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^ Don't do that. It is clearly a lie and she won't think you are funny, just a liar. :lol:


I don't see how that's a bad thing. If she's intelligent, she won't be mad about it.




Too cold to clean the car properly this week, I think I'll risk braving the cold with the pressure washer (if the hose-pipe isn't frozen) and see how much dirt I can remove just with that.


Not really a bad day, car isn't too dirty, but I like my Sunday routine.


I never felt like posting here, but... what happened today, i need to let it out.


I am back to my home city, after being at the university city for a long period. After the one which i call the worse trips i ever had, i left the city at 2pm and only got home at 11:30pm, so, yes, all that time i was traveling by catching buses and metros. This holiday was being so far epic! Went out with a few family members the day i arrived here, friday i went to a meeting of old friends (people who studied with me on high school) and today was a family reunion, with everyone. Everyone drinking and eating and having fun, talking having a laugh and all. So far, this is supposed to be posted on the good day thread, right?


Not sure if you guys know, but i am really a family person, and nothing makes me more happy than be with them, and today, out of nowhere, a small discussion started with my brother and my cousin, and you guys know how people with italian blood reacts, we shout. I saw that, and tried to put it down, make them stop, while i was talking to my cousin, my brother and other cousins were talking... and, as much as it hurts me to say, my brother really overreacted, which seriously, if i didn't step in, crying, some punches would be exchange... i mean, seriously. Then i had to step on a bench, and literally shout to make people shut up, because i pass a lot of time out and the last thing i want when i am back is those things! I said that while i was on the bench, obviously crying, and i saw my 30 years old cousin crying too, and i never seen him doing such thing. He left after that and even with this situation kind of being over and well handled, my brother said sorry, people here hugged each other, i still feeling... weird, you know?


Seriously, i hate these things... so, because of that, you can say i had a bad day. Sucks to see people who you literally love almost fighting each other over nothing.


My external HDD fell to the floor last night, took it out of the case and plugged it straight in with a SATA cable but still not working. Which basically means that I lost 50% of the storage space on my computer, including most of my screenshots, lots of videos for my projects and all of my photos taken before 2012.

Guest MrLolololXD

That's not good :S


Primary, secondary or tension pneumothorax ? I know/knew someone that has/had the same thing


My teacher has decided that he wasn't being enough of a complete jackass to every single person that associates with him, so he went and fixed that today. Despite never being used in the class, he banned cell phones from the classroom after some preachy lecture about how they're a distraction and we shouldn't care, but he's important enough to have one not even on silent, and we should be called on the monitored classroom phone. Wonder if the rumors about him being recorded making ridiculous hate speech on a phone are true. :hmmm: Also he yelled across the room about a student's (supposedly confidential) individual education plan, because screw students' privacy when you can be a complete asshat with impunity. The really great part is, there aren't any decent schools in the area that even come close to competing with even a school as bad as mine, so I'm stuck dealing with this jerkoff for the next two years.


ended up in hospital for 7 hours today :( Turns out I had been wrongly diagnosed last week and I dont actually have pneumothorax but apparently its a pulled muscle somewhere in my chest and could take weeks to settle down


The potato (no, really, his face looks like one and his brain is less powerful) known as my teacher struck again. So I had the audacity to make colored proofs of a few things that a black-and-white proof simply wouldn't work for at the whopping cost of $0.35 per page. He then loudly rants to another teacher (a hypocritical asswipe like this doesn't have enough courage to do his own dirty work) about it, tells him to stop doing far more useful things, and tell me how to properly do it. This brings me to a lovely quote he said over 9,000 times since I started this class: "Respect is a two-way street." I have been nothing but kind and respectful to this idiot for a very long time and this is what I get. Is respect a two-way street? It certainly will be now.


I'm not even annoyed at the phones, it's the way he went about it. He only did it after someone recorded him, blatantly lied to us as to why, and instead of making them just be off/silent on us, they have to be in our bags or hopelessly insecure lockers. The entire speech he gave on it was just demeaning and obnoxious, just like anything else he ever does.


Tell him something, that's ridiculous.


I usualy play on my iPad when I have a biology or chemistry. The teacher doesn't give a crap what we're doing unless we're too loud and tells us to be quiet. I don't give a crap about chem and biology, I am in no way going to study those subjects in my life. After two or so months the teacher gives us topics he want us to learn, so I'll learn the poop, get a good mark and call it a day.


The really crappy thing is, whenever anyone dares to have a differing opinion, he bends the argument into something it plainly isn't and brushes it off. Can't go above him either, he sucked up to the new superintendent and is even friends with the on-campus police officer. :\

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