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Community development: Project DRIVE (working title)


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/20/2022 at 3:29 AM, Ryzza5 said:

I'm a bit confused at what I'm seeing in the first image through the windscreen, it's like the car door is missing...

I had no interior in this build so the whole interior is missing 😄 

Got screens of the new build, I really like how it looks like, customisation also works, but only through debug tools yet. Still got to make the UI work properly.






Bonus: enjoy those whacky suspension tune debug images lmao


Honda bois appreciate


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  • 1 month later...

Quite busy with work, business, other projets and misc real life stuff. Barely have time to do anything. I worked on some custom parts which are not worth showing and this wet paint shader.


The parts are not fully mapped so its missing on some areas, but it turns out cool. It's also animated.




License plates are being generated now. They either follow a random combination in preset pattern:


Or can be customized fully in text (excluding prophanity) and length:


Here's the plate format concept I did for it:


The environment is being reworked by an environment artist friend and will be something like that:


Some docks in my hometown of Berlin, Germany, in moody, foggy weather with a bit of drizzle.

Currently working on the customization UX of the license plates. After that, the wheel editor will follow. Very UI-sided project.

Slowly but surely making progress.

Edited by TDUZoqqer
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to create a video demo of the current build but OBS does not like recording more than 2 frames per minute apparently. So only screenshots again.


I worked a bit further on the color grading and the rain shader. I think it came out nice. Still improvements to be done though. Steam integration is also there, but I will make it optional at some point. No real news about gameplay and UI since I had a nasty bug which had to be fixed before continuing, but I fixed it today so it can progress from here. Don't expect any news soon though. Still a lot to do irl. Ah, and custom parts are still not UV mapped for the use with the raindrops so it looks odd here and there. It will look better next time.


Enjoy the pics. Maybe you can see already which mood I am aiming for the game.












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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The body (Paint) shader now supports VCAO (Vertex Color Ambient Occlusion) which improves performance a bit in the long run. Hell to set up. You won't notice it unless I actively toggle it on or off, but trust me it looks better.

Also, wheels can be painted now.




Minor progress is still progress.

Current gameplan is to make everything work via debug tools before going to actually put it into UX. Actually self explanatory, but I am the kind of person which likes to rush things. Typically not an issue if I keep control of everything, but here things can come in between so going the safe route here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey, so not toooo much happened since last time, but I got some visuals for you.


The current (exterior) environment finally has street lamps and a background filler. Whoopty doo. I will put ambient sounds over so it feels a little more "lively". Police sirens, trains, accelerating cars, tire squeels etc. with a reverb in the background. Not there yet.


I ported my debug paint editor from my old project, and finished up the factory paint colors for the Huracan. Not too fancy of an update, but now it looks nice


And I "refreshed" the project cover of the v1.0 back in the days



I love how you can see a major improvement just by placing both the covers beside each other lol



Still working on the UI. I hate making UI. Will post updates asap again

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  • 5 weeks later...

hi guys happy new year








some updates about PD


  • I finally settled on an approach on how to render ambient occlusion. VCAO is out. Traditional mapped way it is, but seperated per channel so the impact on drawcalls during customisation by switching in between different textures in runtime is not so high



  • Also all of the modeled parts are now fully mapped and functional. Missing some bumpers and side skirts but thats nothing major. a task of 2 days.



  • constantly adding new wheels since they're so easy to do. Takes literally an hour from scratch. It's fast.



  • Reincarnated the function of glow masks for solid materials. Eg. light shine reflection on plastics etc. without use of physical lights. Saves performance dramatically, yet looking insanely good.


Next up is probably importing a proper interior model and creating leather and interior materials. Still have to figure out a way how to render interior reflections.


Also need to create a pause menu and, most importantly, settings. My friends beta tested this build and pointed out they needed it.

UI still needs to be continued in general. Everything works via debug but isn't pretty yet.

Steam integration stopped working. Idk why. Need to find that out.

Environment still temporary, however maybe I'll detail it in future, idk.

Also, scratched the idea of giving the ability to select a stretch tire look by sliders. It just didn't work with my approach. Maybe I'll do it like the latest NFS and just give options on which kind of tire to apply. Regular, Drag, Drift/Tuner/Stretch.


Taking shape. A lot to do, but taking shape.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi guys just a short screenshot dump at this point


I finally finished the silhouette bodykit as a complete kit. now only some minor custom parts are left like trofeo side skirts, novitec bumpers and bonnets, probably some DMC stuff to model, but minus the side skirts all the "whole bodykits" are complete. Custom license plate because funny number













And I started layouting the UI for the menus. They are fully functional but very raw in terms of appearance. thats a task for later but i want it to work in general before detailing.



still gotta do a pause menu. probably the next thing after the layout. Also, not sure if I mentioned it already, but windshield wipers work now, too. But I still have to create a droplet mask to make it look like they are actually wiping something

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  • 2 months later...



long time no see, but I decided on importing a new car into the project. One of the 6-ish demo cars which will be available by release.

This helps me debug things more in depth, so I fixed a lot of things behind the scenes in terms of lights, textures and wheels.

Anyway, here's the baby














No custom parts just yet, but the base is pretty much finished. Yes, CSL kit will follow 😛 Next up is window tint function optimisation (restructuring, UI etc.). Also need to fix a few bugs with the wheel customisation. Minor things though.


Also, I teamed up with two Assetto Corsa modders, which act basically like freelancers for Project Drive. Basically, I will add way more custom rims for more variety.


Environment is on hold, but it's not really important rn anyway.


Let me know what you think of the E46. I think it turned out mucho buen

Edited by TDUZoqqer
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  • 4 months later...

Hi guys, quick update, a lot of details were worked on in PD lately, which are not really worth a whole post.


However, I now have a discord server where i will post all the updates. If that's something you fancy, please join.



If not, I will post an update as soon as major things will happen. Or at least more than since the last update.

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