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Calster's BTCC Adventure


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So insted of spamming other pages with my photos, I though I'd make one and dump them here in the form of a story. :) This is Photo heavy, so if a mod wants me to cut down on the pictures just say & i'll get rid of some of them!


So it started off with a early morning, leaving Aberdeen at 6AM, after a night of a few drinks that when quite to plan. We headed off down the A90 on our trip to Knockhill for the British Touring Car Championship in my friends VW Polo R-Line.



Picture from the backseat, I never actually took this one. The weather was meh, dark, foggy and raining from time to time, thankfully by the time we got to Dundee it had perked up alot, with the sun poking it's head out. We stopped at Tesco there for some food and drink's as someone had left them in a Honda that was 70 miles north...But a baguette, multi-pack bag of crisps and a coke as well as marker pens(they'll come in handy later) and we were ready to hit the road again.


We got to Knockhill at around 8am, got our tickets at the gate and parked up. I spotted the MG stand where they were showing off the new MG3, so I jumped at the chance to have a right good poke around.(got a good chat with the dealer guy, and got a test drive coming soon ;))With it being so early we got to walk about the paddock without bother of crowds, spotting a few drivers going about as well as car's getting prepped, a perfect time to ogle the cars and take pictures...


Rob Austin's Audi A4 by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Colin Turkington's BMW 125i by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



BMW 125i Engine (BTCC Spec) by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Sam Tordoff's MG6 by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


After that we headed over to the track to catch the Carrera cup in action, grabbing a spot on top of the 'Seat Curve' and staying there for the next few races, untill the first BTCC race was over.


'Carrera Cup' at Knockhill by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


From there we headed back to the car for supply's, we dropped by the MG stand again so I could get some pictures of the 3..


MG3 by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


As well as get some free drinks...


KX Shots anyone? by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


We then decided to head back to the paddock for some more photos and nose about.


Formula Ford by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Ginetta G40R by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


Then we herd Race 2 of the BTCC for the day was to start, we hurried to grab a space down by the hairpin, the most popular place to view from.



The atmosphere for BTCC race 2 by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



The line up... - BTCC race 2 by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


That rear....on the car that is!


Daniel Welch 's Proton GEN-2 by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



More line up for race 2 by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


And so with the race in full swing...


At the Hairpin by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



The Hairpin by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


We decided to get a different space for the rest of the races, picking to sit on the inside of the track along the main straight, getting a great view of the hairpin & down to 'Hislops'.



Ginetta G55 on the grid by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



The grid of the Ginetta championship by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


Then for the final race of the day, BTCC race 3!


Sam Tordoff's MG6 on the Grid by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Frank Wrathall's Toyota Avensis on the Grid by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Dan Welch's Proton GEN-2 on the Grid by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Though there was a driver up there.... by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Jason Plato's MG6 on the Grid by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



BTCC Race 3 @Knockhill by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Warren Scott's VW passatt CC by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Race 3 in full swing by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Lucky miss! by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


And so with race 3 over, we went to the podium but not before grabbing a shot of the pits from the bridge.


Aftermath, end of race 3 in the pits. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


And seeing the winners...


Race 3 Winners by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


And with that the racing over, and having got the camera covered in champagne from the winners, we decided to hang around as the traffic to get out was going to take ages!


We got more than we ever hoped for by doing so! :D


Next photo-heavy post will be on the track action and up close with the cars. ;)

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That was a decent write-up mate, love the shots of the on-track action and of the cars in the paddock, that 'rear shot' of the Proton is something to be-hold, never realised how nice the back of that ermm ....car was. :cheeky:


Bring on the next slice!

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So having been covered in champers we decided to go for a quick walk around of the paddock since it was post race and traffic was going at snail's speed(it get's bottle necked at one point), this was great as we managed to bump into a few people...



Jason Plato post race by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


As well as...


Colin Turkington post race by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


also seen Gordon Shedden...


Gordon Shedden signiture by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


Also met Dan Welsh(Proton Driver) and got his signature. Seen Sam Tordoff twice during the day(first time was when we got to the paddock at 8am, never relised it was him until we dubbled checked) as well as Andew Jordan, Rob Collard and someone else(more on that later).


With all the teams setting up to leave, we though we'd do the same and slowly walk to the car, but doing so we seen the track gate was open and saw two people walking across, we though "what the hell, lets go for it and if we get told off then oh well", and well this kinda happened...



Me...sitting on a chair on track. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


after seeing nobodyed cared(and a 4 year old ride her bike past up) we decided we'd dump our gear in the car and go for a walk round the track. :nods:


So I give you a TurboDuck & Blown Turbos exclusive walk around Knockhill in Reverse format



Hislops looking up to the Hairpin by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


Walking down Hislops, you see just how long it actually is, the cars blast down it at some speed that it seems like a small part of the track. Fact is it's the second longest part! What you really dont see is it's on a very slight hill!



Clarks looking up down Hislops by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


These last two pictures have been facing the right way, all from now(unless stated) are in reverse format.


Clark is relatively easy looking but much like hislops it's actually on a hill, also a good space for door handle racing! Don't know how but that DC5 Integra randomly drove round the track as we walked along it



Clarks looking down to the chicane (off over to the left) by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


Looking to the chicane you start to see the slope it's on. We can also See Steve in the picture, he's the actual photographer who's pictures we rarely see, but there damm good I tell you what!



Looking up Clarks by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

This is facing the right way. But you see just how big a slope it is now. You also See the resident Hipster that's Dan, other guy in Blown Turbos and Drives a Mk1 Fabia...moving on.



Looking down to the chicane by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

Reverse again! Slight downhill slope, but you can see where someone had an off here during the day.

I went for a walk in the gravel just to test it out, heavy stuff but very light...dense and such! No surprise it can stop cars at speed!



Chicane & Butchers by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

This is one of the extreme hill parts, yet its a small part but a steep hill! As you can see with the track dipping in front of me. The Apex on the chicane is also crazy for getting the cars on two wheels!


I've been round the track as a passenger is cars round the track a few times(both formats) but you never see just how steep this part of the track is, but that may be when a track manager is driving you round in a brand new(in 2011) Clio Cup 200RS and giving it beans you feel the G's more than anything!



Butchers & the Chicane by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

And facing the right way again

You can see where I was for the last photo here, and see what i mean about the steepness?


By this time as well, with the sun & walking most of the track I was getting exhausted, but not to worry.



Looking up Leslie's to 'Seat curve' by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

As we had a the next part to deal with, the Leslie's and 'Seat Curves'...the Infamous frost corners, the corkscrew to put LAguna Seca to shame...well maybe not that one but it's sure crazy!


It's steep as you'd expect if you've ever seen it from the track side, and you think you'd be crazy to tackle it at speed. But keep in mid they do, also it's used in the Drift championship, yup people hurl the car into it and hope for the best...alot often beach it(ive seen it first hand last year, and going to the British Drift championship again this year)



Looking up to Seat Curve by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

At the bottom of it now, Steve making his way out of the picture....



Looking down 'Seat Curve', dowe to Leslie's and Scotsman. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

Back facing normal direction, and this is the view from the top!

Great view of near enough 3/4 of the track as well the 'the drop' and reminders of tyres & cars that never made it down.


When I take 'Wolf' there next year for both our first track days, im fearing this the most.



The Start/Finish by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


And this is the end of the lap, the Start/finish of the track...with us having done a lap and low on fuel we though we'd chance out luck and do an entry into the pits and get back to the paddock....well plans never work out as they should half the time and well...this kinda happened.



Line up in the pits. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


about 3/4 of the BTCC line up was in there, and we properly should't have been..but nobody cared. We took FULL advantage of this..as in the end we only had basic £30 tickets and we may never get a chance to be this close to 3/4's of a BTCC grid...or any top flight Motorsports grid!



Colin Turkington's BMW 125i. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Jason Plates MG6 by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Ollie Jackson's Toyota Avensis by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


This one is intresteing, the two team mechanics were trying to bush the car back so they could tow it with a quad bike. We seen them struggling and Dan jokingly said "should we give them a hand?", and one of the mechanics turn to us and said "Go on then" with a smile.


All I can say is the bodywork on is is bloody flimsy as hell! Like cheap glassfiber! But anyway, having gave a wee push and thanked for our valiant efforts...I quickly asked if we could get a look inside with the door open, to which they happily let us. :D (See steve taking his pictures, ill get mine uploaded later)


We headed off down the pits again, happy snapping the cars at will! Because Racecar really!



Pit-lane lineup by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr




'Flash' Gordon Civic & Knockhill. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr


This picture really captures Scottish Motorsports at the moment, current BTCC Champion Gordon Shedden's Civic and Knockhill.



'Selfie' of Shedden by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

Selfie seal of proof! As well as this picture by Dan capturing the moment


With having took many pictures in a place we should't have been , we started to leave for the paddock again...



Leaving the pits. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

Damm photographers getting in the way...


But not before...


Start finish from the pit wall. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

Chance to feel like a team boss from here.


And one last of the pits & cars.


Far end of the pits. by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr



Oooop's... by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

Well I guess than answered out qustion.


And with that i leave you two last photos...



Damage by CarbonCoffee, on Flickr

The leftovers of racing..



And better than an autograhp.


Me & 3 time BTCC champion Matt Neal. :cool:


And that is it for now.


Will have more pictires added once I get round to it again. :nods

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Impressive and detailed write-up mate, I applaud your initiative to just go for it and see it paying off, though to be fair BTCC is usually a fairly laid-back and welcoming atmosphere except for the ToCA folk I've heard. I love that little mention of the kid going by you on the bike, just seems so out of place and yet so right for the attitude of allowing people to explore.


+rep also :D

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Impressive and detailed write-up mate, I applaud your initiative to just go for it and see it paying off, though to be fair BTCC is usually a fairly laid-back and welcoming atmosphere except for the ToCA folk I've heard. I love that little mention of the kid going by you on the bike, just seems so out of place and yet so right for the attitude of allowing people to explore.


+rep also :D


Thanks :D


Knockhill in general is laid back in terms of things, with the paddock how it is you can freely walk about it for near enough any event, unless there moving the BTCC cars, but GT championship to Drift...can walk about. First time I've ever seen the track opened like as well at the end of an event, but everyone else we seen on track had VIP passes or staff passes on...but oh well worked out for us. :D




I've got other pictures, some are much the same as whats posted(on track stuff) or none race cars and such, but i'll get round to uploading them. :nods:

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