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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2014 in Posts

  1. No ideas on how to change Car's and Interiors' colours ? In the shops when you go to choose the colour you have lots of choices but it doesn't really change the color. Can u fix?
    3 points
  2. The lightbulb breaking sound scares the crap out of me every time :|
    3 points
  3. I have a few questions... :lol: 1. Is it possible to make in TDUMT a section where i can "add a new set of rim" for a specific car? Basically a wheel shop. Example: Saturn Sky only has one set of rims, can i make it 2? For example, it uses Sky's and Curve's rims, without the need to replace them. 2. Is it also possible to add a rim/tire size modifier in TDUMT? I know there is a way to do it, but it is really complicated, would be easier if you just change the values, like 285/45/R19 for example. 3. Is it possible to make TDUMT work the same way as TDUPE? :lol: Would be better to have it all in one program.
    2 points
  4. Hey chicken I would love to see the new BMW M3 and/or the M4.I think these are the most amazing cars out there and I would be the happiest person on the entire earth if you could mod one or both of them into TDu2 :) Cruising around in the new M3 would be awesome.I hope you can do that thanks in advance and keep up your awesome mods! :)
    2 points
  5. Bnk1.map right ? An old TDUMT version could do it - can't remember which one though, as I removed this feature years ago. Now there's no such tool to open it and it will mainly depend on what you're planning to do. For that kind of files I'm mainly using a hex editor. My next tools will provide much easier way to add new entries in it.
    2 points
  6. For a game with a DLC scheduling already done, I really doubt they'd forget to add some security to be sure no hacking is done client-side. The Crew is still a recent game, so there is no need to flood the forums with mods already, unless you want to kill the game prematurely.
    2 points

    Post Your Music!

    Nightrain solo by mrsoftie - Hear the world’s sounds :cheeese: Because bored and testing new recording settings/method for the past few hours :lol: (that's just me on guitar, not me screeeeeeaaaming)
    1 point
  8. thanks reventon for this car ,i just figure how to put it in my game whithout all the rest ,thanks djoy tinnio to understand my point of view ,thanks toopid idiot to permit me rest my case ,lol...never said that tdu online players where 13 years old idiot but you certainly are and dux go look at your 12 k of photos and videos of childrens you say you have ....:eyebrow: before sending other people play whith whatever
    1 point
  9. Are the "free slots" unlimited or theres any limitation of slots available ? Great job mate and glad to see you again on this side :D Cheers,
    1 point
  10. :omg: just :omg: I want more.... Like now.... More, now
    1 point
  11. Since a tool to enhance Bnk1.map is almost done, you should not give time to it. Many other file formats are still unknown or not well known (sound xmb, btrqs, ...) and need to be analyzed with hex editors and such. Just a friendly advice :) And it should be possible to unlock some bike slots by updating database (it's a work in progress from my side ). By the way I will have to document how all these things do actually work. Thanks for 1.12, I always keep sources of my jobs but I didn't want to crawl over dozens of file and revisions to know where Map Tool was. :) Btw, its features are rather limited (allows only to view and set file sizes). Yeah, indeed ;) Three interesting questions, one answer. Yes it's possible, but not by me. As explained in TDUMT thread, I won't add features to TDUMT and prefer to focus on 'under the hood' research for now . Though, I could share sources to help anyone starting with a ultimate GUI project.
    1 point
  12. yeah bnk1.map, i want see what i can do on these file, enable accept new files and change race class, since i no have motocycles on my tdu... --- Post Updated --- i know what it is the old version it is TDUMT 1.12.0 with map tool, if you want i send you PM with link
    1 point
  13. Once I've sold the R33 this is definatly what I'll be looking for![ATTACH]22092[/ATTACH]
    1 point
  14. Also, if that's a chickenpatch car I may go a little insane with happiness haha, I've wanted a good FD in TDU2 since....well...always! Also, the M3/M4 are great ideas, expecially as the M3/M6 in Mitko's car pack aren't great... :(
    1 point
  15. Sure! There is!!! :) Gonna do it ;)
    1 point
  16. oh wow, didnn't notice either of those! but I'm using custom wheels on the R8 now, also, uploading my bug report video now!
    1 point
  17. While off at the shops to buy myself a new derp-pad I spotted this: Nissan Pulsar/Sunny GTI-R. Poor image quality is a result of a shaky hand and not having a camera on me.
    1 point

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