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I am aware of performance issues with huge databases. TDUMT was designed when game contents could not be enhanced. I (or someone else) would need to create new vehicle manager.

Maybe using tduf/tdupe in the time being is a solution...


Same concern about camera editor. I dunno who created this useful app (can't even credit him/her for the help). One need a new tool as well.

Since i'm fiddling with cameras at the moment, I will try to bring tool and tutorial for it ;)


I've been thinking... there isn't really a way to make the merge between UCP and TDUCP easier? I thought about something, but since i couldn't even install TDUCP, here is the main idea.


Extract all the .db files from my DB.bnk, and extract all .db files from DB.bnk of TDUCP. Now, merge them both in one DB.bnk file, simply cut and paste the different lines from one to another.


Once you have the "merged" DB.bnk, Let's suppose, cut TDUCP extra line codes and copy in UCP .db files.


Problem would be the DB Resources... so, copy a TDUCP DB french bnk into the folder.


That means, DB.bnk and all other languages but french, has UCP DB.bnk and UCP DB Resources, but the french db.bnk has TDUCP DB Resources. Yes, it will cause a massive inchoerence, and that is the point.


Run TDUF 1.8.0 and then check the database, it possible will list all the wrong things, try fix and it will deal with the DB Resources itself, copying what the french has in the others and what others have in french. Hopefully.


But as i said, i couldn't even try it because i didn't get a TDUCP DB.bnk in first place. :lol:


Thanks for ideas, but believe me i've already thought of similar ways of merging all jobs. And that's no satisfying for me.


One hand, TDUCP intends to fix some mistakes in patch 1.68b. Now fixing over your pack is even more a challenge. Not knowing what changes you've made exactly. TDUCP fixes and adds data in many topics.


Other hand, how to proceed when lines of same ref have changed in both? Sticking to TDUCP changes will make UCP unstable. And vice versa.


Of course manual merging is possible but my decision is to get things the most automated possible. Whereas TDUCP and UCP impacts should be dealt case by case (if the words are correct).


And not the least important thing, TDUCP plans are huge, so it should evolve periidically. At every release, asking people to rewrite features based on the patch are not an option. TDUCP is a patch, so my objective now is to make it as clever and flexible as possible.


Now I don't wanna ask you to make your project on TDUCP2 base as it's too late and time consuming. TDUCP should have sooner replaced 1.68b to make it easier.



Btw, which was the issue in getting TDUCP db files to work on your rig ? Full version has all BNK files and does not require any tool/installer to be launched (patch HD is an optional feature).

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I think this is one of the weirdest bug. I am trying to add new Lexus car and I want to put it in Lexus dealership. The weird thing is there are no Lexus dealership options in all dealers and rents. I check in database the Lexus database is also missing. I check other Lexus car and in point selling the vehicle also shows blank. However I can enter the dealership in game.


So what files should I change in order to fix this?


Edit: After I write this, I fire up TDU again, and now the dealership is completely gone...


So in the end I tried to put back original DB.bnk from TDUCP again and the dealer returns, though I need to assign things again, but the game can run without problem

Anyway I think I know why this happened. Every time I delete a paint option in one car (since I just want to have few choice for paint on a specific car), things happened. I also tried this back then and it results to the game crashes at starting. My question is how do I delete things safely? I just want to reduce paint options, especially on new car slots.


I haven't be here for a while,I haven't played TDU for a while....now I have free time to play again my favorite game and to continue with testing awesome Djey patch....


first thing I noticed,all cars I put on the game works properly and i will continue to add more cars on the game...but,for some reason,I cant play race missions....any idea why?


check each vehicle has all characteristics required (group etc).


Does it work with original vehicles?


I just check it...all vehicles have characteristics,all missions works except races....it doesn't work for mods or original TDU vehicles....when I click to race,TDU freezes


I'll test it tonight on my rig. On the other hand, freezes do remind me of old issues with radial file. Check and delete it in application data folder: radial.cdb

  • 1 month later...

First of all thank you for making such a good patch


I have a problem, I add my own vehicle MOD has run out of all the TDUCP Model, so I would like to ask how to continue to add TDUCP Model 4001-4100.


Forgive me for my poor English


Hi, slots 4000 to 4041 were made for bikes so may not work very well for cars without deep tuning physics in database.


I might add new slots for cars in a future release... but unless someone creates new houses and shops, all these slots would be useless.

  • 4 months later...

Hallo guys

Im new to TDU,i drive GTR 2 the most and im looking for some alternative car game smilar to Gran Turismo.

I have few questions abaut Comunity Patch


1-Is all steps of instalation in CP 2.0 in html file is enough?I mean copy paste patch and overwrite files then the same with xml cars and cameras?Nothing more?Patch is instaled and i can run game?

2-After install CP i should alweys run game via MT?

3-Is normal i have few the same cars in dealers?Few A.Romeo,Pontiac GTO and meany more?

4- model of Dodge Chellenger RT from oficial car pack disaper,i can do test drive and buy car but i dont see model when i first chose it in dealer window.After i back from test drive and look at it again it is present...I do somthing wrong in install proces or must edit somthing in MT?

5-Do you recomend play with CP to new player or i should play with 1.66+official car pack and CP is only for moding game with no general improvment?

6-Do save game from clean game {1.66+official car pack }is compaybile with CP,if i install it leater when i learn how to add cars?

I start to love this game,engine sounds,graph,car stering,general game mechanic..I think i be play it for long.

Thank you very much guys

Hallo guys

Im new to TDU,i drive GTR 2 the most and im looking for some alternative car game smilar to Gran Turismo.

I have few questions abaut Comunity Patch


1-Is all steps of instalation in CP 2.0 in html file is enough?I mean copy paste patch and overwrite files then the same with xml cars and cameras?Nothing more?Patch is instaled and i can run game?

2-After install CP i should alweys run game via MT?

3-Is normal i have few the same cars in dealers?Few A.Romeo,Pontiac GTO and meany more?

4- model of Dodge Chellenger RT from oficial car pack disaper,i can do test drive and buy car but i dont see model when i first chose it in dealer window.After i back from test drive and look at it again it is present...I do somthing wrong in install proces or must edit somthing in MT?

5-Do you recomend play with CP to new player or i should play with 1.66+official car pack and CP is only for moding game with no general improvment?

6-Do save game from clean game {1.66+official car pack }is compaybile with CP,if i install it leater when i learn how to add cars?

I start to love this game,engine sounds,graph,car stering,general game mechanic..I think i be play it for long.

Thank you very much guys


Hi, always glad to see new people discovering TDU experience :)


Basically, TDUCP 2.0 is a reworked version of Unofficial Patch 1.68b with ready to use car slots. A new base to get a clean TDU with cool features, and for modders a sandbox to experiment even more car combinations.

There's a list of changes here: Releases · djey47/tdu-cp · GitHub


Sadly, I'm lacking time and motivation to continue project and it's obvious that people will prefer using pre-made car packs, as Milli proposes today. The issue is that Milli's work is based on 1.68b patch and probably always will. TDUCP and Milli's pack can't be used on the same TDU install. Some people would install TDU at 2 locations to enjoy best of both worlds!



About your questions:


1. Steps depends on FULL or UPDATE install. With FULL, extract and replace files is enough. With UPDATE, an installer has to be launched afterwards.


2. The way game is started is not important (but using Project Paradise with -HD flag is highly recommended to enjoy most detailed mods)


3. Many Alfa GTs exist in a dealer, but they are of different tuning levels. Should not happen for Pontiac though, likely a bug. Should not happen with a FULL install.


4. A bug as well, but you're the first person telling about that issue. Should not happen with a FULL install as well.


5. TDUCP2 can replace vanilla game (1.66a) entirely with benefits, for any kind of player.


6. Of course it is.


Have fun!


Thank you for fast answer Djey

I decide to play with cp 2 and learn to add cars of my choice slowly in time.

I have two more questions if you be so kind.

1-When i drive my Challanger RT yesterday suddenly i realized i dont see any trafic,zero,no cars on the road,this is normal game bug or i screwed up somthing by acident?

2-Sometimes my game hangs and frezes with no respond on loading screen,when i go to dealer,start finish race,leave game etc.This is not happen in clean game {166+car pack} any time,and my question is the same as above.

Thank you very much.


1. TDU traffic is rather unconsistent, but there should always be a few citizens hanging around. Some things might be screwed up somewhere, indeed.


2. Are you using TDU Gold or modified version ? And which are you PC specs ? TDUCP database is way larger than the original one. So as the file mapping index (Bnk1.map).


Hallo Djey


1- Im using TDU upgraded to 1.66+ official bonus pack-car pack and then copy paste CP 2.0

2-My specs is : q9550-GTX 650-8gb ram.My frame rates is averange 30,so is not a problem,game runs pretty well in term of speed.Atm im on 362.00 drivers { works very good in general with evrything im doing on my pc }

3-I install evryting from scratch again,very cerfuly.After 3 hours evrything looks good.

4-To be sure,If im not mod anything in game only copy paste CP i dont need to run game from MT,just via orginal shotcut?

Thank you very much. Regards

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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