


Oh, and I couldn't resist to try the reverse gear :lol:




That's the top speed? The last time I tested it in reverse it still got to 215 kmh in 1st, so it might have been reduced. But those 298 kmh I hit were something else :D


Do you have any specific cars for which you might want/need physics? If not my next will be the Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale, Ferrari 250 GT California and Porsche 918.


Edit: Just noticed you were driving in gravel, so yeah, it might still reach above 250 kmh in tarmac.


Should be :hmmm: I'll try later. Feels just too weird to drive with a petrol engine sound so I'll wait for a good sound mod.


918 is a great idea. Like Alfa 33 Stradale and 250 Calif. I would like some ultra realistic LaFerrari physics because I struggle making realistic physics for this car. And the other physics from different modders are not that good. The main problem of the LF is there is so much power and torque that the car reach the top speed just too fast. If you could do something about it, I would be very grateful :) Just a wish

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