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  1. mau92



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2014 in Posts

  1. Nice pics everybody! I've just started to replay this piece of art! This is "Luca Bertoni"
    4 points
  2. It's not as simple as just adding cars, they need to be integrated to the games codes, with physics etc...so it may take a while, Though I agree, an E46 would be nice
    2 points
  3. Great Scott! Yes? Curiosity Rover Drills Into Mars Rock, Finds Water - Yahoo News Evidence has now been found that helps fill in the gaps about Mars' past and when it lost it's water.
    2 points
  4. Ryzza5

    The Crew: Buddy Pics

    Did you meet up with a friend in game and have some fun? Well quit hogging all dem feelz to yourself and share them with the rest of us!
    1 point
  5. If you haven't progressed much you'll probably more enjoy the Full Stock handling-wise. I've got plenty of cars to choose from so now fussy. Hint, pick a starting point near a train station or airport for those who haven't discovered much of the map. Or we could head out of Detroit towards the bottom-left corner of the Midwest state into Mountain State on some of those nice chillax forest/woods roads. @Hautstuff Reminds me of a race we setup in TDU1 years ago. Dan may remember. 7 of us raced direct from the NE lighthouse to the SW ligthouse offroad, only allowed to cross roads but not drive on them, racing against one person in the slowest car Gullwing, driving on road at speed limit and obeying signs, etc. Could easily do something similar in The Crew one day when we're more familiar with the map. While most people chose the RS4 or Murcielago I went for the Koenigsegg because POWER!
    1 point
  6. My entry for this time: [ATTACH]22213[/ATTACH]
    1 point
  7. And he doesn't even say thank you.
    1 point
  8. Uhhhhhhh just uhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Uhhhhhhhhh
    1 point
  9. carlos_69

    DGSotW 63: Murica!

    Future 'Murica
    1 point
  10. Milli

    DGSotW 63: Murica!

    'MURICA!! :cool:
    1 point
  11. Yeah I read this along with the farting the planet does too.
    1 point
  12. :duck: Did you mean dark shadows not far front and back of your car/bike ? This will happens when you convert DDS to 2DB. you need to save new-2DB properties same as original-2DB you want to replace. by checked two options and fill same value as original-2DB in TDUMT. as show in picture below. [ATTACH]22211[/ATTACH] This options add by Djey (huge Thanks to him) to solve dark shadow problem :clap: you can find i asked iLLusion about this in IP thread.
    1 point

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