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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. Reason for that is it only takes other developers 2 years to get a completely new and better game out. :cheeky:
  2. That is a cool aspect that it was thrown in without mention. I wonder if PD had a pool to see when it would be found? :)
  3. It doesn't. It's going to be shown at the Detroit Motor Show or something in Jan 2013. The plate actually says Jan 13 on it.
  4. Horizon is too small, like MCLA was before it however the variety and driving make it 1000000x better than TDU2, and about 100x better than TDU.
  5. No-one is really saying don't make a TDU3 or continue with the TDU series, what they do want is Atari to listen and actually focus on the driving aspect first and foremost.
  6. Whooooooooo are you? A post appeared on the well known and popular Gran Turismo fan community GT Planet by user jstickboy13 showing an off-screen photograph of a Camouflaged Corvette C7. As with everything on the internet, scepticism and 'FAAAAKKEEE' was quick to show itself as was the CSI forensic experts who were out with their Photoshop, changing the Brightness and Levels of the image to see if they could reveal the truth behind the image itself. This just made things even more inconclusive until a white knight ...well another member in fact, new at that too posted a video showing the spinning camouflaged Vette in all its glory. So people, thank edwinpr for the video below.
  7. Thanks guys, I'll go for something not of the norm and which will get you working on your shots: Clipping the Apex Basically images showing the car taking a corner in any form somewhat perfectly. No typical themes from me guys! :D
  8. I was lucky enough to get into a 'King' match with ApexHunter of Turn 10 and due to my phenomenal performance earned myself a Unicorn. I've shared it with the Club Garage but don't know if you guys can use it or not.
  9. Sweet ass Minime. Model isn't bad either. :oook:
  10. Detail shot on the M6 is niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!
  11. Hey Damys, nice videos man. The Porsche sounds really good both in and out of the tunnel and the car model looks really well done also. The Countach didn't half like to spit out those flames did it? Must have had a vindaloo before hitting the road I guess. I had to sort of skip the Dodge video as I've seen and heard so much of that damn car through Forza Horizon but I'm sure it's well represented in this game. And lastly the fun and insanity you were having in that parking lot did look mental and the sounds and echoes that were being thrown about made it that much more enjoyable to watch. :D Thanks for sharing!
  12. Haha yeah I thought to myself "didn't he already go?" when I saw the thread in the Latest Posts section and now I find he's actually saying he's back, but it's patch so we'll excuse the muppetness that's being exuded here. It's great to see your back mate and it's even better to hear things are going in an upwardly direction for you too so it looks like having that little break was well worth it after all. :)
  13. And it's go-go-good fun! Formula 1? Check. Real F1 drivers? Check. [super] Mario Kart style flashbacks? ABSOLUTELY!! Yes people 'F1 Race Stars' from Codemasters is the F1 game nobody wanted but everyone will probably love as it's blend of Official F1 licenses coupled with insanely fun courses will make this quite possibly the new party game to play when you've had a few drinks or can't be bothered playing your 245th game of Wii Sports Bowling with your mates. The demo takes place on the 'Germany' track and four playable F1 racers are available: Sebastian Vettel, Jenson Button, Fernando Alonso and the ever animated Kimi Räikkönen*. You can either play it on your lonesome in single player or get a few mates round and have a 4-player #oldskool split-screen match. Don't believe us? Well feel free to go and download the demo on your Xbox 360 now (Gold only for now) with PC and PS3 coming tomorrow (Thursday 8th November). Go on, have some fun for a change and laugh at the cartoon representations of your favourite F1 star. *Rumours that Räikkönen smiles in this game are still to this point unfounded. F1 Race Stars launches for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 16th November, 2012.
  14. Aha 19 litres. Are things getting back to relative normal Scoob or is it as slow and tedious as what the news has been showing?
  15. I cdnuol't blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg: the phaonmneel pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rseearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Scuh a cdonition is arppoiatrely cllaed Typoglycemia. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and you awlyas thguoht slpeling was ipmorantt
  16. !Spam detect&block system has been upgraded in regard to recent increased number of spammers, the number of spammer count on board index will start counting as of today
  17. PM me your MSN mate. I want to get you onto WordPress so you can post your pCARS updates and such if you are up for doing such a thing. Cheers!

  18. Which Lambo was yours? And that road looks sadistically :evil: indeed.
  19. 算,之前那个公司破产了咩,我觉得上季做得不错啊 P。S。今天去了大学,发现好多人还住那,整个左边的Cafe被关了
  20. Definitely watching the movies that had anime before, like one piece and majutsu index etc Btw today I went to college, I know it is an evacuate center, but still a lot of ppl living there, the whole cafe is closed 0_0
  21. Excellent Cobra Coupe images mate, I laughed at your rendition of turboduck as it reminded me of the aliens from that Bugs Bunny cartoon. I like it though.
  22. I want to have your ladles.
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