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The voting has changed to make it easier you can choose up to 4 logos.


The winners and losers so far are:



1. Hard Steel (2 votes)


2. Posh Marble Gold (2 votes)


3. Super Fast Metal


4. Chillin Hot (1 vote)


5. Island Dream (3 votes)


6. Night Life (3 votes)


7. Current logo (4 votes)


The old twitter account was lost so the new club twitter account is @TDUCentralClub for anyone that wants to follow club news. It's very new so don't expect to see much. :p


Thanks for all who voted the new club logo is the old club logo.




With the re-launch of the club just around the corner I would like to thank all the previous club members. Without you we could not have had all the fun we did.



Who can forget all the cruises with Carboy, pulling over to the side of the road, waiting.....waiting......waiting then flooring the throttle in anger to get the cruise going again. :p


TheScottishspot (with his shortened name thanks to gamespy's limits) AKA The Queen

This person gets the award for the most persistence. With the connection problems hour after hour of trying we would always connect in the end. We even did some cruises where we didn't have a proper connection. Each other were flashing, lagging and kept disconnecting but good communication meant we were on the same roads but not in the same session. Somehow we still got a cruise going in the hope of a full connection somewhere on the map. One of the best offroad drivers and jump finders in the club. We got up and in the strangest places somehow.


A big thank you for all the help with the club over the years and some of the best fun on TDU.




Without Timo we would not have had a club house. With his wheeling and dealing he got the money so we could have our own club house. I remember the first cruise I did with him he was in a silver McLaren SLR. This silver McLaren SLR is dedicated to him in the beginning of the club video as a thanks for buying the club house.




scaleopdriver A long lost friend that was one of the first regular cruisers. We both loved the GT500 so had lots of fun fishtailing our way around the Island with the V8 monsters.




Another original member that was a good driver and fun to cruise with. Always made the effort to join whenever possible.




Mb was a regular cruiser and helped the club organising cruises and who can forget the videos he regularly did. We had a lot of good cruses together and organised our first Gumball 3000.




Speed was a lot of fun regularly diving fast keeping me on my toes and always on the hunt for a special jump or two. Always around to help star in a video someone wanted to make.




IcedBullet liked to make videos and no matter how many takes it took we were going to get the perfect shot before moving on. A regular cruiser and helped organise some good events.




The person miles behind still taking pics but the pics were worth it some of the best pics seen in TDU.


The Driver


Lots of good cruises at the start but left early due to other commitments. One of the better drivers the club has seen and lived up to his name.




EnosEnos went on a few cruises but more known for designing the first club logo. You can find it here: Test Drive Unlimited: Central - View Single Post - TDU Central Club Thanks for the hard work making it for the club.




Pressurized missed the fun of the early days but we had some good cruises towards the end of the club in TDU1. Also a good picture taker so looking forward to TDU2 pics already.


A big thank you to TheScottishSpotter, Zurious, Mb, Timo and Shockz for their help making the club video.


Last but not least all the other club members for joining us on a wild ride around, up, down, in and out the Island.


The page has turned the new club is on it's way.




Haha, nice idea with the "awards" as such. I clearly remember Carboy in his early stages, waiting forever for him to get his ass into gear and of course Speed for his crazy driving! Oh and don't worry, there will be a lot more opportunities in this sequel for more offroad driving. Just you wait. ;)


Nice to see the club nearly back up and running. :D


Oh and talking of awards, I reckon you deserve the "loyalty" one because no matter how much strain the club has been under with issues with connections, you have still been there to organise cruises even in the worst circumstances, so yeah just thought I would give you a mention as well. :cheeky:


Wow it's been quite a long time since I've been on this thread. It brings back a lot of fun times and the not so fun times, like when my driving was so bad I was forced to get rid of my keyboard. Hahaha


Wish you the best of luck with the brand new TDU Central Club!


Welcome to the re-launch of the TDU Central Club


The first page has been updated with new rules, new ways to join and the club video has been dragged kicking and screaming to 1080p


You can now start to join the club from today. All older club members will need to re-join and all members that join from today until TDU2 is offically in shops will be added to the pending list.


All you need to know is now on page one here: TDU Central Club - Test Drive Unlimited: Central


Please feel free to PM me or post any questions you may have.


We hope you enjoy the new club..........let the fun begin.

Woohoo! Plain sailing from here then? ;)


I'd like to join. TheScottishSpot in-game, as you should know. :cheeky:


Added to the pending list.


in game name - kanieka ;)


ty, look forward to launch day and a few long drives ;)


Added to the pending list.


Ok I'm up for it.

Ingame name is bezrider


Added to the pending list.


I already posted on the TDU2 forums, but that was just before you refreshed and updated the club. :)


So here we go again:


In-game name: Viltsua



And also my TDU2 Forums name: Viltsua

I already posted on the TDU2 forums, but that was just before you refreshed and updated the club. :)


So here we go again:


In-game name: Viltsua



And also my TDU2 Forums name: Viltsua


Yes sorry I could not add any names until the club re-launched.


Added to the pending list.

Woohoo! Plain sailing from here then?


I'd like to join. TheScottishSpot in-game, as you should know.


Aaaaah!!! So YOU are the TheScottishSpot! Was looking around for you David, how are you? :) I've been away for a very long time, so I don't expect you to remember me, but let me just say, that from the fun we had on different cruises, the TheScottishSpot nickname keeps ringing a bell :)

Anyways, good to see you pal. ;)


And for S7ING3R, I would defo like to join this club! :D so put me up please :)


Ingame name is GhostRacerGTI

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