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New Year Resolution (2009)


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Okay, everyone. New Year is knocking on the door and after 4 days we will be in 2010. Atleast those of us, who will be sobber enough to realise it. Sorry, Martijn.


But on topic, what are the best things you achieved in 2009. What were your goals and what surpised you. Also, do you feel sorry about anything done in 2009 and would you change it, if you could?


As for 2010, what will you try to change and what are your plans.



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For me, 2009 was pretty exciting and full of nice moments. I'll list them, not chronologically but still.


1. I was in Russia. Seen my grandparents. I was so happy, as we only go there once in 3 years.


2. While in Russia, I was stunned by the city of St.Petersburg (or as some old peeps now it - Leningrad). That city is full of history, so many museums, mansions and parks. Also, some awesome cars I've seen there for the first time (CGT, DBS, GT3, GranTurismo and lots).


3. I've managed to go all on all autmotive related meetings/shows this year. The local Varna Motorshow 2009 (X-Bow, GranTurismo S, CLK Black, Focus RS), The Supercar Rally (I had to travel 200 kms just to see it but who cares, when there was a white LP640 Roadster revving) and the local Rally (lots of racing Abarths, Impezas and Evos).


4. Changed my school and class. At first, I didn't like them at all but now, I realise how lucky I am to be in such a great class. Found some great friends and teachers in the new school.


5. We (our family) bought some new stuff for our apartment. New TV, new washing macine, new laptop, new microwave, new iron. I'm pretty happy with that, as it makes my life easier.


6. I got into playing basketball regularly again. I got into the school's basketball team and now play 2-3 times a week.


Well, those are the things that happened and made my year. For me, it was one of the best years in the 21st century.

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It will be new year here before the UK.. Ill let you know what the future is like. That's if im not really really drunk and singing on karaoke :cheeky:


Best things for 2009: Well for me it was nothing.. Yes I believe I haven't achieved anything this year.

Goals (this year): I had no goals for this year I do believe cause I knew im a fussy person about most things in life.


What surprised me: That I remained single this whole year.. :confused: I guess. There was some point where I thought I was with someone, found out they were just being a arse.

Do you feel sorry about anything done in 2009: Yes, that I ended up 'sleeping' with my ex and waking up at her place the next day, not remembering anything. I would of loved to change that and end up with a girl WHO wasn't my ex. :nuts: (It was a fail moment really)


As for 2010, what will you try to change and what are your plans: As for my plans, Ill be going to Tafe (collage in the UK) and will be getting my diploma, or something higher then that. Then strange enough, I wanna find someone special and like have a long relationship with them. For any changes umm? Drink more beer? (True blue aussie) :cool:


To top it off, I think ive had nothing but bad luck all this year. I think my good luck was gone since I was 15 actually.



I think that covers me for this year's questions..


Anymore? :p

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About 2009:


Nothing special. As were the last few years. Nothing exciting, started learning to drive but I already knew the basics so I did parking and all that malarky on my first lesson with an instructor. Still haven't passed. I have no reason to, yet. I haven't really been trying to pass anyway.


Nothing else has happened in 2009. I turned 18, but I was drinking alcohol and what not before I was 18 so nothing is different.



Pass my driving test. I need to, there are no jobs within walking distance around here so I need transport which comes and goes when I want it to, so no public transport.


Possibly get a girlfriend. I doubt I'll succeed but it's worth a shot.


Learn quite a bit more about photography. Actually really try to get the hang of it. I think I might change a future career path if I get good at it, and I'll need my driving test passed to go on this career path.


That's pretty much it.

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Lol im sort of in the same boat as Maddog.


Ive started to learn to drive this year but i really want to pass next year to be able to get a job as really here you need to go to Gloucester to get a job and its an hour long bus journey.


And Photography ive been interested in but not much. Im sure it will turn into a great hobby when i get a better camera. Hopefully next year.


As for new years resolutions well i dont set any. Then the year can just go as fate wants it too and i wont be too disappointed. Yes i have things i hope for next year but its defiantly not new years resolutions.

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for me, 2009 hasnt been that great apart from meeting some great new people in september. With my school there are 7 forms, S,A,L,E,G,R and M for Sale Grammar and from yr 7-yr 9, they split them for S,A and L have lessons together and all do spanish, E,G,R and M are together and do french, its only yr10 onwards when they mix for GCSE's meaning ive met new people in my year who i never knew existed XD

Got my first proper girlfriend in jan-feb, 1 month of happiness but i broke it off after i realised it wasnt going to work but i must thank her for making me more confident after that.

The short stint of owning the Scooby was great, 300BHP right outside my front door was fun =D


For 2010, i guess i want to change completely because i look back and i realise that there are so many instances where i could have acted better or maturer, i also want to improve my self confidence as just over 9ish years of bullying (aurburn hair is the reason...dont see why that is a reason) has lowered it massively making me a fairly shy person, I also wish to become more outgoing because in 2009, i went out with my friends 2 or 3 times, yup, 2 or 3 times in an entire year, in 2010, i wish to change that but to do that, i will need to become better at money management as currently, I spend it on crap like haribo, pringles, relentless(epic energy drink though). I guess I just wish to change for the better in 2010 and thats what i plan to do.

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For me 2009 has been an interesting year, I got my first job and started learning to drive. I guess I should be pleased with how I'm doing in college cos I got some good results for AS, and am on track for the same next year. I'd like to think I'm a bit more outgoing than I used to be, I still need to have some confidence in myself in certain situations though. I changed my desired career path, I now want to be a Concept Artist. I also re-discovered my love for photography, music, art and graphic design, all of which I've kind of ignored in favour of computer games in the past. I've also met some new people I never bothered talking to before.


On the other hand 2009 wasn't exactly amazing, I got turned down by the girl I've liked for longer than I can remember. I also tend to get depressed alot more than I think is normal, so that's something to sort out for 2010.


Next year:

I'm going to uni. For me this is gonna be a big change, I'm kind of nervous atm but my only worry is not making friends etc.


I'm gonna work hard to get the grades I need (or try to anyway)


I'm gonna have to pass my driving test before september.


I'll attempt to get a girlfriend but if I'm honest it probably won't happen.


I'll turn 18, wahey, it's not like I've already drunk alcohol or anything :lol:


Haircut. It WILL happen :p



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Pretty boring year

- California/Arizona in the summer was great (as always), I had a lot of fun there, but I had to chance to visit San Francisco as well and didn't take it, so I'm a bit annoyed about that. I'll do that next year instead.

- JTS @ Silverstone was good this year as well, but I'm a bit annoyed that I didn't get out to more events, and really annoyed that I missed JapShow this year. But I'll definitely do that next year.

- I haven't done anything special this past year. I abandoned all the serious hobbies I had last year, so this has been pretty boring. I've got up, gone to school, came home, sat on the computer for a few hours, had dinner, went to sleep. That never altered in any way (except the odd night out in the city), and it's a boring routine to be in.


Resolutions for 2010

- Take this next hobby seriously, and devote a lot of my free time to it.

- Take all my subjects seriously (especially Latin).

- Spend as little money as possible.

- Go to JTS again, JapShow and Flame & Thunder @ Santa Pod.

- Go to the Symbian Expo in Berlin.

- Go out more.

- Visit San Francisco (if I manage to get out to the US again).

- Get a shoulder bag and take my camera and mini-laptop everywhere.

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Tbh, 2009 was a crap year. My racing was bad, I flunked all my AS levels (I really do not recommend you do that, because the feeling you get is absolutely horrible.)


In the later part of this year, I started to fancy girl who I knew I had no chance with and that's just been playing on my mind and its starting to annoy me.




I suppose I don't really have any New Years Resolutions, I just have a mental to-do list.


- Since I failed my AS's completely this year, I had to retake a year. This time round I'm going for A's in my A levels and I'm prepared to do as much work as I can.


- I really want my racing to be better next year, the last 2 years have been crap. Karma really bit me and I'm not prepared to let karma get in the way again.


- Its a long shot, but a girlfriend would be good. And even better if I can keep a relationship going for more then 2 weeks, if I manage that I couldn't give a damn if she dumped me after 2 weeks. I would just be happy that I lasted 2 weeks.


- I also probably should stop being so annoying too.



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2009: It was good in some ways but not so good in others..


- Went to an autoshow and saw all my dream cars.

- Got the girl of my dreams.

- Other Junk



- Sold are FX4 and our mustang :(

- Girl of my dreams dumped me

-Other Junk



- Get my grades up!!!! (before I fail math)

- Lose weight

- Get a GF

- More other junk.

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Resolutions for 2010

- Take this next hobby seriously, and devote a lot of my free time to it.


Yep, same for me. I've got given many things that just lie around and i must do something about it..:rolleyes: 2009 was pretty average and I'm looking forward to next year.:D

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This year, I passed my driving test and I did my pass plus. Unfortunately I don't have the money to buy a car and I am moving to Roehampton to do University in London, so a car is sort of redundant and money much more useful.


Enjoyed being at Bloodstock Open Air last year. I shall return this year. Maybe I'll turn more into a goth this time next year from living away from home too. I like the idea for some reason. Do not want a haircut. I hope a beard grows on me too, I'm nearly 19, damnit!


I definitely need to read more, get my thoughts together more coherently. I really want to sleep around too, I've been meaning to do that but I tend to fall into relationships and can't.


I'll try and earn more money before I dissapear in September too.

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2009 was largely underwhelming for me personally and as such 2010 can only be better, right? My only real goal for this year is to have more fun. I spent last year working and didn't really go anywhere, sure I accumulated lots of decent things (iPhone, MacBook, D60, 32" Samsung and 5.1 to name a few) but outside of material clutter I didn't get much out of it.


I want to travel somewhere this year even if it means packing my job in (I know that sounds stupid but I'm so bored I'm a pain to be around at work). Hopefully the USA, I've been to a few places within Europe but never outside of it and the USA sounds appealing to me.


Relationship? I was with a girl until recently and now have my heart committed to a new girl so hopefully that'll work out :)


Basically, keeping it simple.

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