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Everything posted by ScoobSTi

  1. I think he means he wants the motorcycles in the game. I don't know how it works as I, like almost everyone else on here, gave up on the game way before the motorcycles were released. I didn't even remember the game had motorcycles. :hmmm: Don't you need to buy them with "real" money?
  2. Renault Alpine 110-50. :) Idk the game though.
  3. Not mine, but I thought this was pretty funny.
  4. Super is helping out?! :run: JK, congrats mate!
  5. Not sure if this should go in Funny Pictures or here. :p
  6. Ozz it's like 50 degrees today. :p
  7. If I was getting one, I'd go for white. Yes, I'm boring.
  8. I've never heard of the brand "Rogue", but Guitar Center is selling it for just $60 (originally $120). Reviews aren't bad either. :)
  9. It depends on the car for me. But unless I live in a hot place or I can't fit inside, I'll go for a coupe any day.
  10. It's really nice, especially if your computer can even run it. My computer is pretty average (I don't consider it a gaming PC) and I get 20-30 FPS on mostly low settings. There's tons of freedom and if you know how to script, you can make your own interactive movies or full-on missions. If not, you can just download stuff other people have created. Also there are tons of mods. There are annoyances though, such as performance. And the AI can be really incompetent. But you'd rather play with other people anyways. Basically, the main factor is performance. If you know for sure you can run it, and paying for it isn't a big deal, then go for it.
  11. The only way I can afford this right now is if I sell my current backpack. :lol:
  12. $24500 in 2 years for someone who's not even 18?! What have I been doing my whole life... :(
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