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I want pc to rise again.


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I wish pc gaming whould become more popular because i know people get ripped off all the time with gaming consoles and i finally know what the problem is to this - - GET EDUCATED like me i see people are getting ripped off all the time without even knowing it and some people do know and keep wanting to buy those cheap consoles that are putting pc to the curb. But if people whould only know that the 360 and ps3 have gpu's equavalant to a 7800gt - which is pretty old if you ask me. Console games i think will eventually fail in the future and pc shall rise again for 3 reasons.


1. Price and vaule you get with a do it yourself gaming pc is unbeatable.


2. Customization pc owns that.


3. So much to put that i must stop here.


So anybody thinkin the same way ?

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Nope ;)


Console gaming will and has always been the simpler/easier and more accesible option.


I switched from PC gaming to console a few years ago... still have a capable machine to play PC games, so i have enough exp from both 'styles'.

I got real fed up with always having to pay the price of a new console to keep my PC powerful enough to play the games I wanted. So what if PC games are a little bit cheaper. Plus I really hate all this Wa rez/cracking carp... which is the main reason why so many devs are staying away from the PC market.


Games look a little bit worse on consoles, but in the grand scheme of things thats a easy price to pay for the pros imo:


  • Proper big screen to play on
  • Comfortable seating... thats not an office chair or bed end
  • Games are optimised, work straight away with zero setup time (with few exceptions)
  • Online gaming is much more accesible and easier to interact with 'playmates'... none of this texting messages.
  • Can play games with my wife/family/friends in a sociable and fun setting
  • Can't get FM3/GT5/H a l o/Gears Of War/etc on PC
  • ...



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Ugh. Here we go again...





- Customisation and moddability of games. It is also better for multimedia recording and capturing.

- Games are available to play (sometimes) without having the disk, which saves wear on your drives

- Games are cheaper

- Games are much more available on the internet market (Amazon, Play, ShopTo etc..)

- The graphics are generally much better than consoles, depending whether the game has actually been written for PC, or whether it's just a port.



- Piracy

- Consoles having fanboys, which leave us PC gamers in our own little corner

- The constant upgrading year after year

- DRM, because of piracy.






- "Insert Disk and Play" system

- Highly advertised, so it's more popular

- Simple controls

- Plays on almost any 21st century TV

- Quick to start up, if you just want a quick game.



- Must pay for membership (Xbox only)


- People who are absolutely adamant that PC is crap, yet they've never tried it

- Reliability issues for both Xbox and PS3

- If someone wants to watch TV, you have to turn your console off.

- Price of new games




There. Pros and Cons for both platforms.

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Personal preference is the deciding factor in my opinion, that's all there is to it. Most people just can't be bothered with upgrading their PC to play the newest version of Call of Lol these days.


Looking at some of the people I know from secondary school, they wouldn't know the first thing about any component in a PC, they know how to turn the thing on, how to launch MSN, how to open the web browser to go on Facebook and how to get on to YouTube. Everything else is a complete mystery to them. When it breaks they go to daddy who knows nothing about PCs either and he say's "I know, I'll send it to TechGuys at PCWorld, they'll fix it".


When people finish a day at work these days they just want to come home and chill out killing some guy who lives 1000 miles away on an over-hyped console game.. or watch Eastenders. Walk into room, turn TV on, turn console on, console launches straight into the game. Said person doesn't need to worry about graphics drivers, system requirements, patches, viruses, etc. Friend invites them to a server, hours of laughter ensues, they talk about it the next day for hours.


Consoles are cheaper to buy, their games aren't, but you know they'll work.


There are so many factors, but in essence it's just down to personal preference.


I've got my PC, Xbox 360 (which has now decided to work all the time) and my PS3. I spend most of my time when I'm at home on my PC because I can do everything on it, apart from the last few days I've been on the Xbox because it's decided to work and I bought Forza 3 for it and I've wanted it for ages.


The PS3 hasn't hardly been used since we last had all the snow in which I used it to check the college website to save me getting up. The Xbox has been dead until this last week so I hadn't touched that either. I generally get quite bored on the consoles and I don't really know why, I can buy a new game and happily sit there for a day on either console but then the novelty wears off and I start to think "Well this is a pretty dull gaming experience, to do anything worth while I need to pay a subscription fee, what's the point. Screw it, I'll go on the PC".


To do anything worth while on a PC, you need a good PC. Which for most people, who aren't us, means upgrading a computer which takes more time, more money, more effort. Which people just don't want to give these days after a day at school/college/work.

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I used to be a PC-only gamer until June this year, which is when I got my PS3. I have to say that owning a console is a much easier way to enjoy video games. When you buy a game, you don't have to worry about whether your PC will be able to handle it, you just pop the disc into the machine and play. Of course, the graphics aren't as good as on the PC in most cases, but that's not the most important thing (at least for me). I still play on my PC as well though.



- People who are absolutely adamant that PC is crap, yet they've never tried it


I'm not trying to start WWIII here, but doesn't the PC fanbase also have fanatics with a nearly religious devotion to their gaming system of choice and their "SCRW ECKXZBAWKS AN TEH PS3 PC IZ T3H B35T3ST!!!!!111" arguments? Like, well, pretty much every other fanbase?


- If someone wants to watch TV, you have to turn your console off.


I have mine plugged to the PC monitor :p


- Price of new games


There's still eBay. I got a brand new copy of Blur (PS3) for a little more than half its official price.

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Can we all just agree that each different mode of gaming has its own good and bad points?


Hell, I'd be happy playing the first gen Game Boy even though in our household we've got 2 Xbox's, a £1000 gaming computer and a laptop. Maybe its just me though

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I do yeah. PC games are ~£10 cheaper than Console...


That's nothing compared to the difference over here in Poland. The PC version of F1 2010, for example, costs 119 PLN, whereas the PS3 version costs 219 PLN. That's 100 PLN of difference (~20 GBP, if I'm not wrong). Blur's official price is even higher (259 PLN IIRC), but I managed to get a copy off Allegro.pl (something like eBay) for about 140.

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I don't really care much of witch platform i am playing at, as long as i can play the games i want to play.


I don't have a xbox 360 so therefore i can't play Forza. If i do have a great need of them, then i just save up some money.(like i did with my LapTop)


No need of arguing if i failed at buying the best Gaming platform or what so ever. :)

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Having just spent a load of time trying to set up my Games for Windows Live account only to be told it's not available in Poland for 5 more days, I'm having a moment of PS3 fanboyism.




DISCLAIMER: The above statement wasn't for real, just in case someone takes it a little too seriously

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0MG WTF!!!!!!!!!!!111ONE!!!! x3aX 360 1Z B3ST!!!!!! WTF U CHATTN BOUT????????!!!!!111111ONE JZZZZZZ LOOOL



DISCLAIMER: The above statement wasn't for real, just in case someone takes it a little too seriously

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At the moment i'm going towards PC simply because my xbox can't find my flat's wifi...


The thing I don't like about the consoles is the amount of restriction, one of the reasons console games are so expensive is due to the commission Sony/M$/Nintendo take per disk. There's also restriction on devices you can use. I have a G25, for a long time it was the only real way for the mainstream to get 900 deg rotation, 6 speed and 3 pedals... so with forza 3 we're told we have to buy a fanatec which is more expensive, yet does the same things. If you want a wireless controller it has to be manufactured by MS, if you want wifi, it's a MS adapter, If you want a bigger HDD its a MS one.


I do prefer the social side, given more people use headsets online, so you can actually have conversations rather than talking with text, which is partly how us staff members get along so well, because a keyboard is never as good as talking. I also prefer the ability to do local multiplayer too, as no-one really crowds around a PC at a party to play CoD/H alo.

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This thread's title makes me want to post MUSE. So I will.




Anyway, PC's not dead yet. And it won't be for a long while; even my 360 fanboy fans are saying the PC version of CoD: Black Ops will be the best. Normally, they'd just say "get it for PS3," but now I'm getting mixed responses. :)



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