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Posts posted by Jorgemodek

  1. with the quality finished on some of the mods with the windows not going up or the cockpit view messed up, I won't be funding anyone.


    However for a stupid game with all that you said included you funded with dealines never acomplished you funded with tons of bugs you funded


    Now you decide to attack on some nice people who share their "stupid or cool or bad or fantastic work" with you and everybody ... and just because that nice people has a life wich is not funded by atari and has to work or not to pay bills etc etc etc etc and do not lives funded by mods unfortunatly.... you simply dont give a lalalala ... you´re very selfish imho ...


    Now if you like to read definitions on the dicionary just go there and search for the words : Volunteer (thats us slow modders btw) and Respect (what you lack most for volunteers)


    Really the dumbest people here is not you....its us no doubt ! because instead of releasing things we should be keeping them for our own since we were the ones who did or create them and we dont piss nobody while we mod or ask you anything in change of


    And if you were or are a modder you defenitly disapoint me even more ...


    If you are pissed of with someting related with the game then go to official tdu2 site and do whatever you want...th only thing you will recive however is a big BAN while here with time and patience you dont receive ban and you can receive your request like many people already received

  2. -rep for liking Vtec.... he should receive +rep for dreaming with that great engine


    Anyway its a dream that most likely will happen someday because those cars are very cheap nowadays and in great conditions

    Not saying you are poor or rich...just saying that you dont have to dream much to find/have one


    Cheers !! :D

  3. I have found a few bugs in the mod. One of which is when I add in the sound, the interior disappears from outside the windows. Also, Minime, I was trying what you said and all I did was crash the game after 10 attempts from different angles, so for now it will be released.


    Well i dont know how to help because i never tried to mod a car


    But a suggestion from a modder that do invest a lot of effort in his mods is :


    When things are not getting the way you want and you believe they can be better just start the mod over again with a bit more attention without deleting the previous work so that you can see what you did wrong----- yes it will make you some frustation but believe it just saves you time consume and makes things much easier


    Releasing a mod that you know it could be better wont make you feel any good/better


    Dont know if it helps but i do make some mistakes too asweel and thats why i keep pushing them till it becomes the way i want


    You can always ask people to test as theres alway someone who can help and i know it costs to hear sometimes "i dont like this or that" but thats what really makes you become better because it makses you want to improve it till you shut up those who dont like


    Only then you will feel great :)


    anyway this is just my point of view


    Cheers and good luck as always ... You are doing great so far

  4. Minime891, you are a clown.


    He's a clown ?


    He is your idol !!!... what would be of your mods without him


    Did you saw that f12 ?! Yeah no words.... theres nothing like criativity ...the genuine you know... oh wait you dont get it


    Doesnt worth to lose time with this ....you just cant see that Tdu2 is just tiny walk in the park for Minime :duck:

  5. actually the F12 take the slot Of the ENZO II (F70) - LaFerrari, Hypercar..



    I dont think so....as tdu2 came out in the beggining of 2011 and they wont even guess about la ferrari as it was the last of the new generation ferraris to come out.... also there was another test drive coming out after tdu2 wich was dedicated to ferraris only and you dont see any La ferrari there...


    Still dont be sad because if there was a la ferrari mod coming out im sure that we could replace it for any other unwanted car in the list.



  6. Hi Jorge,


    thanks for your input.


    I don´t think your F12 sound (I still don´t know if it´s really from you) sounds synthetic - it´s brilliant, even on the GTO. I NEVER loved to use the GTO in TDU2 because of the sounds. Atari sound was a total mess and the most mods were to silent and too "nice".

    Now I can´t get enough to rev the GTO - 320kms on two evenings. :D


    As I said, Damys sound is good, there are just little bits missing.

    Damys sound, combined with the grumble and the loudness from the F12 sound - this could be great. Or the F12 sound combined with Damys startup and idle, a bit more louder.


    I am sure, the result will be epic.


    Ofc the sound is mine


    Now believe it or not .... the sound of a gto is very different from the f12......even though they sound similar in videos their spectrum (DNA if you want ) seem to have really different designs and i know this because when i started the f12 sound i used the my gto samples as "base" but after a long time of tries i was not having the results i want it... so only after i gave up on the gto samples as base layers and use f12 samples as base i finnally achieve the spectrum i want it


    They really sound different....its like hearing a M3 e46 and a M3 e36 ..both share inline 6 blocks with praticly the same specs only that the differences of the valve timings and airboxes are enough to not sound the same


    Anyway ... when i have time available i will make a new gto sound with the quality i achieved in the f12 and i will ask damys for his samples because they can be recycled as they seem to be great


    Now enough of offtopic


    Cheers once again !

  7. I just tested it - it´s nice, but it´s a bit too synthetic



    . A tiny bit louder and a little bit more grumble when you put the foot off the accelerator. I asked Jorge to modify the sound for the GTO already.


    Unfortunately I don´t have any clues about modding, so I can´t give you a more detailed feedback. Maybe it´s helpful. ;)


    Well let me tell you that everything on tdu2 will sound synthetic do to the lack of physics wich have a big impact on sound


    I can tell you that this sound mod by damys has a REAL sample of a gto on it ... unfortunatly the filters of the game make the samples sound like :blowtrumpet:


    Anyway i like what damys did with this sound ...its just a shame the game requires a really odd way of sample process in order to get that "strengh" you guys want


    I have litle time to modding but when i get some to make the gto sound again i will ask damys to "land" me his startup and idle and onlow samples because they are really good


    Cheers !!


    This is not just music :


  8. another and maybe final update. MY .bnk repacked has not been working and the mod will not repack into that game. But anyways, here is a picture of the front.



    See this is what happens when we really want something !


    Heres a perfect example of it ... theres no hereos in modding ...simply theres the ones who give up and the ones who dont give up


    Cheers keep up the good work ....its hard but it worths thats the only message i can give you



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