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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. Haha check this: [media=twitter]407578395909029888[/media] [urlHS=http://turboduck.net/img/misc/psychotrafficlighttweet.png]image incase twitter changes in future[/urlHS]
  2. Maybe he means a few more new cars to the series. Though you could easily counter-point that with the amount that's been removed that were added in FM4 and Horizon.
  3. Missed this but it's never too late to be late right? :D Have a great birthday sir!
  4. RIP Paul, he did seem a genuinely nice guy and I'm sure the many F&F fans will miss him dearly.
  5. Does anyone have this game as I forgot I grabbed a code for the exclusive McLaren MP4-12C from that PizzaHut giveaway?
  6. キミの瞳にこの世界は どんな風に映ってるんだろう この海で何を見つけてくのかな 不器用な手で少しずつ 風の行方をつかむように 自分のチカラで進んでいくんだ きっといつかその時は来るよ 少し寂しいのはキミの空が眩しいからだね がんばってる姿が うれしくてうれしくて だから わたしだって変わらなくちゃって決めたの ダイジョウブって言わせて いつまでもいつまでも 傍で見てるよ キミらしい今日のなかへ 会いにいくよ 明日旅立つ未来なら そっと受け止めてあげたいけど まだ上手く笑える自信はないの 見送るだけじゃ切なくて すぐに後悔してしまうから 隣に並べるわたしになりたい きっとそれは初めてのキモチ こんな歯痒いくらい青い空に憧れるなんて 水平線に溶けそうな 光へと光へと 目指す 真っ直ぐに、もう迷わないからね 大好きって言わせて いつの日かいつの日か 素直な心で 言葉にかわる朝が待っているんだ がんばってる姿が うれしくてうれしくて だから わたしだって変わらなくちゃって決めたの ダイジョウブって言わせて いつまでもいつまでも 傍で見てるよ キミらしい今日の空が綺麗 水平線に溶けそうな 光へと光へと 目指す 真っ直ぐに、もう迷わないからね 大好きって言わせて いつの日かいつの日か 素直な心で 言葉にかわる朝が待っているんだ
  7. God if you like it then it must be awful. :cheeky: The Volvo 850 Estate now that was an estate, this is ...I dunno what this is. Small cars like the Civic, Golf and such I do not like seeing in BTCC as I preferred the 90's with the proper saloons. Now knowing this thing is going to be in it I don't know what to say.
  8. Any of you guys seen these yet? The DRIVECLUB one is very cool and shows the game off brilliantly! :cool: PlayStation has paired up with Channel 4 to deliver an exclusively tailored and engineered launch campaign starting November 22. KentLyons were asked to drive innovation within ad breaks and plant PS4 in the minds of viewers in the lead up to it's launch. To emphasise the pairing we created bespoke versions of Channel 4's iconic on-air marketing idents using gameplay from exclusive PS4 games Killzone Shadow Fall and DriveClub. KentLyons and 4Creative worked with the game developers (Guerilla Games & Evolution) to generate the idents from within the game-engines themselves. They will feature at the beginning and end of selected ad breaks from November 28. [media=vimeo]80618520[/media]
  9. Calling it Christmas via the 'x' method isn't going to earn you any gold stars with me. Especially since you're not constrained for space or anything. :evil:
  10. GAME hourly deals start at 8AM right through to 7PM and BF4 is probably going to be near the start of it.
  11. GAME will be offering it from what I can see, I'll be sure to post it up. Will you be around tomorrow? Not sure at what price though.
  12. That was a rather good interview, enjoyed reading that. Also was quite impressed to see how Ubisoft were so willing to view what they had to offer in the earlier days.
  13. This game is definitely a beauty in the looks department, it sold well too but I think people got tired of the need to drift handling and this was evident somewhat in Most Wanted. Rivals looks to have stepped a bit away from it so it may well be worth checking out if you enjoy the new NFS. :)
  14. Ridge Racer, Mario Kart, F-Zero etc is arcade as hell, this is like a blend a la PGR and should be a good fun racer because of this. The delay is going to allow evo to make this game exactly as they want, and it looks absolutely incredible. Good to see they are also concentrating on the sounds of the cars too.
  15. Eurogamer was first to write about this I believe in their review. Forza Motorsport 5 review Eurogamer.net
  16. 次郎お誕生日おめてとう 料理有够豪华的 你要是隐退的话我会寂寞的(拖
  17. Zoq: The Crew will in part contain a lot of what you want, and from the recent Q&A's that have been posted they also are open to listening to what their community wants; manual transmission for pad users for example.
  18. lol nice. I did notice I got a red 'hit' marker once when randomly shooting the front of tanks at the military base a few days ago though.
  19. Is that not with the heavy sniper though. Or does that work with the normal rifle too?
  20. Eudemon

    A Happy Life

    ほら 振り向いても もういないよ チャンスなんてね そんなものだと あおられても 動けない時だってあるの そう これも全て 君のために言うことだよ でもゴメンネ 納得しないこと 簡単にはうなずけない 嘘でその場をうまくやりすごしても きっとくやむから 過去も未来ももちろん今も 全て背負うのは自分だもの 悩もう もう出ておいでよ 閉じ込もってるその背中に 声かけても すぐは無理だね 私にもおぼえはある やさしさの意味はむずかしい いいと思い かけた言葉 思いがけず 傷つけることがあるかも でも あきらめないで話しかけたい 言葉にもがいても だって何度も思い知ってる 誰も一人では生きてないよ いつも なぜ 大事なことは一度に来る 選ばなくちゃ どちらがいい どちらもいい あなたなら さあどうする あとでわかるよ 全ての意味が 今はわからなくても 苦しみも幸せも秘密も だから なげないで抱きしめていこう ずっと It's My Life だから
  21. 探していた 好きになる理由を もっともらしい言葉だとか 気づいたとき 糸は縺れ合って 固結びがひどくなってた 躊躇わないで言えたのなら 君はもう泣かないの 雲の形 突き抜ける想いの衝動描く 漂う真夏の香りに 何度も思い出してる 誰か触れた軌跡だけ 夕立のように ぽつりと色が染みだしていた レンズ越しに眺めてた世界は 他人事のように映り 失くしていた気持ちを知った時 僕らの時間 動き出した 秤にかける恋の質量 どうしたって釣り合わない 空の形焼き付ける 銀の向こうまで 日差しの眩しさ 温度も 残らず全部欲しい 誰か歩いた道にだけ 続いてく光 硝子に反射して降り注ぐ 答えを出したその先に どんな未来が続いても 好きだと言いたい 君に好きと言いたい 確かにあった あの夏を 幼い記憶を 閉じ込め 遠く 海へと飛ばそう
  22. That is actually supremely classy looking due to the light interior. Very nice release!
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