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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. If it's the Ivory game then it's been hyped by us and some other places to be a 'spiritual-successor to TDU' due to the core teams background but remember they started in 2008 iirc so many things could and would have changed within this period. It could turn out to be nothing of the sort!
  2. Hey there GCBasti, the chances of Atari making a TDU3 are virtually zero due to the 'asset auction' coming in July of which the TEST DRIVE Intellectual Property (IP) is for sale at a starting price of $1.5m. A TDU3 could still happen but it would be under another publisher and developer. In regards to the image, I would recommend sending the user a message or if you feel very strong about this contact the petition site directly and ask for it to be removed.
  3. !Since we're Japanese culture based community, our lyric page's original lyric is intended to be Japanese However, there raise an issue, what if the original lyrics is not in Japanese and someone wish to provide Japanese translation over that lyric? That's why I added another text area for Japanese translation (only for lyrics that are not in Japanese) -Confirmed there is an issue with source, embedding code from our music search engine has been disabled In addition to that, Facebook like and comments have also been dropped support from music system due to incompatibility !Fixed an issue in music search engine not opening the song page when there are white spaces in the song's name !Lyric record page display layout has been improved +Other minor changes
  4. It's next-generation level of detail. "Using the power of next-gen consoles and PC we are now able to add another obstacle to hamper the successful running of your garage with your 'crew' and that is plants. Yes plants, not only do you have to race, challenge, tune, modify and repair your vehicles but also take care of the plants by keeping them watered (but not too much!) because as everyone knows, dead plants equals a dead business." THE CREW®: SERIOUS BUSINESS ABOUT PLANTS™
  5. Well we need to remember what "realistic" actually is when said by a developer or worse... a publisher.
  6. Uhoh.... s**n you say? So erm sometime before 2020 then? :D ???: Atari said s**n A LOT ;)
  7. Well 'The Crew' hints at a group or a collaborative effort to solve or complete tasks so maybe it has a similar aspect as DRIVECLUB or maybe it's simply about your character being a part of a group in a single player campaign, being ex TDUteam I think a good focus will be for online. It all depends on what Ubi has told them to do with the project mind you.
  8. People are starting to relate this to Ivory now, so things are indeed getting interesting again regarding this project.
  9. [uPDATE #1: 2nd June 2013] The Crew, le jeu de course Ubisoft : nos infos - Gameblog.fr Translation by Speeder Google Translation Just saw this too: Recent tweet on the @GamesLabUbi account looking for playtesters of sim/arcade variety. GamesLab Ubisoft ‏@GamesLabUbi 27 May Cherchons joueurs jeux voiture simu et/ou arcade pour playtest à Montreuil du 29 au 31 Mai de 10h à 17h. Infos http://on.fb.me/PYaInj [media=twitter]338966622184284160[/media] ORIGINAL POST Well we knew that Ivory Tower (Ivory) was making a game for Ubisoft and that there had been hints of Ubisoft Reflections also being involved so this rumour of a realistic racer akin to Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo is interesting. What do you think? Is this the Ivory game or is it possible they are working on an open-world realistic racer? Just think how many people have asked for this! Rumor: Ubisoft revealing new racing IP called at E3 2013 - Long Island Video Game Industry | Examiner.com I may have posted this publicly before but not sure, I know they're in the Green Room.
  10. That one in the barn in the first-half is nice but what can I say about the second-half, damn man every image is a belter! Good to see you back around too. :)
  11. Eudemon

    A happy life

    ほら 振り向いても もういないよ チャンスなんてね そんなものだと あおられても 動けない時だってあるの そう これも全て 君のために言うことだよ でもゴメンネ 納得しないこと 簡単にはうなずけない 嘘でその場をうまくやりすごしても きっとくやむから 過去も未来ももちろん今も 全て背負うのは自分だもの 悩もう もう出ておいでよ 閉じ込もってるその背中に 声かけても すぐは無理だね 私にもおぼえはある やさしさの意味はむずかしい いいと思い かけた言葉 思いがけず 傷つけることがあるかも でも あきらめないで話しかけたい 言葉にもがいても だって何度も思い知ってる 誰も一人では生きてないよ いつも なぜ 大事なことは一度に来る 選ばなくちゃ どちらがいい どちらもいい あなたなら さあどうする あとでわかるよ 全ての意味が 今はわからなくても 苦しみも幸せも秘密も だから なげないで抱きしめていこう ずっと It's My Life だから
  12. Eudemon

    Saya's Song

    それはもう雪のような冷たさで この心の熱を徐々に奪ってく 何もかもを知ってすべてをなくして それでもいいと掴もうとしてみた ひとつめは眩しさ ふたつめは温かさ それ以上はもうわがままになる ありがとう優しさの中にある輝きを これだけあるならもう十\分だよ どこに行こう ずっと迷い続けてた 歩いてきた道も振り返ると消え 真っ暗な世界に灯る火を見つけた 走り出した その光に向かい ひとつだけ誓うよ 去り際は潔く なんの未練も残さないでゆく ひとは皆繋がれる 温かな手のひらで あまのじゃくだったこんな手でも 春が終わる 長い夢と過ぎ去った 夏も秋も ほんとはみんなと居たかった ありがとうたくさんの ありがとう思い出を これ以上はもうわがままになる ありがとうきみたちの中にある輝きを こんなにくれたらもう十分だよ
  13. Eudemon

    My Dearest

    so, everything that makes me whole 今君に捧げよう I''m Yours ねえ こんなに笑えたこと 生まれて初めてだよ きっと私はね この日の為に間違いだらけの 道を歩いてきたんだ ずっと一人で 遠く遠くどこまでも遠く 君と二人 手を取って永遠に どこまでだって行けるはず もう一人じゃないと君はそう言い また笑う 守るべき大事なものが今あって だけど成すすべもなく立ち尽くす時は 可能\性を失って暗闇が君を覆い隠し 絶望に飲みこまれそうな時は 私が君を照らす明りになるから たとえこの世界の王にだって消せはしない so, everything that makes me whole 今君に捧げよう I''m Yours ねえ この世界にはたくさんの 幸せがあるんだね いつか二人なら 誰かが君のことを嘘つきと呼んで 心無い言葉で傷つけようとしても 世界が君のことを信じようともせずに 茨の冠を被せようとしても 私は君だけの味方になれるよ その孤独 痛みを私は知っている so, everything that makes me whole 今君に捧げよう I''m Yours いつか私を知ることができたなら 必ずその場所に私はいるから そこに希望の欠片すらなかったとしても 私が在ってはならないものであっても 君は忘れないでいてくれることを 誰よりも私がそのことを知ってる だから私は君のために全てを 今 捧ごう
  14. 新しい風が吹いて 笑ったり、泣いたり、歌ってみたり 閉じていた心を開いて 潮風のハーモニー 口ずさむ 晴れた日 雨の日でも みんながいれば いつも笑顔になれた 記憶の彼方まで 思い出したり たゆたう声耳すまそう さぁ、手を差し伸べられて 輪の中へ 一人じゃない空間で 夢中になってる時間 心地好い風が吹いて 笑ったり、泣いたり、歌ってみたり 閉じていた心を開いて 思い出のフレーズ 口ずさむ 映らない未来の日は 自由な彩りを想像してみよう それぞれ不安持って 叫んでみたり 見つめながら歩き出そう さぁ、踏切の向こう側 恐いけど 勇気出して一歩進む 曇ってた心 晴れた 新しい風が吹いて 見つけたり、気付いたり、希望のうた まだ知らない明日への扉 潮風のハーモニー 口ずさむ 教科書に書いた跡 音符 みんなで歌う場所 波音 包み込んでくれる太陽 砂浜へと続く階段を下りて広がる 心地好い風が吹いて 笑ったり、泣いたり、歌ってみたり 閉じていた心を開いて 思い出のフレーズ 口ずさむ 奏でよう
  15. Simbin made good sounds on RACE Pro and that was a 360 game and again Exhibit A, B and C is Forza 2, 3 and 4. :p They have no real excuse.
  16. If they review it as it is meant to be then fair enough, obviously it's not to be any kind of sim.
  17. Well this is out in North America and some other places, did you get it ?
  18. Hey Andriy if you could PM me your example(s) that would be great. Thanks!
  19. Happy Birthday wee old yin! Have a stonkingly great day and make sure to get out and buy some slippers before the day is over. :D :bparty:
  20. GT6 will have enough changes to make it worthy of a new version, the new tyre and suspension technical partnerships will definitely bring improvement to the handling in the game and even now it's evident this is the case with some of the videos that available to view. What won't stop though is people's hate of the sounds or the level of damage in the game, you may disagree and say X doesn't matter or Y isn't important when you're playing the game but there is a reason why I couldn't stand using the Ferrari 360 CS in TDU even though it is one of my favourite cars ever and that is because of the sound in the game. It was the same in GT4 and I still laugh when I hear the sounds of GT5 and 6 even today. You can say it's hard to get good sounds but and I'm not even going to go to the obvious of Turn 10 for this but instead look at Simbin. These guys are highly regarded as having the most authentic sounds in their games and it's easy to see why and they sure as hell don't have anything near the budget that PD or Turn 10 has to play with and yet they can eclipse them both in this regard.
  21. Reading through this thread a few MUST's show up. Are you doing this for instance? Also someone else mentioned about the C: being protected in some instances and a change of drive working instead. :)
  22. You know what made me burst out laughing earlier tonight? The new IE advert where they talk about the 'Do Not Track' functionality and how Privacy is their main concern ...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt51MWll1oY ...and then they bring out the Xbone which is always listening and on (when plugged-in) via Kinect 2, may stop or charge you for movies you watch due to how many people are in the room and of course their seriously out of touch anti-consumerist take on not only used games, but the general happening of how you may take your game round to a mates to play and won't be able to without either some DRM/Profile check or paying to be able to use it on your mates machine. :fp3: Other way round mate, 3GB for OS/Other and 5GB for games.
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